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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


1. Introduction

This part is use to introduce your application

2. Setup Flutter environment

If you are totally new to Flutter or not know what is it, you probably will want to read Flutter's document first. Or, if you do not install Flutter on your computer yet, please follow Flutter official install instruction to set up everything.

3. Setup and run the application

Step 1: Clone the repository from GitHub:

$ git clone

or fork it from repository. If you don't know how to fork, check this.

Step 2: install all dependencies:

$ flutter pub get

Step 3: Run project on virtual machine Open your simulator (to simulate iOS devices) or emulator (to emulate Android devices) and then run

$ flutter run

inside your project's terminal. And then we done!

Step 4 (optional): run automation test cases

$ flutter test

4. Build app

4.1. Build for test

If you are developing app and want to build .apk file or .ipa file for testing purpose, only need to run

$ flutter build apk

to generate .apk file, or

$ flutter build ipa

to generate .ipa file.

4.2. Build for release

When we are ready to build a release version of the application to deploy on the store, everything will be more complicated. Flutter team describes it very detailed about Build and release Android app and Build and release iOS app in their document. And I think I cannot do it better than them. So, please follow Flutter's official instructions for that.

5. Third party library

This is a list of 3rd party library we use inside of application. Every time we add a new library, we will list it in here to keep in track.

The list is:

6. Folder structure

From my experience, I will use the structure below. If you guys find anything unreasonable or can be improved in this structure, please let me know.

  • lib: this folder to contain the main code part of our application
    • app: this folder contain parent widgets of application
    • business_logic: this folder use to contain the main business logic inside of application . Example, for now, this part will contain app_date_time.dart to process all of date time logic inside of app.
    • entities: this folder contain the entities using for client side in app.
    • repository: is the repository of app.
      • database: using for store caching data into local database. Some data will not always need to call from backend.
      • network: to get data from server side
    • res: the folder contain all resource of application
      • fonts: custom font using in app
      • images: all images using inside app
      • strings: all strings inside app. For now, this app have only 1 language. But we can add more language later by adding more JSON file into this folder. For example: thai.json , vi.json, ect.
    • route: manage route (navigation) inside of application
    • utils: folder to store any kind of helper that you have, such as Themes, Colors, Images Directory, etc.
    • store: this is a state management part in this application. I've separated the state and UI of the app into two separate layers. This layer use to manage state in app.
    • screen: this is a UI layer. All files in here have only 1 mission: display UI of app.
  • main.dart: entry point of your application as per Flutter standards.

7. Rules

In this part, we will define rules for the whole project. Rule could be changed, but every developer need to follow it. Otherwise, source code will be inconsistent

7.1. Naming convention

  • name of files and folders: using snake_case rule. For example: account_screen (not AccountScreen, not accountScreen)
  • name of variables: using camelCase rule. For example var splashModel;
  • name of class: using PascalCase rule. For example class SplashScreen extends StatelesWidget Read more about type cases in here

7.2. Git branch and workflow

... to be continuing


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