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A custom layer that uses the supercluster library to perform fast clustering of point datasets, designed for the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9.


Caution: This is experimental...

The ClusterLayer module is implemented as a subclass of the FeatureLayer class in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. It uses a worker in the background that loads the supercluster library and generates an index of point features that is used to supply the point features representing clusters, which are drawn as graphics in a map view for a particular zoom/extent.

You can instantiate a ClusterLayer using the same constructor options as a standard FeatureLayer.

If you specify a URL to a FeatureServer, then it will load all features, then generate the clusters. You can use a definitionExpression to limit features to match a specific query. You can also modify the definitionExpression and the source data will be queried again for all matching features and clusters will be updated.

If you have client-side graphics, then you can instantiate the ClusterLayer the same way you would do for a regular FeatureLayer using client-side graphics

If you have a URL to a static file that contains a) a GeoJSON feature collection or array of GeoJSON point features, b) a file containing a JSON representation of a FeatureSet or an array of Feature objects, or c) a simple JavaScript array of arrays, each containing longitude/latitude coordinate pairs, then you can instantiate the ClusterLayer with a URL to the file, but you will need to provide extra constructor options that indicate that the URL is meant to be loaded by the supercluster worker script (i.e., in the background), and an additional parameter that specifies the data type.

The renderer and popup for the cluster graphics on the map, and the behaviour of the supercluster module that runs in the background worker can be controlled by supplying an extra 'supercluster' object in the constructor options for the ClusterLayer class.


Using the ClusterLayer module:

Add the module to your dojoConfig, and require it where appropriate in your app's code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
  <title>ClusterLayer Demo</title>
    #viewDiv {
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      var dojoConfig = {
        packages: [{
          name: 'lib',
          location: location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '/') + '../../src'

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script src=""></script>

    ], function(Map, MapView, ClusterLayer) {

      var map = new Map({
        basemap: "topo"

      var view = new MapView({
        container: "viewDiv",
        map: map,
        zoom: 5,
        center: [-79.328942, 43.73061]
      var clusterlayer = new ClusterLayer({
        url: "https://hostname/arcgis/rest/services/example/FeatureServer/0",
        labelsVisible: true



  <div id="viewDiv"></div>

ClusterLayer constructor options:

var clusterlayer = new ClusterLayer({

  // URL to a point feature layer on a FeatureServer, or 
  // a JSON data file... (changed from 'url' for compatibility
  // with version 4.9 of the ArcGIS JSAPI).
  source_url: "http://hostname/sampledata.json",
  // Any other standard FeatureLayer constructor options.
  // Optional: specify outFields in a source feature layer for 
  // any fields you expect to use in custom initial/map/reduce 
  // methods (discussed below) - be selective to reduce the 
  // size of data downloaded.  This only applies when the 
  // ClusterLayer is instantiated with the URL to a 
  // FeatureServer layer
  source_outFields: ["objectid"],
  // Optional: specify a definition expression that will be
  // applied to the source feature layer (if source_url
  // points to a layer in a FeatureServer)
  source_definitionExpression: "1=1",
  // Optional: set this true if source URL specified above
  // points to a JSON data file - the URL will be passed 
  // to the background worker, where it will be downloaded
  // directly a simple JSON request.
  direct_url: true, 
  // Optional: parse JSON data as Esri JSON, GeoJSON, or 
  // a simple array of arrays (coordinates) by setting 
  // this equal to "esri", "geojson", or "coords"
  direct_type: "esri",
  // If true, a secondary Graphics layer is added to serve 
  // as the labels for the cluster graphics, using points 
  // with TextSymbols (since labeling was't implemented 
  // for 2D feature layers until recent versions of the ArcGIS
  // JSAPI).  The new 2D labelling capability will be used
  // by default if labelsVisible is true (and optionally a
  // labelingInfo property may be defined to override the
  // styling of the labels).  If using a version 4.8 of the
  // JSAPI (or lower), use this option will be set true
  // by default if labelsVisible is set true.
  labelWithGraphics: true,
  // If labelWithGraphics is true, this can be used to
  // override the default TextSymbol representation that 
  // will be used to represent labels in a graphics layer:
  labelSymbol: { ... },
  // If labelsVisible or labelWithGraphics are set true, then
  // this is the field that is used for the label text.  
  // By default this will be the point_count_abbreviated 
  // attribute that is added to each cluster.
  labelField: "point_count_abbreviated",
  // An optional method to format values for use as labels.
  // It accepts a simple attribute value, and must return
  // a new text value (e.g., to abbreviate large numbers)
  labelFormatter: function(v){ return v; },
  supercluster: {
    // An optional URL to a JavaScript file that defines custom 
    // initial/map/reduce methods for the supercluster module
    functions: "path/to/clusterFunctions.js",
    // An optional list of JSON representations or instances 
    // of ArcGIS JavaScript API Field objects - these should 
    // match any extra properties added to clusters if you 
    // supply custom initial/map/reduce methods (see the 
    // functions option above).
    fields: [{...}, ...],
    // Any other parameters respected by supercluster, 
    // ***EXCEPT*** for initial/map/reduce functions 
    // (which must be defined in a separate script that 
    // may be loaded by the worker module - see the 
    // 'functions' option above)


  • If the same instance of a ClusterLayer is displayed in multiple map views, it will only listen to the zoom/extent for the first map view that it is added to.
  • There are some issues with popups that are open when you pan/zoom the map (to avoid this, the layer will close the default map view's popup if it's showing details for a feature in the layer when the map starts moving)
  • Might work in a 3D SceneView, but isn't tested for it, and would (at least) require different renderer configuration.
  • In version 4.9+ of the ArcGIS JSAPI, WebGL is the default method for drawing FeatureLayer objects. If using labels, then a side-effect of this is a bit of flickering with the labels/symbols (labels get turned off/on by default when changing scale, then a moment later clusters get updated when scale/extent changes). This can be avoided by disabling WebGL (see the last demo).

Building from source

If you want to build the source, you can clone this repository, then run the following commands from inside the directory (requires NodeJS):

npm install       # install dependencies
npm run build     # generate dist/ClusterLayer.js and dist/ClusterWorker.js


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