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Copyright (c) 2018- Lei Gao

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see <>.

SYNOPSIS auapp : a universal short-read pre-processing package/program

AUTHOR Lei Gao, Shenzhen University, or

VERSION 1.0 : April 22, 2018

Easy INSTALL for Linux/Unix OS platform and Perl in /usr/bin/perl For administrator/root perl -i /usr/local/bin/ For other user, put all scripts to your PATH (check your PATH by "echo $PATH"), e.g. perl -i ~/bin/

 Then you can call auspp directly, e.g. test the example:
auspp -M sRNAexample -e example/

INSTALL -- if "easy INSTALL" doesn't work, please check the following: Dependencies - Linux/Unix OS platform auspp was developed on linux (Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS), and hasn't been tested on other OS platform.

Dependencies - Required Perl in /usr/bin/perl auspp is a perl program, so it needs perl installed on your system. It was developed on perl version 5.14, and hasn't been tested on other versions (but there is no reason to suspect problems with other perl 5.x versions). auspp will not compile. Getopt::Std, FileHandle, strict and Cwd 'abs_path' are pre-loaded into most (all?) Perl distros. auspp expects to find perl in /usr/bin/perl .. if not, edit line 1 accordingly for all the perl scripts in bin/

Dependencies - PATH executables one of the following short read aligners: bowtie and bowtie-build or bowtie2 and bowtie2-build or soap and 2bwt-builder or hisat2 and hisat2-build or bwa

samtools (Version 1.0 +,

blast+, if you'd like to use the step 4 (

bam2wig, if you'd like to use the step 7 ( )

All of the above must be executable from your PATH. Depending on the
mode of the auspp run (see below), only a subset of these programs
may be required for a given run.

Installation Except for the above dependencies, there is no "real" installation. Put all the scripts in bin/ into your working directory, then you can call auspp with


For convenience, you can add it to your PATH. e.g.

        sudo mv bin/* /usr/local/bin/

############### run ################## auspp -i Col.fastq -x Col -D referenceIndex -M mRNA auspp -i Col.fastq -x Col -D referenceIndex -M smallRNA auspp -i Col.fastq -x Col -G referenceGENOME -M chip

############### USAGE ################## auspp includes auspp and 7 modules (other 7 perl scripts searchseq, searchLineACList, trim_adaptor, soap2sam_gl, collapseFasta, fastq2fasta, blast_m8). For convenience, you can check their USAGE by "-h", e.g. trim_adaptor -h The 7 modules can be used individually for other purpose.

==========================| auspp start |================================= Now = 2018-04-22 08:53:27

Version : 1.0 Author : Lei Gao or

Usage: auspp -i fastq_file -x sampleID -M Modes {-D index | -G genome} [options] Usage: auspp -i fastq_file -x sampleID -M degradome [options]

-i input the fastq file (Could be gzip'ed (extension: .gz)). eg: Col.fastq or Col_r1.fastq -I input the other mate if paired-end sequencing. eg: Col_r2.fastq -x input the sampleID for -i library. eg: Col -D reference sequence index: soap index or bwa or bowtie(2) or hisat2 index. -G reference sequence/genome in fasta format. (Required when -P soap and step 7.) -M Modes: presets for supported SEQ: smallRNA same as -P soap -s 124567 -L "20-25;21;22;23;24;All"; mRNA same as -P hisat2 -s 1367 -L All; ribo same as -P soap -s 12467 -L All; chip same as -P bowtie -s 167 -L All; snp same as -P baw mem -s 167 -L All; pseudo same as -P soap -s 1267 -L All; nucleosome same as -P bowtie2 -s 167 -L All; degradome same as -s 12 sRNAexample will run example

Customized settings by user: -s running step (eg: 1-7 or 1367): 1 quality control,2 trim,3 collapse,4 filter,5 length,6 mapping,7 GenomeBrowser -P align program: soap or "bwa aln" or "bwa mem" or bowtie(2) or hasat2 or tophat2. [soap] -L the read lenth range. eg: "20-25;21;22;23;24;All" [All]

Required by special step: -R r/t/sn/snoRNA or repeats or other database in fasta format for filter; must be makeblastdb by blast+. Required when step 4 activated -a adaptor sequence. Required when step 2 activated eg: TGGAATTCTCGGG or AAAAAAAAAAA -A adaptor sequence for mate if paired-end. eg: TGGAATTCTCGGG or AAAAAAAAAAA -f gtf file for hisat2 or gff File for tophat2 if have. eg: TAIR10_GFF3_genes.gff.gtf or TAIR10_GFF3_genes_transposons.gff

Defult settings are recommended: -d new fold for store files. [fasta,trim,filter,map2gnm] -S the parameter set for soap or bwa samse or bowtie(2) or hasat2 or tophat2. -T parameter settings for trim_adaptor ["-l 9 -m 18"] -p the path for all perl scripts. [./] -Q quality control. ["-q 20 -c 5"] -C copy number filter. e.g. "-c 5,10" to discard reads with copy>10 or copy<5. ["-c 1,"]

-h display this help

Example: auspp -i Col.fastq -x Col -M smallRNA -D tair10.Chr.fa.index auspp -i Col.fastq -x Col -M RNA -G tair10.Chr.fa auspp -i Col.fastq -x Col -M degradome ==========================| auspp end |=================================

############### Modules' descriptions ##################

  1. searchseq extract seqences from a fasta file according to the sequence name.
  2. searchLineACList extract line from a txt file
  3. trim_adaptor trim the adaptor sequence
  4. soap2sam_gl transfer soap result to sam format
  5. collapseFasta cluster the same sequences in fasta file into one
  6. fastq2fasta transfer fastq file to fasta format
  7. blast_m8 filter the blast results (-outfmt 6)


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