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Reddit Tag and Title Prediction


This project focuses on leveraging transformer models for the task of predicting tags and titles. The implementation involves two main components: Data Preparation and Tag and Title Prediction. The former covers all the necessary preprocessing tasks required for model training and evaluation, while the latter involves training a transformer model using the simpletransformers library and the T5Model class, fine-tuned with a custom dataset.

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to predict missing values of Tag and Title column using transformer techniques.

Table of Contents

  1. Data Preparation

  2. Tag and Title Prediction

Data Preparation


The data preparation component is crucial for creating a reliable dataset that can be used for training and evaluating the transformer model. It encompasses tasks such as data cleaning, tokenization, and any other preprocessing steps required to format the data appropriately. Notebook perform all the necessary step for model training and convert it into required format according to the model.

Data conversion

Before preprocessing


After preprocessing


  • pandas
  • numpy
  • seaborn
  • ast
  • sklearn
  • simpletransformers
  • wandb

Tag and Title Prediction


The tag and title prediction component involves training a transformer model using the simpletransformers library, specifically utilizing the T5Model class. The model is fine-tuned with a custom dataset created during the data preparation phase. You can see the T5Model docs for more details about the can see the model args if you want to explore about them and understand what each of them is doing.


A Transformer is a type of deep learning architecture that uses an attention mechanism to process text sequences. Unlike traditional models based on recurrent neural networks, Transformers do not rely on sequential connections and are able to capture long-term relationships in a text. Transformer models are a type of deep learning model that is used for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. They are able to learn long-range dependencies between words in a sentence, which makes them very powerful for tasks such as machine translation, text summarization, and question answering.


Fine-tuning is a process in which a pre-trained model is further trained on a new task using task-specific data. In the context of Transformer models, fine-tuning refers to the process of using a pre-trained Transformer model as the starting point for training on a new task. The idea behind fine-tuning Transformer models is that they have already been trained on a large corpus of text data, and therefore have already learned many useful representations of language. By fine-tuning the model on a new task, the model can use these pre-learned representations as a good starting point, and learn task-specific information from the new task data. The process of fine-tuning a Transformer model involves unfreezing some or all of the layers of the pre-trained model and training them on the new task data using a task-specific loss function. The remaining layers can be kept frozen, preserving the pre-learned representations and preventing overfitting on the small task-specific data.

How to use

For Data Preparation

  • First you need to run Data_preparation.ipynb file Open In Colab
  • Run all cells and if you want to use your own data please see the dataset columns, notebook is designed for reddit data.
  • After all execution download csv files.

For Tag prediction adn Tag and Title prediction

  • You need to open tag_prediction.ipynb file Open In Colab
  • or
  • You need to open tag_and_title_prediction.ipynb file Open In Colab
  • In this notebook you need to have all csv data that are in this repo. It's upto to you if you want to upload it many or you can use this command.
  !curl -Lo <path-to-be-saved> <dataset-link>

here is an example of how to do it in colab

!curl -Lo /content/InceptionResnet_Chest_X_ray.h5
  • Create you wandb account and create your wandb project. Here is a link
  • please provide your wandb project name and its API in notebook


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