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RTM Server-End Go SDK


Depends & Install & Update


go get


go get


go get -u


import ""


  • Before using the SDK, please make sure the server time is correct, RTM-Server will check whether the signature time has expired



client := rtm.NewRTMServerClient(pid int32, secretKey string, endpoint string)

Please get your project params from RTM Console.

Configure (Optional)

  • Basic configs

      client.SetAutoReconnect(autoReconnect bool) 
      client.SetConnectTimeOut(timeout time.Duration)
      client.SetQuestTimeOut(timeout time.Duration)
      client.SetLogger(logger RTMLogger)

    autoReconnect means establishing the connection in implicit or explicit. NOT keep the connection.

  • Set message monitor

      client.SetServerPushMonitor(monitor IRTMServerMonitor)
  • Set client keepAlive

      client.SetKeepAlive(keepAlive bool)

    The default connection is not keepAlive

  • Set connection events' callbacks

      client.SetOnConnectedCallback(onConnected func(connId uint64, endpoint string, connected bool, autoReconnect bool, connectState *rtm.RtmRegressiveState))
      client.SetOnClosedCallback(onClosed func(connId uint64, endpoint string, autoReconnect bool, connectState *rtm.RtmRegressiveState))
  • Config encrypted connection

      client.EnableEncryptor(pemKeyPath string)
      client.EnableEncryptor(pemKeyData []byte)

    RTM Server-End Go SDK using ECC/ECDH to exchange the secret key, and using AES-128 or AES-256 in CFB mode to encrypt the whole session in stream way.

Connect/Dial (Optional)


Call one of these methods to do an explicit connecting action.
If client.SetAutoReconnect(false) is called, one of these explicit connecting methods MUST be called; otherwise, these methods are optional.

Send messages

  • Send P2P Message

      mtime, err := client.SendMessage(fromUid int64, toUid int64, mtype int8, message string)
      mtime, err := client.SendMessage(fromUid int64, toUid int64, mtype int8, message string, timeout time.Duration)
      _, err := client.SendMessage(fromUid int64, toUid int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string))
      _, err := client.SendMessage(fromUid int64, toUid int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string), timeout time.Duration)
  • Send Multi-Receivers P2P Message

      mtime, err := client.SendMessages(fromUid int64, toUids []int64, mtype int8, message string)
      mtime, err := client.SendMessages(fromUid int64, toUids []int64, mtype int8, message string, timeout time.Duration)
      _, err := client.SendMessages(fromUid int64, toUids []int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string))
      _, err := client.SendMessages(fromUid int64, toUids []int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string), timeout time.Duration)
  • Send Group Message

      mtime, err := client.SendGroupMessage(fromUid int64, groupId int64, mtype int8, message string)
      mtime, err := client.SendGroupMessage(fromUid int64, groupId int64, mtype int8, message string, timeout time.Duration)
      _, err := client.SendGroupMessage(fromUid int64, groupId int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string))
      _, err := client.SendGroupMessage(fromUid int64, groupId int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string), timeout time.Duration)
  • Send Room Message

      mtime, err := client.SendRoomMessage(fromUid int64, roomId int64, mtype int8, message string)
      mtime, err := client.SendRoomMessage(fromUid int64, roomId int64, mtype int8, message string, timeout time.Duration)
      _, err := client.SendRoomMessage(fromUid int64, roomId int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string))
      _, err := client.SendRoomMessage(fromUid int64, roomId int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string), timeout time.Duration)
  • Send Boradcast Message

      mtime, err := client.SendBoradcastMessage(fromUid int64, mtype int8, message string)
      mtime, err := client.SendBoradcastMessage(fromUid int64, mtype int8, message string, timeout time.Duration)
      _, err := client.SendBoradcastMessage(fromUid int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string))
      _, err := client.SendBoradcastMessage(fromUid int64, mtype int8, message string, callback func (mtime int64, errorCode int, errInfo string), timeout time.Duration)

SDK Version

fmt.Println("RTM Server-End Go SDK Version:", rtm.SDKVersion)

API docs

Please refer:

Directory structure

  • /src

    Codes of SDK.

  • /example

    Examples codes for using this SDK.

  • /doc

    API documents in markdown format.