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Alexey Valikov edited this page Aug 31, 2017 · 1 revision

Sample projects

If you want to see Hyperjaxb3 in action or if you just need a working example to play with, you can download one of the sample projects.

Sample projects are known-to-work ready-to-use distributions for Ant or Maven which typically contain the prepared directory structure, build scripts (pom.xml for Maven or build.xml for Ant), required libraries (in case of Ant) as well as an XML schema, bindings and XML samples for the roundtrip test.

Build lifecycle for both Maven and Ant sample projects contains (at least) the following phases

  • clean
  • generate-sources
  • compile
  • test-compile
  • test
  • package

As you can guess, Ant build scripts are modeled after the Maven build.

Sample projects may be downloaded from the downloads page. See also the project templates page.

Existing sample projects

Purchase order initial sample for Hibernate

This is a sample project which compiles the purchase order schema and runs the roundtrip tests on Hibernate as JPA provider and HSQLDB as database. This project compiles the schema without any modifications or customizations. See also the purchase order tutorial.

Purchase order customized sample for Oracle TopLink Essentials

This sample project is similar to the initial sample but it also contains few customizations for the schema. It also uses Oracle TopLink Essentials as JPA provider.

Usage instructions

  • Download.
  • Unpack.
  • Run mvn clean install or ant clean install.
  • Watch the console for build logs.
  • Check target directory for results.


  • So far the most fequently reported problem is the usage of JAXB 2.1 on JDK 1.6. Please see this page for more information.

Quality assurance for sample projects

Sample projects are built in the frame of our continuous integration process. Before they are released, sample projects are built and tested on both JDK 1.5.x and JDK 1.6.x. If for any reason sample projects did not work on your machine/platform, check the troubleshooting section above or contact us.

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