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Marcin Łapaj edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 18 revisions

JAXB2 Basic

JAXB2 Basics is an open source project which provides useful plugins and tools for JAXB 2.x reference implementation.


Using JAXB2 Basics

JAXB2 Basics Plugins

  • JAXB2 SimpleEquals Plugin - generates runtime-free reflection-free equals(...) methods.
  • JAXB2 SimpleHashCode Plugin - generates runtime-free reflection-free hashCode() methods.
  • Equals Plugin - generates reflection-free equals(...) methods.
  • HashCode Plugin - generates reflection-free hashCode() methods.
  • ToString Plugin - generates reflection-free toString() methods.
  • Copyable Plugin - generates reflection-free copy(...) deep copying.
  • Mergeable Plugin - generates reflection-free merge(...) methods to merge data from two source objects into the given object.
  • Inheritance Plugin - makes schema-derived classes extend certain class or implement certain interfaces.
  • Wildcard Plugin - allows you to specify the wildcard mode for the wildcard properties.
  • AutoInheritance Plugin - makes classes derived from global elements or complex types extend or implement certain classes or interfaces automatically.
  • Setters Plugin - generates setters for collections.
  • Simplify Plugin - simplifies weird properties like aOrBOrC.
  • EnumValue Plugin - makes all the generated enums implement the EnumValue<T> interface.
  • JAXBIndex Plugin - generated jaxb.index files listing schema-derived classes.
  • FixJAXB1058 Plugin - fixes JAXB-1058.

Documentation is currently being moved from the old site:
