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Explainability-Based Attention Head Analysis for Transformers

1   Notebook with examples of visualizations:


2   Using Colab

  • Installing all the requirements may take some time. After installation, please restart the runtime and then run all cells (including the first one).

3   Reproduction of results

3.1   Downloading the data

Our VisualBERT implementation uses the mmf library, which will automatically download all the data you need for all the experiments, once you run one of the VisualBERT experiments. The path to the data will be the one you set in the environment variable env.data_dir.

In the path noted in env.data_dir, you will have the COCO 2014 validation dataset in path: path_to_data_dir/datasets/coco/subset_val/images/val2014/. This is the value that should be used as the COCO_path environment variable in all your experiments. For example, if the path in env.data_dir was /home then the COCO_path environment variable in all the experiments should be: /home/datasets/coco/subset_val/images/val2014/

3.2   VisualBERT

Run the script as follows:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python config=projects/visual_bert/configs/vqa2/defaults.yaml model=visual_bert dataset=vqa2 run_type=val checkpoint.resume_zoo=visual_bert.finetuned.vqa2.from_coco_train env.data_dir=/path/to/data_dir training.num_workers=0 training.batch_size=1 training.trainer=<mmf_head_prun/mmf_layer_prun/mmf_exp> training.seed=1234 prune.num_of_examples=10000 prune.is_grad=False prune.positive_prune=False prune.COCO_path=/path/to/data_dir/datasets/coco/subset_val/images/val2014/


  • If you already downloaded the data, env.data_dir should be the path to the downloaded data. The env.data_dir directory is expected to contain the COCO 2014 validation data. If the datasets aren't already in env.data_dir, then the script will download the data automatically to the path in env.data_dir.
  • training.trainer should be one of: "mmf_head_prun", "mmf_layer_prun", "mmf_exp" depending on whether you want to prune heads/layers or generate visualizations.
  • To run using our scoring method use prune.is_grad=True. To use LRP run prune.is_grad=False.
  • When pruning heads/layers, to prune largest first (what we call positive) use prune.positive_prune=True. Otherwise use prune.positive_prune=False.

3.3   LXMERT

  1. Download valid.json:

    pushd data/vqa
  2. Download the COCO_val2014 set to your local machine.


    If you already downloaded COCO_val2014 for the VisualBERT tests, you can simply use the same path you used for VisualBERT.

  3. Run the script as follows:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python lxmert/lxmert/  --COCO_path /path/to/data_dir/datasets/coco/subset_val/images/val2014/ --method <ours/lrp> --is-positive-pert True --num-samples 10000 --prune_type <head/layer> --seed 1234


    • method=ours will run our method for scoring heads. To use LRP set method=lrp.
    • To run negative pruning (where less important heads are removed first) remove the flag --is-positive-pert True.
    • COCO_path should be the same path used in the VisualBERT experiments, i.e. /path/to/data_dir/datasets/coco/subset_val/images/val2014/.
    • prune_type should be head/layer depending on whether you want to prune heads/layers.

3.4   Generating Visualizations

Run the script as follows:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python config=projects/visual_bert/configs/vqa2/defaults.yaml model=visual_bert dataset=vqa2 run_type=val checkpoint.resume_zoo=visual_bert.finetuned.vqa2.from_coco_train env.data_dir=/path/to/data_dir training.num_workers=0 training.batch_size=1 training.trainer=mmf_exp training.seed=1 prune.num_of_examples=2 prune.is_grad=False prune.positive_prune=False prune.COCO_path=/path/to/data_dir/datasets/coco/subset_val/images/val2014/
  • This will run visualizations for pruning 0%, 40%, 60%, 90% of the least significant heads using our method.
  • Results are saved to the root project directory.
  • The example shown in the report is the second one.
  • Set training.trainer=mmf_exp to output visualizations
Run the script as follows:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python lxmert/lxmert/  --COCO_path /path/to/data_dir/datasets/coco/subset_val/images/val2014/ --num-samples 2 --seed 1234
  • This will run visualizations for pruning 0%, 40%, 60%, 90% of the least significant heads using our method.
  • Results are saved to the root project directory.
  • The example shown in the report is the second one.

4   Code

Since we use MMF as a base, which is a large repository, we attach a list of files we have changed/added:

  • mmf/models/
  • mmf/models/transformers/backends/
  • mmf/models/transformers/backends/
  • mmf/models/transformers/backends/
  • mmf/trainers/mmf_trainer.exp
  • mmf/trainers/core/evaluation_loop
  • mmf/models/transformers/backends/
  • lxmert/lxmert/
  • lxmert/lxmert/
  • lxmert/lxmert/src/
  • lxmert/lxmert/src/
  • lxmert/lxmert/src/
  • lxmert/lxmert/src/
  • lxmert/lxmert/src/
  • lxmert/lxmert/src/

5   Credits