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Security: hilbix/suid


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Only the most recent version (the highest version on master branch) of suid is supported for now.

suid comes with a strict security first policy.

So if you find any security related issue which, by default, might affect just a minority in very improbable cases, this is a vulnerability, so please report it!

Example: suid protects bash-scripts against ShellShock by default. Because this makes things more secure.

Using no flags in /etc/suid.conf means to have the most secure setting. But flags shall work as advertised also. If not, this either is a implementation bug or some documentation flaw. Both must be fixed.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you find any security related issue, please open an Issue on GH.

If you send PRs, please remove all Copyrights first (see License( else I cannot merge.

There aren’t any published security advisories