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Warehouse module: DaluxFM

This module, fetches data from DaluxFM each day, and stores it into your own data warehouse on Azure.

The module is build with Bygdrift Warehouse, that enables one to attach multiple modules within the same azure environment. It can collect and wash data from all kinds of services, in a data lake and database. By saving data to a MS SQL database, it is:

  • easy to fetch data with Power BI, Excel and other systems
  • easy to control who has access to what - actually, it can be controlled with AD so you don't have to handle credentials
  • It's cheap

The module uses DaluxFM's SOAP web service that right now, is the best approach to fetch data from DaluxFM. There is another module here, that uses DaluxFM API.

Short video on how to setup a Bygdrift Warehouse and install the DaluxFM Module without deeper explanations (it's in English):


All modules can be installed and facilitated with ARM templates (Azure Resource Management): Use ARM templates to setup and maintain this module.


For information or consultant hours, please write to

Database content

In DaluxFM, you can create your own fields and they will become available in the database with appropriate data type. There are also static fields from Dalux, and they are:

Assets Classification varchar
Assets ClassificationCode varchar
Assets ClassificationName varchar
Assets AssetName varchar
Assets DatabaseID int
Assets IsSubComponent varchar
Assets SubComponentOf varchar
Assets SubComponentOfMasterID int
Assets Photos varchar
Assets Description varchar
Assets AdviserDisciplines varchar
Assets CreatedBy varchar
Assets CreatedDate datetime
Assets LastModifiedBy varchar
Assets LastModifiedDate datetime
Assets Location varchar
Assets Estate varchar
Assets Address varchar
Assets StreetNumber varchar
Assets ZipCode int
Assets City varchar
Assets BuildingName varchar
Assets BbrBMunicipalityNumber int
Assets BbrBEstateNumber int
Assets BbrBBuildingNumber int
Assets FloorName varchar
Assets RoomNumber varchar
Assets RoomName varchar
Assets RoomType varchar
Assets InstallDate datetime
Assets WarrantyStart datetime
Assets WarrantyEnd datetime
Assets WarrantyRest int
Assets AmountOfTasks int
Assets AmountOfReports int
Assets AmountOfTaskSeries int
Assets ProductName varchar
Assets Producer varchar
Assets ProductTypeName varchar
Assets ProductDescription varchar
Assets ProductClassification varchar
Assets ProductNewPrice varchar
Assets ProductLifespan int
Assets ProductWarranty int
Assets ProductDiscipline varchar
Assets EstateMasterId int
Assets BuildingMasterId int
Buildings ID int
Buildings MasterID int
Buildings EstateID int
Buildings EstateMasterID int
Buildings Name varchar
Buildings Address varchar
Buildings AlternativeName varchar
Buildings Number varchar
Buildings City varchar
Buildings ZipCode int
Buildings BasementGrossArea int
Buildings GrossArea varchar
Buildings NetArea varchar
Buildings LastModifiedDate varchar
Buildings LastDrawingChange datetime
Buildings DisplayName varchar
Buildings Drawings int
Buildings Drawing link varchar
Buildings Diagram link varchar
Buildings GISLat float
Buildings GISLon float
Buildings BbrBID varchar
Buildings KoorNord int
Buildings KoorOest int
Buildings BbrBMunicipalityNumber int
Buildings BbrBMunicipalityName varchar
Buildings BbrBEstateNumber int
Buildings BbrBBuildingNumber int
Buildings BbrBStreetName varchar
Buildings BbrBHouseNumber varchar
Buildings BbrBZipCode int
Buildings BbrBCityName varchar
Buildings BbrBCountryCadastralDistrict varchar
Buildings BbrBMunicipalityCadastralDistrict varchar
Buildings BbrBCadastralKind int
Buildings BbrBCadastralNumber varchar
Buildings BbrBBuildingUtilization varchar
Buildings BbrBFloorCount int
Buildings BbrBFloorDepart varchar
Buildings BbrBDataStatus int
Buildings BbrBCarportPrincip int
Buildings BbrBProtection varchar
Buildings BbrBTemporaryCreation varchar
Buildings BbrBSecurityClassification int
Buildings BbrBStormConsultNotice varchar
Buildings BbrBAppartmentsWithKitchen int
Buildings BbrBAppartmentsWithoutKitchen int
Buildings BbrBConstructionYear int
Buildings BbrBReconstructionYear int
Buildings BbrBSecurityRoomCount int
Buildings BbrBTotalBasementArea int
Buildings BbrBTotalBuildingArea int
Buildings BbrBTotalHousingArea int
Buildings BbrBTotalProfessionArea int
Buildings BbrBTotalBuiltArea int
Buildings BbrBRepportedShedArea int
Buildings BbrBTotalRoofArea int
Buildings BbrBUtilizedRoofArea int
Buildings BbrBShedArea int
Buildings BbrBCoverArea int
Buildings BbrBOpenCoverArea int
Buildings BbrBAreaSource varchar
Buildings BbrBOuterWallMaterial varchar
Buildings BbrBRoofMaterial varchar
Buildings BbrBMaterialSource varchar
Buildings BbrBBuildingDrain varchar
Buildings BbrBBuildingWaterSupply int
Buildings BbrBBuildingHeating varchar
Buildings BbrBAdditionalHeartingSupply varchar
Buildings BbrBSupplementaryHeatingInstallation varchar
Buildings BbrBCrudID int
Estates ID int
Estates MasterID int
Estates LocationID int
Estates LocationMasterID int
Estates Name varchar
Estates Description varchar
Estates DisplayName varchar
Estates GISLat float
Estates GISLon float
Estates Buildings varchar
Lots ID int
Lots MasterID int
Lots EstateMasterID int
Lots Name varchar
Lots Address varchar
Lots AlternativeName varchar
Lots Number varchar
Lots City varchar
Lots ZipCode int
Lots GrossArea int
Lots DisplayName varchar
Lots GISLat float
Lots GISLon float
Rooms EstateMasterID int
Rooms BuildingMasterID int
Rooms ID int
Rooms MasterID int
Rooms FloorMasterID int
Rooms NetArea varchar
Rooms EstimatedGrossArea varchar

Data lake content

In the data lake container with this modules name, there are three main folders Drawings, Raw and Refined.

Drawings contains all drawings that are downloaded by using the Drawing link and Diagram link from the database table Buildings.

The folder Raw contains the raw data loaded from Dalux web service and there are one folder for each day.

The folder Refine contains the refined data as csv - one folder for each day. The data is exactly the same as it is in the database.

The folder structure:

  • Drawings
    • Buildings
      • {buildingMasterId}.drawio
      • {buildingMasterId}.pdf
  • Raw
    • {yyyy the year}
      • {MM the month}
        • {dd the day}
          • Assets.xml
          • Estates.xml
  • Refined
    • {yyyy the year}
      • {MM the month}
        • {dd the day}
          • Assets.csv
          • Buildings.csv
          • Estates.csv
          • Lots.csv
          • Rooms.csv



The Warehouse engine has been revitalized and are for examople much better on writing to database.


Bug in Warehouse 1.0.4, so decimals wasn't translated correct.


In 1.3.4, all user settings should have a prefix of 'Setting--'. That has been removed, so when upgrading from 1.3.4, then go this module's Configuration and change these app settings:

  • Setting--DaysBetweenLoadingDrawings to DaysBetweenLoadingDrawings
  • Setting--ScheduleImportEstatesAndAssets to ScheduleImportEstatesAndAssets


MIT License


Get data from the Facility Management system 'Dalux FM'







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