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Delta Share with GCP

Purpose of this solution is demostrate incremental data ingestion from delta share into Google cloud Big Query using Dataproc.

Prerequisite / Setup

  • Setup a delta share. In this solution, I have used customer churn dataset.
    • Create the table, enable CDC, insert data and create the share
  • Setup a recepient and generate the credentials file.
  • Create a single node Dataproc cluster and specify python package dependencies by setting up the properties as below
    • dataproc:pip.packages = delta-sharing==1.0.3,google-cloud-bigquery==3.20.1
  • Create a bigquery dataset (equivalent to a database or schema)
  • Create the "job_reference_table" in bigquery dataset. This table will be used as a watermark table to maintain status of lastest delta table version loaded
  • Create a Google storage bucket to store credential file generated above and store the python program
  • Create a Google Storage bucket required for query bigquery using spark or pandas API.

First time load logic

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Incremental load logic

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For the first time load, provider must share the latest table version.
Submit a Dataproc Job with bellow configurations

  • Job Type = Pyspark
  • Cluster = Choose the one you have created above. Cluster should be in running state
  • Main python file = gd bucket path to the python program
  • Jar files = gs://spark-lib/bigquery/spark-bigquery-with-dependencies_2.11-0.23.2.jar
  • Properties
    - spark.jars.packages -
    - spark.executorEnv.bucket -
    - spark.executorEnv.share_file_path -
    - spark.executorEnv.share_table_name -
    - spark.executorEnv.gcp_project_dataset -


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