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Label-Trustworthiness & Label-Continuity

Label Trustworthiness and Continuity (Label-T&C) is novel measures for evaluating the reliability of cluster structure preservation in dimensionality reduction (DR) embeddings, relying on class labels. It addresses the shortcomings of traditional evaluation methods using class labels, which assesses how well the classes form clusters (i.e., cluster-label matching; CLM) in the embeddings assuming the CLM is good in the original space. Label-T&C, on the other hand, evaluates CLM in both the high-dimensional and the embedding, thus more accurately measure the reliability of DR embeddings.

Label-T quantifies the distortions caused by class compression, with a lower score indicating that points of different classes are closer in the embedding compared to the original data. Label-C evaluates distortions related to class stretching, where a lower score means that points of different classes are more stretched in the embedding compared to the original data.

Currently, Label-T&C is developed as a standalone python library. In this repository, we provide the measures along with the codes for reproducing our academic paper "Classes are not Clusters: Improving Label-based Evaluation of Dimensionality Reduction" that introduces Label-T&C.

Installation & Usage

Label-T&C will be served via pip after the academic paper appears in the peer-reviewed journal or conference. Currently, you can clone the repository and directly call the function. Please install the requirements or execute the conda environment before using the library (see below section).

import sys

from ltnc import ltnc
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

# Load the Iris dataset
iris = datasets.load_iris()
raw_data =
labels =

# Perform PCA to reduce the dimensionality of the data
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
embedding = pca.fit_transform(raw_data)

# Initialize the LabelTNC class with your data
label_tnc = ltnc.LabelTNC(raw_data, embedding, labels, cvm="btw_ch")

# Run the algorithm and get the results
results =

# Access the Label-Trustworthiness (LT) and Label-Continuity (LC) scores
lt_score = results["lt"]
lc_score = results["lc"]

print("Label-Trustworthiness (LT):", lt_score)
print("Label-Continuity (LC):", lc_score)

raw is the original (raw) high-dimensional data which used to generate multidimensional projections. It should be a 2D array (or a 2D np array) with shape (n_samples, n_dim) where n_samples denotes the number of data points in dataset and n_dim is the original size of dimensionality (number of features). emb is the projected (embedded) data of raw (i.e., MDP result). It should be a 2D array (or a 2D np array) with shape (n_samples, n_reduced_dim) where n_reduced_dim denotes the dimensionality of projection. labels should be a 1d array with length n_samples which holds the categorical information of class labels.


  • numpy
  • scipy
  • scikit-learn
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • pandas
  • umap-learn
  • numba
  • snc

We provide the environment.yml file for creating the conda environment. You can create the environment by executing the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yml 

Reproducing Experiments

You can simply run the python scripts in ./src/test/ to reproduce the experiments presented in our paper. The Brief explanation of each code is as follows:

  • Reproduce the preliminary experiments (Section 3.3)
  • Reproduce the sensitivity analysis experiment A (Section 5.1)
  • Reproduce the sensitivity analysis experiment B (Section 5.1)
  • Reproduce the sensitivity analysis experiment C (Section 5.1)
  • Reproduce the sensitivity analysis experiment D (Section 5.1)
  • Reproduce the sensitivity analysis experiment E (Section 5.1)
  • Reproduce the sensitivity analysis experiment F (Section 5.1)
  • Generate a figure, summaizing the results of sensitivity analysis experiments (Section 5.1)
  • Reproduce the scalability experiment (Section 5.2)
  • Reproduce the case study 1 with t-SNE (Section 6.1)
  • Reproduce the Fashion-MNIST examination in case study 1 (Section 6.1)
  • Reproduce the cast study 2 with hierarchical ltnc (Section 6.2)
  • Generate a figure, summarizing the results of case study 2 (Section 6.2)

The execution of the experiments need to be done in the order we presented above. Also, the execution requires the data files installed in the ./data/ directory.

Please place the .zip file which can be downloaded here in the ./data/ directory and unzip it. Then, the codes will run properly

We sumbitted .zip file containing the data files as supplemental.


LabelTNC class in src/ltnc/

__init__(self, raw, emb, labels, cvm="btw_ch")

Initializes the Label-TNC class.


  • raw: numpy.ndarray, shape (n, d)
    • Original data.
  • emb: numpy.ndarray, shape (m, d) where m < n
    • Embedding of the original data.
  • labels: numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)
    • Labels of the original data.
  • cvm: str, optional, default: "btw_ch"
    • Cluster validation measure to use. Currently supported: "btw_ch" (Between-dataset Calinski-Harabasz Index), "dsc" (Distance Consistency).


Runs the algorithm and returns the score of Label-Trustworthiness (LT) and Label-Continuity (LC).


  • A dictionary with the following keys:
    • lt: Label-Trustworthiness score.
    • lc: Label-Continuity score.
    • f1: F1 score of Label-T and Label-C.
    • raw_mat: Original data's label-pairwise CVM matrix.
    • emb_mat: Embedding data's label-pairwise CVM matrix.
    • lt_mat: Label-pairwise Label-Trustworthiness matrix
    • lc_mat: Label-pairwise Label-Continuity matrix

HierarchicalLTNC class in src/ltnc/

__init__(self, raw, emb, cvm="btw_ch")

Initializes the HierarchicalLTNC class.


  • raw: numpy.ndarray, shape (n, d)
    • Original data.
  • emb: numpy.ndarray, shape (m, d) where m < n
    • Embedding of the original data.
  • cvm: str, optional, default: "btw_ch"
    • Cluster validation measure to use. Currently supported: "btw_ch" (Between-dataset Calinski-Harabasz Index), "dsc" (Distance Consistency).

run(self, granularity=5)

Runs the hierarchical clustering algorithm and computes the LTNC score for each hierarchy.


  • granularity: int, optional, default: 5
    • The number of granularity levels to compute LTNC scores for.


  • A dictionary with the following keys:
    • lt: A list of LTNC scores for Label-Trustworthiness from the lowest level (fine-grained) to the highest level (coarse-grained).
    • lc: A list of LTNC scores for Label-Continuity from the lowest level (fine-grained) to the highest level (coarse-grained).

Example usage:

from hierarchical_ltnc import HierarchicalLTNC

raw = ...
emb = ...

hltnc = HierarchicalLTNC(raw, emb)
result =



Label-T&C is a product of an academic paper "Classes are not Clusters: Improving Label-based Evaluation of Dimensionality Reduction". Bibtex will be updated soon.


Label-level Trustworthiness & Continuity






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