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MunkiAdmin 1.0

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@hjuutilainen hjuutilainen released this 18 Sep 11:44
· 370 commits to master since this release

To celebrate the Munki 2 release I've decided to stop using 0.x version numbers and declare the current version stable and 1.0. Compared to the previous 0.3 release, 1.0 includes these major new features:

  • Full support for Munki 2
  • Package icon is displayed by default in every possible package view.
  • Support for editing the package icon
    • Right-click a selection of packages to create a new icon or to clear an existing icon_name setting.
    • When saving the created icon, MunkiAdmin sets the icon_name key if needed.
    • If the chosen file is not an image file, MunkiAdmin will use the files icon as the source image. This is useful for extracting application icons from filesystem.
    • MunkiAdmin also supports extracting icons from the actual installer items (like iconimporter does).
    • Icon file is renamed when renaming a package
    • When deleting packages from repo, the icon file is also removed if not referenced by any other items
  • Support for editing developer and category keys. There are three different ways to assign package to a category or developer:
    • Packages can be dropped on to the sidebar items. Right-click on a sidebar item to create new items or rename existing items.
    • Right-click a package and assign from submenus.
    • Double-click a package and assign from the popup buttons
  • Completely reworked sidebar in the packages view.
    • Sidebar now includes additional sections for installer types, categories and developers.
    • Sections can be hidden from Preferences -> Appearance
    • Since there are going to be a large number of different developer names in a repository, MunkiAdmin can hide developers from the sidebar which have a user-definable number of different products (based on the "name" key). The default is to show everything.
  • Added preference option to run makecatalogs with --force argument. This is called "Disable sanity checks" in Preferences.
  • Added a menu item and a keyboard shortcut (command-R) to reload the repository.
  • Added a "Show in Finder" menu item for manifests
  • MunkiAdmin will now present a warning if user tries to quit while the object context has pending changes.
  • MunkiAdmin now creates backup copies of pkginfos and manifests before overwriting them. These backup copies are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/MunkiAdmin. Currently old backups are never removed, expect this feature to be refined in a future release. Backups can be turned off by setting backupPkginfosBeforeWriting -bool NO and backupManifestsBeforeWriting -bool NO.
  • Added a hidden preference option to define options for makepkginfo. This preference option can be set with the defaults command, for example: defaults write fi.obsolete.MunkiAdmin makepkginfoDefaultOptions -array --catalog "my-custom-catalog" --catalog testing
  • Package selection window now hides apple_update_metadata packages by default since they shouldn't be added to manifests.
  • Deleting a manifest now correctly removes references to it in other manifests.
  • Script views now consistently use a fixed pitch font and explicitly disable quote and dash substitutions