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Astro Trash!

Hackbeanpot Hackathon 2022
Feb 11, 2022 - Feb 13, 2022

Team members:

  • Hacker: Heekyung Kim @hkimkim
  • Hacker: Erica Shepherd @ericashepherd
  • Hacker/Designer: Qiana Mills @qmills30


A web browser game that informs players about the dangers of space junk.



Space junk is close to hitting the International Space Station. You, the astronaut, have to hover over to the space ship that came to transport you to a nearby space station. Be careful of the space debris flying towards you as you float over to the space ship!

Tech Stack

  • Typescript
  • PixiJS
  • Parcel
  • Node

Running the project

 npm install  
 npm start 

About Space Trash

The Earth has too much space debris floating around its orbit. There are approximatly 6,542 satellites that are currently orbiting the Earth, but half of them are doing nothing. To make things worse, when they collide, they get broken down into smaller pieces, creating more junk that clutter the earth's orbit. Space Junk is becoming the microplastics of space.

The dangers of space debris is that it may collide with a functioning satellite or even the International Space Station and create unwanted damage. In March 2021, a Chinese satellite got struck by a space debris from a Russian rocket that was launched in 1996 and broke down, becoming another space debris itself.

With the increasing number of launches of satellite and rockets in recent years (over 1,200 satellites were launched just in 2020), more space debris is expected, which means there are higher risks of unwanted space collisions that could cost a lot of resources.



All the assets were created by Qiana Mills @qmills30.


We followed this tutorial to learn how to make web dev games with typescript!