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This repo hosts some raw and cleaned up data for an experiment to use open source LLM to do end-to-end Software Development.

It also hosts Proof-of-Concept AI-enabled app prototype.

Update (17th Oct 2023)

Half a year is basically a lifetime in the AI scene this year. So much of the manual tests are outdated and for historical reference only.

tl;dr is that open access (weight available) LLM are catching up, although still lagging behind SOTA, it is getting to a place that's usable for less demanding application domain (unfortunately, software engineering is not one of those domains).

Roughly, on the pure-LLM-capability-test side (and focusing on base/foundation models only):

  • General purpose: llama v1 33b -> llama v2 13b -> Mistral 7b
  • Coding focused: Codellama -> WizardCoder latest version or equivalent competitor
  • Math: Tora?
  • Science: I remember there is some STEM focused fine-tunes out there, not sure which one though

So what does that leaves us? (My hot take without data to support, just gut feeling from playing with them)

  • Complex instruction following and role-playing: okayish, but depends heavily on specific model used, prompt engineering, and your application domain
  • Programming and Software Engineering: Can be an assistant to someone who's already a capable programmer. However context length limitation prevent use in context of existing project (so completely greenfield only and even then don't ask it to just write the entire app), and nope, autonomous agent probably have some runway to go before reaching L3 up. (or even just L2 frankly)
  • STEM original research: Totally speculative at the moment. Might be able to provide help on area with less precision requirement. (I haven't done many test on this one though)
  • General autonomous agnet: Long term planning, reliability/robustness etc are still a problem, so it's quite experimental at this moment...

Which is not to look down on these LLM - the above is a list specifically of things "it can't currently do well" and which are important/large area.

AI-enabled apps

We prototype them using gradio.

Auto Software Development

Located in /app/auto_software_dev. Enter phrase saying what webapp you want to build (eg "a food ordering and delivery platform" as our manual test have done) and have the AI produce a set of design documents auto-magically.

AI used: Wizard-Mega, 13B, 4 bit quantized (q4_0/lowest quality version to save on resources).

Performance expectation:

  • Speed: about 1 token/sec on CPU, 5 token/sec on GPU
  • Quality: (my personal opinion only, it may count as completely failed if you are more strict) Okayish for the "fuzzy" part of software dev. Apparently scaffolding REST API, DB Design, frontend UI design etc are all relatively easy to AI.

Trace Chatbot

Located in /app/trace_chatbot, it help user better understand how tool-augmented chatbot works by giving something like a step-tracing debugger. Still WIP.

AI used: Manticore-13B quantized for now (using the hosted endpoint on one of the public HF space - don't abuse it!)

(In manual testing it sometimes work, but often go off rail. Also seems quite sensitive to prompt template used with the "wrong" one working but "more correct" one failing...)

Manual AI testing

AI used

  • Vicuna-13b v1.1 (general purpose, was SOTA in the open source space until recently)
  • MPT-7b-Chat (features ability to have longer/soft context length limit due to using AliBi instead of positional embedding)
  • StarChat (intruct fine-tuned from StarCoderBase, specialized on coding)


Simple role-playing prompt is used to prim the AI. A partially standardized Input/Output mechanism is provided, where documents from previous stage of Software Development is provided with a brief description of what it is, and it is asked to perform a list of tasks outputing some documents.

Prompts are sometimes surrounded with special instruction asking it to read but hold on doing any work until user say a specified phrase, to overcome UI limit that may accidentally truncate user input.

In some of the tasks, additional background information or user preference is also attached.


  • root directory: {ai-name}-{topic}-{phase}.md Data of asking AI to do first 2 phase in SDLC (requirement analysis and system architecture)
  • /uncategorized Misc. and advanced tests
  • code/others Coding tasks that are not part of a full SDLC/full project
  • code/frontend and code/backend - Try to extend to the test to actual implementation

Preliminary Results

They are generally able to give a rough draft of the requested documents, although the attention to details may be disappointing. It is also found that although injecting user preference/background info do tilt the AI to a desired direction, it also sometimes interfere negatively with the AI's pre-existing knowledge resulting in output where the AI seems to have fundamental misunderstanding about basic concepts.

On low level design and coding ability, Vicuna-13b v1.0 already have some capability on that front, however it completely falls apart once some rather low "difficulty threshold" is reached, especially on algorithmic tasks. The author however observe that this part seems to have visibly improved somewhat on the v1.1 update. It also have troubles with knowledge cut-off and perhaps breath of knowledge of specific software libraries, but this is perhaps not Vicuna's flaw specifically and more an infrastructural limit of existing LLM. 13b Model also tends to be slower performance-wise, which can be an issue for the impatient.

StarChat are also able to do design work aside from coding, and is rather fast. However it currently suffer from a major weakness that the instruction-tuning quality/strength is not good enough (due to it relying on dolly and open assistent, which also have similar issues). As other people have observed, they have a tendency to ignore user instruction and do its own thing, especially from turn 2 of a conversation onward. It also often say it can't do something (even for a straightforward coding task with no moral controversy) because eg it doesn't understand what task is there or that it doesn't understand the context/detail enough. Generally speaking it seems to be highly sensitive to the exact wording used and sometimes one or two word in a long paragraph is the offender there. Advantage compared to Vicuna seems to be that it knows more libraries/obscure language etc. (Not sure about the knowledge cut-off date)

Another limitation that is not the AI's fault but again an infrastrutural limit is that the short context length limit means that while we can use them to quickly generate a scaffold for a software project from nothing, trying to modify existing software still seems to be out of the question mostly. For this MPT's use of AliBi is an encouraging sign, however the quadratic performance bottleneck is still there and the slowdown may become untolerable once the conversation goes on for a while.

Other things

Other tests performed:

We also tried to test these AI on a variety of misc. tasks, some of them are:

  • General webdev problem (eg authentication, multi-tenancy, file upload, HTML5 collaborative editing)
  • Meta level "capability amplification" test (or really, just prompt engineering?)

Static compilation of agent workflow:

One way to use these powerful AI is to agentize them and put them into a loop to analyze goal, come up with an action plan, then execute it (AutoGPT/Autonomous Agent etc). It is observed that they often get derailed/spin in a loop without making forward progress.

One possible perspective to look at the set of prompt we designed is that it is a human crafted, "statically compiled" action plan to replace having the AI trying to give the next step dynamically/on-the-spot by analysing the situation.

Future improvement:

The set of prompts I designed right now is still pretty rough. I also found out the order of task seems "wrong" to the AI's eye and so it ignored some of the task, especially those around various diagram to analyse use case.

As I am in a rush, I just skipped some of those tasks, perhaps resulting in incomplete requirement doc to downstream which may affect their quality.

Agent LLM Manual Test

(TODO) - See agents/testrun-1.


Let AI give a try at software dev







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