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This Github repo contains code, tools, and resources for the COVID-19 and MS Global Data Sharing Initiative, aiming to understand the impact of COVID-19 on people with MS. Contributions are welcome.


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This Github repo contains code, tools, and resources for the COVID-19 and MS Global Data Sharing Initiative, aiming to understand the impact of COVID-19 on people with MS. Contributions are welcome.

COVID-19 and MS Global Data Sharing Initiative

This repository is dedicated to the COVID-19 and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Global Data Sharing Initiative, which seeks to understand the impact of COVID-19 on people with MS through collaborative data sharing and analysis.

Project Overview

The project collected, processed, and analyzed data related to COVID-19 and its effects on people with MS. It involved data acquisition, preprocessing, and visualization of relevant variables, as well as the development of statistical models to understand trends and relationships.Furthermore, it provided valuable insights into the relationship between COVID-19 and MS, helping researchers and clinicians make informed decisions regarding patient care, treatment, and management. By sharing this data, the project fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing within the scientific community.

  • Why the project is useful: This project facilitates the secure handling of sensitive data and promotes responsible data sharing among the scientific community, allowing researchers to gain valuable insights into the relationship between COVID-19 and MS.
  • How users can get started with the project: Users can clone the repository and explore the code and resources provided. The documentation directory contains information on the anonymization process and the project's goals. Users are encouraged to build upon and contribute to the project.
  • Where users can get help with the project: Users can submit issues or questions through the Github repository's issue tracker. The project's maintainers and contributors are available to provide support and guidance.
  • Who maintains and contributes to the project: The project is maintained by a team of researchers and developers dedicated to understanding the impact of COVID-19 on people with MS. Contributions from the community are welcome and encouraged.

Repository Contents

  • Script for application of K anonymity and l-diversity
  • Script for moving dates by a time delta to ensure data privacy
  • Script for applying chi_squared_test on the data
  • requirements.txt: List of libraries used
  • License: License

Data Acquisition

The data used in this project is hosted in PhysioNet repository, the details of which are given below:

When using this data resource, please cite: Khan, H., Geys, L., baneke, p., Comi, G., & Peeters, L. (2023). Patient-level dataset to study the effect of COVID-19 in people with Multiple Sclerosis (version 1.0.0). PhysioNet.

For further information on the project, kindly refer to this particular ( respository.


We welcome contributions from the community! You can contribute by:

  • Reporting issues or suggesting improvements
  • Contributing to the codebase or documentation

Reporting Issues or Suggestions

If you find a bug or have a suggestion for improvement, please create an issue using the Github issue tracker. When creating an issue, please provide a clear and concise description of the problem or suggestion, steps to reproduce (if applicable), and any additional context that may be helpful.

Community Guidelines

We are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all contributors. Please be respectful and considerate of others, and help us maintain a positive and collaborative community.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the COVID-19 and MS Global Data Sharing Initiative!


We would like to thank all people with MS and clinicians for their time invested in providing the data within the context of the GDSI. We are grateful for the continued support of the sponsors of the Multiple Sclerosis Data Alliance and Multiple Sclerosis International Federation. Finally, we thank QMENTA for the use of the central data platform.


This Github repo contains code, tools, and resources for the COVID-19 and MS Global Data Sharing Initiative, aiming to understand the impact of COVID-19 on people with MS. Contributions are welcome.







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