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Tic Tac Toe BackEnd

A simple TicTacToe (Three-In-Rrow) app developed as semester project in PIA on Master's studies on Faculty of applied sciences University of West Bohemia. This repository contains only backend Spring Boot Application which was build on the top of JHipster platform.

For running whole project you will need also Angular frontend part of app - GitHub repository

Run application

Tools for running application: Docker, Maven

Requires also frontend part.

Building containers

  1. checkout frontend and backend
  2. build frontend app and create container (execute in frontend root). It creates container with name pia/hlavja-tictactoe-frontend
docker build -t pia/hlavja-tictactoe-frontend .
  1. build backend app and create container (execute in backend root). It creates container with name pia/hlavja-tictactoe-backend
mvnw -Pprod verify jib:dockerBuild
  1. run docker compose in backend root
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/compose.yml up -d
  1. web application will run at localhost on default port 80, after successful startup

  2. shut down whole app by

docker-compose -f src/main/docker/compose.yml down


Application also includes OpenAPI documentation which was used to generate HttpClient code in frontend part. Swagger Codegen CLI is a powerful tool and make coding faster.

Usage of application

To enable dev mode you need to change SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE property in app.yml to dev,swagger. In default, application has 10 sec delay before start cause of creating other containers (especially database needs some time to be ready).

Application has three predefined users which are created by Liquibase at the start of application. In this step is also created the whole DB structure.

Login Password user admin system

User profile is accessible under email in the right part of navbar. It should be used to change user's password or change non mandatory properties.

Users can add or remove friends on lobby tab. Only online non friends are shown, in friends tab are shown also offline friends.

Player can be challenged to game only if not playing one already.

On board screen user sees who's turn, what piece he has and Give Up! button.

On history tab are shown all games results in system.

Docker fck-up

Sometimes on the first deploy to docker, frontend container may fail because of not knowing the backend service. It needed to be restarted manually or use compose down and then again up.

Important: do not change backend service name or Nginx config in frontend will crash!


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