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  • for a given time limit (l) approximates the number of information sets AT ROUND LEVEL using axiomhq's HLL.
  • it outputs the estimated number of infosets + total terminal nodes visited
  • e.g.: go run cmd/count-infosets-ronda-hll-axiom/main.go -deck=7 -hash=sha160 -limit =120 -report=10


  • a memory benchmark / stress / experiment comparing dynamic vs fixed slices and its memory consumption
  • program takes parameter -n (int) which represent the targeted memory consumption / buffer size in MiB (e.g., -n-500 ~ 500 MiB buffer)
  • e.g.: go run cmd/stress-mem/main.go -n 500
  • for -n=500 + dynamic slice activity monitor shows a memory consumption of about 1 GiB but go's runtime shows a HeapAlloc usage of 520 MiB (this is expected)
  • but then if we cap the mem pool size to 600MiB using env var GOMEMLIMIT as in GOMEMLIMIT=600000000 go run cmd/stress-mem/main.go -n 500 now activity monitor shows a memory consumption of about 564 MiB


  • deterministically count the number of infoset for a given deck size at round level.
  • e.g.: go run cmd/count-infosets-ronda-deterministically/main.go -deck=7 -hash=sha160 -info=InfosetRondaBase -abs=a1 -track=true -report=10


  • deterministically count the number of infoset for a given deck size at game level.
  • WARNING: this can take a LOT of time
  • e.g.: go run cmd/count-infosets-partida-deterministically/main.go


  • hyperloglog python experimental implementation
  • run as python cmd/hll-py-example/


  • hyperloglog example in go using the axiom lib
  • run as go run cmd/hll-axiom-example/main.go


  • for a given set of cards (i.e., a deck) it returns weather there's at least one flor (i.e., a combination of 3 cards + 1 muestra so that it's a flor)
  • run as go run cmd/check-hay-flor/main.go


  • for a given deck size (harcoded) it returns the total possible number of edges comming out of the root chance node.
  • it should obey the equation $...$
  • run as go run cmd/count-root-edges-deterministically/main.go


  • root server: go run cmd/count-infosets-hll-http-dist/root/cmd/main.go -port=8080 | tee logs/hll-dist-http/http-w2-d14-anull-hsha3_6.log
  • single worker go run cmd/count-infosets-hll-http-dist/worker/*.go -hash=sha3 -deck=14 -abs=null -report=10 -limit=600 -root=http://localhost:8080
  • single worker + exit: curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/exit
  • multiple workers: for i in {1..16}; do go run cmd/count-infosets-hll-http-dist/worker/*.go -hash=sha3 -deck=14 -abs=null -report=10 -limit=600 -root=http://localhost:8080 &>/dev/null & done


supported hashes

adler32, sha160, sha256, sha512, sha3

supported abstractions

a1, b, a2, a3, null

supported infosets

InfosetRondaBase, InfosetRondaLarge, InfosetRondaXLarge, InfosetRondaXXLarge, InfosetPartidaXXLarge



rsync -avz --copy-links --progress -e 'ssh -p 10022 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa' --exclude '__pycache__/' --exclude '*.out' --exclude '*.log' --exclude '.git/' ~/Workspace/facu/hll-truco ''


rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 10022 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa' '' logs/hll-dist-http/slurm

Build (local or remote) for x86-linux (i.e., slurm-cluster)

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-w -s" -o bin/http/worker cmd/count-infosets-hll-dist-http/worker/main.go

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-w -s" -o bin/http/root cmd/count-infosets-hll-dist-http/root/main.go


Make sure both the logs dirs --output and --error exist before execution!

mkdir -p ~/batches/out/hll-http/2p/E1P40AnullIipxxlW256 && sbatch -J hllroot1 --time=3-00:00:00 --begin=now+0 ~/Workspace/facu/hll-truco/hll-truco/sbatch/http/root.sbatch 10 16

the positional args are:

  1. Report (in secs)
  2. HLL precision
jobname=hllworkers1 && \
rootname=hllroot1 && \
rootid=$(squeue -u $(whoami) --name=${rootname} -h -o "%i") && \
roothost=$(squeue -u $(whoami) --name=${rootname} --states=R -h -o "%N:%k") && \
sbatch \
-J ${jobname} \
--time=3-00:00:00 \
--dependency=after:${rootid} \
~/Workspace/facu/hll-truco/hll-truco/sbatch/http/workers.sbatch \
2 1 40 null InfosetPartidaXXLarge sha3 252000 10 http://${roothost} 16

the positional args are:

  1. Number of players <2,4,6>
  2. Envido limit (default 1)
  3. Game points limit
  4. Abstractor ID <a1, b, a2, a3, null>
  5. Infoset impl. to use
  6. Infoset hashing function
  7. Run time limit (in seconds) (600 = 10min, 259.200 = 3 days)
  8. Delta (in seconds) for printing log msgs
  9. HTTP root server
  10. HLL precision


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