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Role Assignment Batch Service


Scheduled batch job for removing the expired assignment records from role-assignment-service database. This is spring batch application scheduled with Kubernetes and runs once in a day per cluster.


To run the project you will need to have the following installed:

  • Java 11
  • Docker

please ensure the following application components are already running:

  • am-role-assignment-service
  • am-role-assignment-database

Running the application

To run the applicaiton quickly use the docker helper script as follows:

./bin/ install


docker-compose up

Alternatively, you can start the application from the current source files using Gradle as follows:

./gradlew clean bootRun

If required, to run with a low memory consumption, the following can be used:

./gradlew --no-daemon assemble && java -Xmx384m -jar build/libs/rd-case-worker-api.jar

Running unit tests tests:

If you have some time to spare, you can run the unit tests as follows:

./gradlew test

Running mutation tests tests:

If you have some time to spare, you can run the mutation tests as follows:

./gradlew pitest

As the project grows, these tests will take longer and longer to execute but are useful indicators of the quality of the test suite.

More information about mutation testing can be found here:

Contract testing with pact

Please refer to the confluence on how to run and publish PACT tests.