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Track Your Appeal Notifications (TYA) is a springboot application used to send notifications to gov notify.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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SSCS - Track Your Appeal Notifications


Track Your Appeal Notifications is a spring boot based application used to send notifications to gov notify.

The Job-Scheduler is used to start notification requests using callbacks.


  • JDK 8

Building and deploying the application

Building the application

To build the project execute the following command:

./gradlew build

Running the application

Run the application by executing:

./gradlew bootRun

Running in Docker

Create the image of the application by executing the following command:

  ./gradlew installDist

Create docker image:

  docker-compose build

Run the distribution by executing the following command:

  docker-compose up

This will start the API container exposing the application's port

In order to test if the application is up, you can call its health endpoint:

  curl http://localhost:8081/health

You should get a response similar to this:


DB initialisation

Running the application will apply db migration scripts automatically.

They can also run on demand using the following Gradle task:

./gradlew flywayMigrate

Unit tests

To run all unit tests execute the following command:

./gradlew test

Debugging locally with CCD

Setup callbacks by finding out IP address:


Copy the inet value from en0 and place this value in the callback column in the definition spreadsheet.

Start CCD application

./ up -d

In IDE, start the application in Debug mode and put a breakpoint in the appropriate place. Then login to CCD and start an event which would trigger a callback.

Run locally in Docker with CCD using an alias

Create an alias

alias run-notify='docker-compose -f compose/backend.yml -f compose/frontend.yml -f ../track-your-appeal-notifications/docker-compose.yml'

Run the alias

run-notify up -d

This starts the CCD applications with Track-your-appeal-notifications in Docker with just one command

Job scheduler service

This project imports the sscs job scheduler service JAR ( This is used to schedule reminders in the future. The management of the database is handled within this project using a PostgresSQL database.


PRs that start with "Bump" won't have a preview environment. The decision was made after we realised that most the preview environments were created by Depandabot.

Search through templates

There is a class GetAllTemplatesFromNotify that will search through all of the Notify templates looking for a value, e.g. variable name. You will need to add the API key to run it on your local.

Docmosis Rendering Tool

When wanting to test a template for different types of entity and party, you can use this tool to quickly generate renders for each.

Before you can use the tool you must first add the environment variable DOCMOSIS_ACCESS_KEY with an api key.

Run the following, replacing <template-name> with the template name, e.g. TB-SCS-LET-ENG-Hearing-Booked.docx

Using Powershell:

 ./bin/ -t <template-name>

Using Shell:

 ./bin/ -t <template-name>

The output will be located in the folder build\renders.


Track Your Appeal Notifications (TYA) is a springboot application used to send notifications to gov notify.








