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Build Status

BookingsApi.Client package in vh-packages feed in Azure Artifacts

Quality Gate Status


Build Status

BookingsApi.Client package in vh-packages feed in Azure Artifacts

Quality Gate Status

Restore Tools

Run the following in a terminal at the root of the repository

dotnet tool restore

Branch name git hook will run on pre commit and control the standard for new branch name.

The branch name should start with: feature/VIH-XXXX-branchName (X - is digit). If git version is less than 2.9 the pre-commit file from the .githooks folder need copy to local .git/hooks folder. To change git hooks directory to directory under source control run (works only for git version 2.9 or greater) :

$ git config core.hooksPath .githooks

Commit message

The commit message will be validated by prepare-commit-msg hook. The commit message format should start with : 'feature/VIH-XXXX : ' folowing by 8 or more characters description of commit, otherwise the warning message will be presented.

Running all tests in Docker

Open a terminal at the root level of the repository and run the following command

docker-compose -f "docker-compose.tests.yml" up --build --abort-on-container-exit

You may need to create a .env file to store the environment variables

Convert test results into coverage report

Run the following in a terminal

dotnet reportgenerator "-reports:./Coverage/coverage.opencover.xml" "-targetDir:./Artifacts/Coverage/Report" -reporttypes:Html -sourcedirs:./BookingsApi

Run Stryker

To run stryker mutation test, go to UnitTest folder under command prompt and run the following command

dotnet stryker

From the results look for line(s) of code highlighted with Survived\No Coverage and fix them.