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A collection of scripts to run variant aggregation tests from whole-genome sequencing data.

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Mummy (the wrapped MONSTER)

This is a pipeline to run genome-wide burdent tests using sequencing data. Head over to the wiki for detailed instructions on how to run it.

Building containers

VERSION=1.5.4 # Change this appropriately 

# Build the docker image
sudo docker build \
  --build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')" \
  --build-arg VCS_REF="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
  --build-arg VERSION="$VERSION" \
  --tag burden_testing:"$VERSION" \
  --tag burden_testing:latest \

sudo SINGULARITY_NOHTTPS=1 singularity build burden_testing_${VERSION} docker-daemon://burden_testing:"$VERSION"