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The package is provided utilities and facilities for business frontend framework.


  • Install
npm install m2-core
yarn add m2-core


  • DataApi function Get the application api url mapping with the param config,prefix and mock.

the application api mapping file is located: src/features/app/constants/api.conf.js

param type description default example
config object api key-value pair { 'getDictList': '/dict','getDataList': '/home/data_list', 'getDataItem': '/home/data_item' }
prefix string api url prefix '' 'api'
mock array or object mock api list null ['/user/list', '/product/detail'] or { prefix: '/mock-api', urls: ['/user/list', '/product/detail'] }
// api.conf.js
import { DataApi } from 'm2-core'

export default DataApi({
 getDictList: '/dict/list',
 getDataList: '/home/data_list',
 getDataItem: '/home/data_item',
 user: {
   list: '/user/list',
   detail: '/user/detail'
 product: {
   list: '/product/list',
   detail: '/product/detail',
   category: '/product/category'
}, '/api', [
export default DataApi({
 getDictList: '/dict/list',
 getDataList: '/home/data_list',
 getDataItem: '/home/data_item',
 user: {
   list: '/user/list',
   detail: '/user/detail'
 product: {
   list: '/product/list',
   detail: '/product/detail',
   category: '/product/category'
}, '/api', {
  prefix: '/mock-api',
  urls: [
  • DataEnv object The application multi-environment configuration.

the application env configuration file is located: src/features/app/constants/env.conf.js

prop or func type description example
IsDev boolean check if the development is true if (IsDev) { //:todo }
getEnvConfig func get the config for key, if the key is empty, it will get the current env object entirely getEnvConfig('api')
// env.conf.js
export default {
  dev: {
    api: '',
    // support multi-api config(you need to add apiKey, eg:'mock', 'app')
    // api: {
    //   mock: '',
    //   app: ''
    // }
  st: {
    api: ''
  uat: {
    api: ''
  prod: {
    api: ''
  • DataEvent object The application will register event for window and document.

prop or func type description example
scroll func register the scroll event listener for handler, threshold DataEvent.scroll(() => { console.log('scrolling');}, {threshold: 50})
throttle func register the throttle event listener for handler, delay DataEvent.throttle(() => { console.log('throttle');}, 3000)
debounce func register the debounce event listener for handler, delay DataEvent.debounce(() => { console.log('debounce');}, 3000)
  • DataBus class Handle the emit and on/off the event.

prop or func type description example
on func register the event listener for type DataBus.on('data', (res) => { console.log(;})
off func remove the event handler for type'data'})
emit func trigger the event handler for type DataBus.emit('data', { name: 'Miracle' }})
  • DataType class Check the data type and handle the data conversion.

prop or func type description example
isObject func check if is object for item DataType.isObject({ name: 'Miracle'})
isPlainObject func check if is plain object (neither window nor system-built) for item DataType.isPlainObject({ name: 'Miracle'})
isArray func check if is array for item DataType.isArray([{ name: 'Miracle'}])
isEmptyArray func check if is an empty array for item DataType.isEmptyArray([])
isFunction func check if is a function for item DataType.isFunction(()=>{})
isString func check if is a string for item DataType.isString('Miracle')
isNumber func check if is a number for item DataType.isNumber(100)
isBoolean func check if is a boolean for item DataType.isBoolean(true)
isGuid func check if is a guid for item DataType.isGuid('a0da5831-7488-464d-8a89-db89b7ff8f2b')
isMobilePhone func check if is a mobile for item and pattern(optional) DataType.isMobilePhone('13366668888')
isTelPhone func check if is a telephone for item and pattern(optional) DataType.isTelPhone('010-66668888')
isPhone func check if is a mobile or telephone for item and pattern{mobile,tel}(optional) DataType.isPhone('010-66668888')
isEmail func check if is an email address for item and pattern(optional) DataType.isEmail('')
isIdCard func check if is an identity card for item and pattern(optional) DataType.isIdCard('511381198808083520')
isValidPassword func check if is a valid password for item and pattern(optional) DataType.isValidPassword('1988_$abd')
defaultVal func get the value for item or defaultValue(item is undefined) DataType.defaultVal('loading', true)
  • DataFetch class Provide the http request (promise) based on axios and jsonp.

prop or func type description example
request func provide the http request promise for the params url and options DataFetch.request('/api/user/list', { env, apiKey, method, timeout, headers, params })
jsonp func provide the cross-domain request for the params url and options DataFetch.jsonp('', { callbackKey })
  • DataFormatter function Provide data formatter for date, number.

prop or func type description example
formatDate func a shortcut for DataUtil.formatDate formatDate(new Date())
formatDateTime func a shortcut for DataUtil.formatDateTime formatDateTime(new Date())
formatTime func a shortcut for DataUtil.formatTime formatTime(new Date())
formatMoney func format the currency into string for money and precision(default: 2) formatMoney(123456789.123)
unformatMoney func unformat the currency into float for money unformatMoney('123,456,789.00')
  • DataStorage class Provide the uniform api based on localStorage(default), sessionStorage.

prop or func type description example
get func get the value from storage for the params key and options DataStorage.get('loginUser', { storageType, encryptType })
set func save the value into storage for the params key, value and options DataStorage.set('loginUser', { name: 'Miracle'}, { storageType, encryptType })
remove func remove the item from storage for the params key and storageType DataStorage.remove('loginUser', STORAGE_TYPE.Local)
clear func clear all items from storage for the params storageType DataStorage.clear(STORAGE_TYPE.Local)
count func get the count of storage for the params storageType DataStorage.count(STORAGE_TYPE.Local)
  • DataSecurity class Provide the encrypt and decrypt based on symmetric and asymmetric algorithm.

prop or func type description example
encrypt func encrypt the raw data for the params data, crypto and options({key,iv}) DataSecurity.encrypt('miracle', SYMMETRIC_CRYPTO_TYPE.DES)
decrypt func decrypt the encrypted data for the params data, crypto and options({key,iv}) DataSecurity.decrypt('e1cf3f88a2dd46a6', SYMMETRIC_CRYPTO_TYPE.DES)
  • GraphicVerifyCode class Provide the verify code based on graphics (canvas).

prop or func type description example
validate func check if the user-input same as verify code for the params val const verifyCode = new GraphicVerifyCode('verify_code'); verifyCode.validate(this.$input.value);
  • DataUtil class Provide the functions for normalize and format data.

prop or func type description example
getDictItems func get all items with the specified type from the dict for the params dict, type DataUtil.getDictItems(dict, 'user_type', { typeName, itemsName})
getDictValue func get the value with the specified type and key from the dict for the params dict, type, key DataUtil.getDictItems(dict, 'user_type', 'ut001', { typeName, itemsName, keyName, valueName, separator})
extend func clone(deep/shallow) the object/array for the params target, source, deep DataUtil.extend({}, {id:1,name:'miracle',repositories:['m2-core','m2-react','m2-redux']}, true)
clone func clone(deep/shallow) the object/array for the params item, {deep,asArray} DataUtil.clone({id:1,name:'miracle',repositories:['m2-core','m2-react','m2-redux']}, {deep:true,asArray:true})
randomString func get the random string for the params len(default:32) DataUtil.randomString(10)
randomNumber func get the random number for the params min, max DataUtil.randomNumber(10, 50)
randomColor func get the random color for the params min, max DataUtil.randomColor(10, 50)
formatDate func format the date for the params date, format(default: YYYY-MM-DD) DataUtil.formatDate(new Date())
formatDateTime func format the date time for the params date, {short,format}(default: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm[:ss]) DataUtil.formatDateTime(new Date())
formatTime func format the time for the params date, {short,format}(default: HH:mm[:ss]) DataUtil.formatTime(new Date())
getLast12Months func get the previous 12 months for current date separator(default: '-'), current(default:true) DataUtil.getLast12Months()
getSecureText func get the secure text with '*' for the params stars(default: 4), ignore(default:false), before(default:3), after(default:4) DataUtil.getSecureText('13566668888')
pick func get the partial props for items and props(multi) DataType.pick(users, 'name', 'age')
uncamelize func split the camelcase string into separator for item and {separator,letterCase}(upper,lower) DataType.uncamelize('getDataList')
toUpperFirst func convert the first letter as upper item DataType.toUpperFirst('miracle')
  • UrlUtil class Provide the functions for location url.

prop or func type description example
redirect func navigate by hash the specified url for the params url UrlUtil.redirect('/login')
getHashValue func get the hash value from the specified url for the params url (default: the current location.hash) UrlUtil.getHashValue()
getQueryValue func get the query string for the params name, url (default: the current UrlUtil.getQueryValue('name', '')


The package is provided utilities and facilities for business frontend framework.







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