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Backend service to provide question data and answer processing by unique user identifier for all verification services in MDTP.

This service extracts, refactors and replaces the question handling behaviour that is currently part of the making it available to other services. This will promote re-use of IV behaviour across the platform and provide consistent verification standards.

Currently, this service only provides questions from the PAYE, P60 and self assessment (SA) evidence sources. Other sources are currently being moved from identity-verification backend to here.

Evidence Sources

  • P60 - requires NINO; uses RTI DES API (#1001) to query data for the current tax year

  • SA - requires UTR or NINO; uses si-hod-proxy API to query user self assessment data.

    • provides SA Payment questions if calling service provides UTR
    • provides SA Pensions questions if calling service provides NINO or SAPayments is not available for user.

See for a description of evidence sources and the question keys available for each.

More evidence sources will be added in due course.


Method Path Description
POST /questions Get questions and a correlation id for a set of identifiers
POST /answers Supply answers for set of previously fetched questions

POST /questions

Include a POST JSON body containing a set of identifiers for the questions such as:

      "sautr": "1234567890",
      "payeRef": {
        "taxOfficeNumber" : "123",
        "taxOfficeReference" : "4887762099"

You must supply at least one identifier, and you can only supply one of each type of identifier. Different identifier types support different evidence sources for question data. Currently the only supported identifiers are:

Authorised Callers

In order to use this service, you must be authorised by the Verification team to integrate with it - we have an allow list of clients (services) which can call our endpoints; currently limited to "identity-verification" and "lost-credentials". Please contact #team-verification in order to request access to this service.


Status Description
200 Returns a correlation id, along with a (possibly empty) set of questions for the identifiers given
403 You are not authorized to use the question repository - see above


Example response, showing 2 possible questions that can be asked (both from P60 evidence source):

  "correlationId": "d705f45e-14fd-4b99-ae7c-b1d4446d659b",
  "questions": [
      "questionKey": "rti-p60-payment-for-year",
      "info": {
        "currentTaxYear": "2021/22",
        "previousTaxYear": "2020/21"
      "questionKey": "rti-p60-employee-ni-contributions",
      "info": {
        "currentTaxYear": "2021/22",
        "previousTaxYear": "2020/21"

The question keys returned will depend on the available data for the submitted identifier(s). The question keys indicate that there is data in the evidence source which supports the question, and answers can be collected from the user for these.

If the evidence sources found no data for the identifier(s), then an empty list of questions will be returned.

Possible question keys for each evidence source are documented here:

Each questionKey represents a particular data point from an evidence source which can be posed as a question to the user.

It will be different depending on the question key.

Question Key Description
sa-income-from-pensions Income from pensions
sa-payment-details Payment details
rti-payslip-income-tax Tax deducted
rti-payslip-national-insurance NI amount
paye-date-of-payment Payment date
paye-payment-amount Payment amount
ita-bankaccount Bank account
tc-amount Tax credit amount
rti-p60-payment-for-year Total for year
rti-p60-employee-ni-contributions Employee's contribution
rti-p60-statutory-adoption-pay Adoption Pay
rti-p60-earnings-above-pt Earnings above the PT
rti-p60-statutory-maternity-pay Maternity Pay
rti-p60-postgraduate-loan-deductions Postgraduate Loans
rti-p60-statutory-shared-parental-pay Shared Parental Pay
rti-p60-student-loan-deductions Student Loans

For more description of the info object data for each question, see confluence page or scaladoc in:

Correct answers for each question are usually stored internally (for later checking), but we never provide the answers to the client at this stage. Note that some evidence options are in fact queried during the answer phase of the calls. Questions should be posed to the user, and then entered answers submitted for checking using the following endpoint:

POST /answers

Send a json body containing the previous correlation id and identifier selection as given above, along with answer data for each question from the user, such as:

      "correlationId": "66d89bcf-847e-446e-b0e9-348591d118d3",
      "selection": {
          "questionKey": "rti-p60-payment-for-year",
          "answer": "100.00"
          "questionKey": "rti-p60-employee-ni-contributions",
          "answer": "250.00"

For answers calls from IV the body should also contains some iv journey details for auditing purpose,

      "correlationId": "66d89bcf-847e-446e-b0e9-348591d118d3",
      "selection": {
          "questionKey": "rti-p60-payment-for-year",
          "answer": "100.00"
          "questionKey": "rti-p60-employee-ni-contributions",
          "answer": "250.00"
      "ivJourney": {

PS. if your service needs some special requirements like iv please connect team verification.

The structure of the answer data will depend on the questionKey being checked.

For now,

  • for all P60/ SA Pension evidence source questions, a single string answer is expected.
  • for all SA Payments evidence source questions, a json in single string answer is expected. Example:
          "amount": 100,
          "paymentDate": "2020-06-01"

For details of the Answer formats for each question see:

TODO add more examples for different evidence sources.


Status Description
200 The outcome of the answer check, indicating a correct or incorrect response
403 You are not authorized to use the question repository - see above
404 The supplied correlation id and selection did not match any known questions

The outcome of each question answered will be provided in the response, for example:

    "questionKey": "rti-p60-payment-for-year",
    "score": "incorrect"
    "questionKey": "rti-p60-employee-ni-contributions",
    "score": "correct"

The possible values for "score" are:

  • "correct" - the supplied answer was correct
  • "incorrect" - the answer was incorrect (or missing)
  • "unknown" - no matching question/answer data found for correlation id
  • "error" - there was an error from an evidence source while checking the answer

Answers which were expected but not supplied in the query will be considered "incorrect". It is up to the calling service to decide which answers they would like to know the score of.

How to run the tests

sbt clean test and sbt clean it:test

Note: acceptance testing is done as part of the main IV suite with question repository enabled from IV backend, see

How to run the service locally

This service depends on the following collaborating services at runtime:

  • datastream (for Splunk auditing)
  • platform-analytics (for GA events)
  • iv_test_data (during IT tests and in stubbed or local environments)
  • si_hod_proxy (for SA questions)
  • business_verification_stub (during IT tests and in stubbed or local environments)
  • (in production, for P60 data)

Locally, make sure you have running and then do:

sbt run

The service should start up on port 10101