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System requirements

  • Boost >= 1.54
  • BamTools library >= 2.5.0
    • Note that some linux distributions have separate packages for the library and the executable, i.e. on Ubuntu you need libbamtools-dev, but not bamtools.
    • or you can build it locally and then specify the location of the build when running cmake (e.g. cmake -D BAMTOOLS_ROOT=/home/username/bamtools .)
  • Zlib (was tested on 1.2.11 version)
  • Bzip2 (was tested on 1.0.5 version)
  • R >= 3.2.2 with packages:
  • Rcpp
  • RcppEigen
  • RInside
  • Matrix
  • Compiler with c++11 support (was tested with gcc >= 4.8.5 and CLang 3.9.1)
  • CMake >= 3.0


Install R packages:

install.packages(c("Rcpp","RcppEigen", "RInside", "Matrix"))

Clone this repository:

git clone

Build (replace ``installation/path`` with path to the folder, where you want to install the pipeline):

mkdir dropEst/build
cd dropEst/build
cmake .. && make


make install

After this, droptag, dropest and dropReport.Rsc binaries must be available at installation/path/bin/ folder.

Manual installation of dependencies

Here is the instruction on how to install specific versions of libraries to the local folder (i.e. ~/local/). Let's store this directory in LOCAL_LIBS variable:

export LOCAL_LIBS=$HOME/local/

To create this directory use:


To add installed libraries to PATH use:

export PATH=$LOCAL_LIBS/bin:$LOCAL_LIBS/usr/local/bin/:$PATH


Download version 3.12:

tar xvf cmake-3.12.0-rc1.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.12.0-rc1

Build and install:

./bootstrap --prefix=$LOCAL_LIBS
make install

For the detailed instruction see instruction page.


Download version 1.2.11:

tar xvf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
cd zlib-1.2.11

Build and install:

./configure --prefix=$LOCAL_LIBS
make install


Clone repository, version 2.5.0:

git clone
cd bamtools
git reset --hard 94f072

Build and install:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
make install DESTDIR=$LOCAL_LIBS

For the detailed instruction see instruction page.


Download version 1.0.6:

tar xvf bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz
cd bzip2-1.0.6

Build and install:

make -f Makefile-libbz2_so
make install PREFIX=$LOCAL_LIBS
cp -a* $LOCAL_LIBS/lib/
ln -s $LOCAL_LIBS/lib/ $LOCAL_LIBS/lib/

For the detailed instruction see this page.


Download version 1.60:

tar xzf boost_1_60_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_60_0

Build and install:

./ --with-libraries=filesystem,iostreams,log,system,thread,test
./b2 cxxflags="-std=c++11" include="$LOCAL_LIBS/include/" search="$LOCAL_LIBS/lib/" link=shared threading=multi install --prefix=$LOCAL_LIBS

For the detailed instruction see tutorial page.


Alternatively, you can use dropEst through Docker. Dockerfiles for the most popular linux distributions are provided (see dropEst/dockers/). You can either build and run these dockers or just read dockerfiles for the further instructions on dropEst installation for specific distribution.

To install docker on your system see installation instruction.

To pull pre-built CentOS-based docker from DockerHub use:

docker pull vpetukhov/dropest:latest

Dockers for older dropEst versions are available on DockerHub.

Or, you can build docker by hands, using the following commands:

cd dropEst/dockers/centos7
docker build -t dropest .

Or, for CentOS 7:

cd dropEst/dockers/centos7
docker build -t dropest .

To run the docker, use

docker run --name dropest -it dropest

You can find more info about dockers at Docker Cheat Sheet

Updating dropEst inside docker

Please note, that docker container isn't wired to a specific dropEst version, it just builds the latest commit from the master branch of the git repo. To update the code inside a compiled container, you need to log into it, pull the latest version and rebuild the code:

docker exec -it dropest /bin/bash

cd /home/user/dropEst/build
rm -rf ./*
git pull origin master
cmake .. && make


CMake can't find installed libraries

If cmake can't find one of the libraries, or you want to use some specific versions, which are currently not in the default path, use corresponding cmake variables: * Boost: BOOST_ROOT. * BamTools: BAMTOOLS_ROOT. * R: R_ROOT. Can be found by running the cat(R.home()) in R.

These variables should be set to the path to the installed library. It can be done either by using command line options: cmake -D R_ROOT="path_to_r" or by adding the variable declaration to the beginning of CMakeLists.txt: set(R_ROOT path_to_r).

In case you have some issues with the linker for specific library, please build this library manually with the version of compiler, which you're going to use for dropEst build.

Problems with std::__cxx11::string

If you have messages like "(path to some library): undefined reference to (some name) for std::__cxx11::basic_ostringstream, std::allocator >", it means that you're trying to link a library, built with gcc < 5.0, while dropEst is built with gcc >= 5.0. It's a compiler issue, and you have to guarantee consistency of compiler versions by rebuilding either the library or dropEst. For more details see question on stackoverflow.

If you have several compilers in your system, please use cmake flags -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=(c++ compiler) and -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=(c compiler) to choose a compiler. Here, (c++ compiler) and (c compiler) denotes path to the prefered compiler version.

Boost 1.65

CMake < 3.10 has known issues with boost 1.65. If you have such combination, please try either to upgrade cmake or to downgrade boost.