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Showcase: Angular library customization

Naturally a library is to be used by multiple applications in different scenarios. Therefore you should prevent leaking business logic into your library and keep it abstract and extendable.

Here I demonstrate a possibility by implementing an abstract service defined and used within the library. The solution is pretty simple using Angular's dependency injection mechanism.

Library: Implementation details

The library defines the abstract class MyAbstractLibService. We inject this abstract service into a component of the library using an Injection-Token (here of type InjectionToken<string>):

constructor(@Inject(MY_IMPLEMENTATION) private myAbstractLibService: MyAbstractLibService) { }

App: Implementation details

First we implement the abstract service within the main application:

class MyLibService extends MyAbstractLibService {

Then we tell angular to manage this implementation using the defined Injection-Token:

providers: [
    { provide: MY_IMPLEMENTATION, useClass: MyLibService }

Run instructions

Angular Workspace

To build and run my-app and my-lib with workspace configuration:

git checkout master
npm run start

Open http://localhost:4200/.

Split builds

To build and run my-app and my-lib independently I have prepared a docker-compose setup:

git checkout split_builds
docker-compose up

Open http://localhost:4200/.


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