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Meganote is a full-stack task management app built with React, Redux, Material UI, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB

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Meganote - The ultimate task management app

Table of Contents
  1. Links
  2. About The Project
  3. API Endpoints
  4. Entity Relationship Diagram
  5. Getting Started


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About The Project

Meganote Public Screen Shot

Meganote Screen Shot

Project Description

Meganote is an app that aims to solve a problem that companies often have - how to manage employees' tasks efficiently.

This app acts like the traditional sticky note board system in which users stick notes that contain the tasks need to be done on a board and then proceed to complete them one-by-one.

Challenges: Designing logical schema models for the API, implementing authentication and authorization, designing an easy-to-use user interface, making the app responsive.

Features for the future: Making a mobile version of the app for iOS and Android.

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User Stories


  • As a user, I can sign in with my username and password
  • As a user, I can choose to stay signed in after refreshing the page
  • As a user, I can edit my own username, full name, avatar, email, and password
  • As a user, I can sign out from the system


  • As an admin, I can view a list of all the notes in the system
  • As an admin, I can edit the information of all existing notes
  • As an admin, I can delete my own notes, and the notes of managers and employees, but I cannot delete the notes of other admins
  • As an admin, I can create new notes and assign them to myself, other admins, and any users
  • As an admin, I can view a list of all the users in the system
  • As an admin, I can create new users with username, avatar URL, password, and role (admin, manager, or employee)
  • As an admin, I can edit the information of all existing users
  • As an admin, I can delete all users from the system


  • As a manager, I can view a list of all the notes in the system except the notes of admins
  • As a manager, I can edit the information of all existing notes except the notes of admins
  • As a manager, I can delete my own notes, and the notes employees, but I cannot delete the notes of other managers. I cannot delete admins' notes
  • As a manager, I can create new notes and assign them to myself, other managers, and employees. I cannot assign notes to admins
  • As a manager, I can view a list of all the users in the system except admins


  • As an employee, I can view a list of the notes assigned to me
  • As an employee, I can edit the information of the notes currently assigned to me
  • As an employee, I can create new notes and assign them to myself or other employees. I cannot assign notes to admins or managers

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Notable Features

  • Persistent login sessions for users
  • Users can switch between dark and light modes
  • Users can upload their own avatars from their computers (stored on Firebase)
  • If users forgot their password, they can click "Forgot Password" and receive a password reset email with a reset token
  • Whenever a user's account information or notes get updated, the app will send them a notification email
  • Admins can search for users by their name or role
  • Admins can choose to hide inactive users
  • Users can search for notes by ticket number, title, or user's name
  • Users can choose to hide completed notes
  • Debounced search input

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Built With

  • React
  • React Router
  • Redux
  • Material UI
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • JWT
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Stylelint

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API Endpoints

Auth APIs

 * @route POST /auth
 * @description Log in with username and password
 * @body {username, passsword}
 * @access Public
 * @route POST /auth/register
 * @description Register new user (for demo purposes only)
 * @body {username, fullname, email, password, role}
 * @access Public

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User APIs

 * @route GET /users
 * @description Get users with search query, filter, and paginations
 * @query {page, limit, fullname, role, active}
 * @access Private - only for Admins
 * @route GET /users/all
 * @description Get all users
 * @access Private - only for Admins
 * @route GET /users/:id
 * @description Get a single user by their id
 * @params {id}
 * @access Private - only for Admins
 * @route POST /users
 * @description Create a new user
 * @body {username, fullname, email, password, role}
 * @access Private - only for Admins
 * @route PATCH /users/:id
 * @description Update an existing user
 * @body {id, username, fullname, email, role, active}
 * @access Private - only for Admins
 * @route DELETE /users/:id
 * @description Soft delete an existing user
 * @params {id}
 * @access Private - only for Admins

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Account APIs

 * @route GET /account/:id
 * @description Get the currently logged-in user's account by their id
 * @params {id}
 * @access Private - for all users
 * @route PATCH /account/:id
 * @description Update the currently logged-in user's account settings
 * @body {id, username, email, password}
 * @access Private - for all users
 * @route PUT /account/:id
 * @description Update the currently logged-in user's profile
 * @body {id, fullname, avatarUrl}
 * @access Private - for all users

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Note APIs

 * @route GET /notes/all
 * @description Get all notes
 * @access Private - for all users
 * @route GET /notes/
 * @description Get notes with search query, filter, and paginations
 * @query {page, limit, ticket, title, status}
 * @access Private - for all users
 * @route GET /notes/:id
 * @description Get a single note by its id
 * @params {id}
 * @access Private - for all users
 * @route POST /notes
 * @description Create a new note
 * @body {user, title, text, status}
 * @access Private - for all users
 * @route PATCH /notes/:id
 * @description Update an existing note
 * @body {id, user, title, text, status}
 * @access Private - for all users
 * @route DELETE /notes/:id
 * @description Soft delete an existing note
 * @params {id}
 * @access Private - only for Admins and Managers

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Entity Relationship Diagram

Meganote ERD

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Getting Started


  1. Check your version of Node.js and npm
    node -v
    npm -v
  2. Install Node.js and npm if needed at

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  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
    cd meganote-be-v2
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Create an .env file with the following contents
    MONGO_URI = your_mongodb_uri
    PORT = your_preferred_port // default: 5000
    NODE_ENV = development
    ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = your_access_token_secret
    REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET = your_refresh_token_secret
  4. Generate two different secret keys for ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET and REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET using the built-in crypto module of node
  5. Replace the default values with your own values for PORT (optional), MONGO_URI, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET, EMAIL_SERVICE, EMAIL_USERNAME, EMAIL_PASSWORD, EMAIL_FROM in the .env file
  6. Start the server
    npm start


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
    cd meganote-fe-v4
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Create an .env file with the following contents
    VITE_NODE_ENV = development;
    VITE_API_URL = your_api_url; // default: http://localhost:5000
    VITE_FIREBASE_API_KEY = your_firebase_api_key;
  4. Replace the value of VITE_FIREBASE_API_KEY with your own Firebase API Key. Optional: Replace the value of VITE_API_URL with the URL of your deployed API
  5. Build the app
    npm run build
  6. Run the app
    npm run dev

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Meganote is a full-stack task management app built with React, Redux, Material UI, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB







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