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PoBe edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the TradingEngine wiki! being worked on


The TradingEngine project is spun out of another project Modum. Modum is an application for testing and simulating traffic for market place system. In that project it was a need for having a market place system to develop and test against. For that purpose a trading engine was developed. This project has been based on the Modum trading engine with some enhanced to the solution i.e. added a main stream API REST / WebSockets, management interface, appropriate logging etc.


By flux I started to work for DEC in the mid 80s. In the end of the 80s I joined project for building a price information dissemination system for Swedish government bonds (PMI). It was a replacement of the then current Blomberg solution. In the early 90s I started to work for OMX that later become OMX/NASDAQ and developed / engineered the electronic solutions until the end of the millennium. It was basically a journey from whiteboard /phones to deregulation, multi-listing and HFT. After OMX I together with some other people started the venture Cinnober Technology and experienced the transformation of the market with ATSs, HFT, Algotrading etc during the first decade of the 21st century.

Over the years, some wise people's predictions have made an unforgettable impression on me :-)

  • When working at DEC (around 87/88) someone said; "HW will be commodity, software is the future. DEC will be in trouble". Almost right; HW become commodity, DEC DEC got into trouble was sold to Compact -98. The future was and is in services and not software.

  • At one occasion around 2010 a friend said; "software is worth nothing unless there is not a trusted and competent team supporting, maintaining, marketing and selling it".

To develop and run global exchanges echo systems are complex and require solid organisations and sponsors. However many startup ventures can take advantage of open source projects and artifacts. Many times these can fulfill the requirements, especially non functional requirements such as capacity, latency etc. With moderate efforts and adaptations these can fulfill a full proof of concept

However to be successful running a market place or any other service, the organisation and setup is the essential key for success.

This project is just the software and inspiration for a basic pragmatic trading engine.


In my junior years I developed a driver for running a protocol over X.25. I got hold of the person that was the developed the original protocol and had some questions and thoughts. Well he said; it was long time ago. But you have the source, right?

The is not much documentation for this project, you can find a kick-start here

Q & A

What is the purpose with this project?

To keep me busy from time to time. And have a app where I can test and learn new technologies / ideas.It may also serve as inspirations for others.

It there a GUI client?

_No, I'm terrible when it comes to GUI design and development. No interest, no competence. There will like not be one at least not developed be me :-) _

Will there be any support further development?

Yes, I will develop this further when spirit is right and when not having other life priorities (there are a few on my bucket list).

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