Releases: hoglet67/AtomSoftwareArchive
Atom Software Archive V13.00
Changes since 12.04 include:
Version 13.00 of the Atom Software adds a further 67 titles, including three from Bug Byte.
- Bug Byte: Atom Disassembler (from Arcadian)
- Bug Byte: Mini Breakout (2K Progs 3, recreated from listing in The Atom issue 1)
- Bug Byte: Backgammon (already in the archive, but wrongly attribute to PCW)
AGD: 28 new games from Kees' AGD Packs 63-39
- Aunt Rose (link to pack 63)
- Bandito (link to pack 63)
- Beef! (link to pack 63)
- Bola ke Ase (link to pack 63)
- Bomb Bomb Buster (link to pack 64)
- Bunny's Big Adventure (link to pack 64)
- Bunny vs Fox (link to pack 64)
- Chopper Defense (link to pack 64)
- Combat Wombat (link to pack 65)
- Dark Castle (link to pack 65)
- Defeat the Devil (link to pack 65)
- Dirty Dozer 2 (link to pack 65)
- Forward to the Past (link to pack 66)
- Gherbert Groundhog in Save the Date (link to pack 66)
- GhoSte's Grunge (link to pack 66)
- The Man with the Golden Joystick - featuring RetroHitch (link to pack 66)
- Janky Joe in Retro Hell (link to pack 67)
- Mabus Mania (link to pack 67)
- Manic Mulholland (link to pack 67)
- Unicycle (link to pack 67)
- Javi Pómez y la Cámara no Secreta (link to pack 68)
- [MOD] Jet Pack Neo (link to pack 68)
- Mojoni in the Sewer World (link to pack 68)
- The Last Escape (link to pack 68)
- Nevermore (link to pack 69)
- Ninja Poison1 (link to pack 69)
- Papyrus (link to pack 69)
- Psycho Santa (link to pack 69)
AGD Carousel: Both econet and atommc versions now updated automatically
Inufuto: 12 new games from Inufuto (link to youtube playlist)
ROMS: Added the black Atom Sign ROM
Submissions from Wim (mostly Dutch):
- GAGS Demo (needs the GAGs ROM)
- Pie Chart Generator (needs the GAGs ROM)
- KAARTEN (Cards)
- K-TRUUK (Card Trick)
- P-HEIN (Reversi Clone)
Personal Computer World Type-ins:
- Missile Dodge (Game) (link to magazine)
- Four-Stroke Cycle (Demo) (link to magazine)
- Backgammon (Game) (already in the archive, wrongly attribute to Bug Byte) (link to magazine)
- Ghost Maze (Game) (link to magazine)
- Turbo and Cakes (Small Games) (link to magazine)
Personal Computing Today Type-ins: (thanks to pisonic for the scans)
- Worm (Game) (link to magazine)
- Trang (Game) (link to magazine)
- Up Down Lister (Utility) (link to magazine)
- Gas/Electric Estimator (Utility) (link to magazine)
- Double Speed Saver (Utility) (link to magazine)
- Atom Calendar (Utility) (link to magazine)
- Inverse Video (Utility) (link to magazine)
Getting Acquainted with your Acorn Atom Type-ins:
- Breakout (from LinuxJedi)
- Dodgem
- Labyrinth (from LinuxJedi)
- Swappo (from LinuxJedi)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed version of RALLY RACER (from Kees)
- Fixed AGD Carousel Atommc/Econet detection
- Small update game boot loaders (requested by John Kortink for his Atom GoSDC project)
Known issues:
- The SDDOS2/3 versions are likely broken because we have exceeded their limits of 1024 disk images. The obvious fix is to pack two titles onto each disk image. However, as these are unlikely to ever be used, I'm not in any hurry to address this.
Full Changelog: V12_04...V13_00
Atom Software Archive V12.04
This is a development snapshot
Changes since 12.03 include:
AGD Carousel:
- Added 41 screens from AGD packs 52-62
- Added Econet support
- Build with python3 to avoid pipe stdout bug
- Renamed BOOT to VDUMENU to avoid a filename conflict
- Included Duck.Me beta 18 for testing purposes
OSWRCH80 driver:
- implement VDU 28 text windows
- implement VDU 19 and inverse video
- fix a workspace conflict with an un-initialized BRAN
SYS package for Atom2K14/18/YARRB
- holding down SHIFT soft-loads ECO350E instead of AtoMMC
Atom Software Archive V12.03
This is a testing version that includes several OZMOO adventures (they all need Atom Tube and a 6502 Co Processor to run)
Alien Research Centre 3...
Behind Closed Doors 9...
Beyond Zork...
Hibernated 1 - Directors Cut...
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...
Hollywood Hijinx...
The Job R5...
Leather Goddesses of Phobos...
Zork1: The Great Underground Empire...
Zork2: The Wizard of Frobozz...
Zork3: The Dungeon Master...
Four different VDU drivers are supported:
- the Atom's normal text mode (32x16)
- the VDU2440 VDU driver (40x24 in CLEAR 4)
- the AEK SCREEN ROM VDU driver (42x24 in CLEAR 4 with text window support)
- the GODIL/VGA80 (80x40) external hardware
Atom Software Archive V12.02
This is a testing version that includes several OZMOO adventures (they all need Atom Tube and a 6502 Co Processor to run)
- Adventure...
- Alien Research Centre 3...
- Behind Closed Doors 9...
- Beyond Zork...
- Calypso...
- Hibernated 1 - Directors Cut...
- The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...
- Hollywood Hijinx...
- The Job R5...
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos...
- Planetfall...
- Wishbringer...
- Zork1: The Great Underground Empire...
- Zork2: The Wizard of Frobozz...
- Zork3: The Dungeon Master...
Atom Software Archive V12.01
This is a testing release of the Econet/BeebSCSI versions of the Archive
Atom Software Archive V12.00
Includes Kee's AGD Packs 52 - 62 (a total of 44 new titles) see:
Atom Software Archive V11.01
This is a testing release of the JavaScript version of the Archive
Please ignore unless your name is Kees (!!)
Atom Software Archive V11
There have been 217 additions / updates since V10:
Chapter A (Commercial):
- Invaders (Aardvark, submitted by David Wallis)
Chapter B (Modern Creations):
- Bad Apple (Clear 4 FS) (submitted by Hoglet)
- BeebSID19 Classical (submitted by Hoglet)
- GODIL OSWRCH80 (submitted by Hoglet)
Chapter C (Kees' AGD Ports):
A total of 200 amazing Arcade Game Designer (AGD) ports by Kees, plus the AGD Demo Carousel.
These almost all require a full 32KB of RAM to run.
- AGD Demo Carousel
- Aeon 1
- Aeon 2
- Aeon 3
- Aeon 4
- Albert the Wolf
- All Hallows
- Andys Escape
- Angry Birds Opposition
- Antiquity Jones
- Astronaut Labyrinth
- Astrosmash ZX
- Baby Monkey Alba
- Baffo Jones
- Baldy ZX
- Battle Tank 3D and some Cr
- Bean Brothers
- Being Left is not Right
- Billys Quest
- Binary
- Bob Bustin Ghosts
- Bob Jet Pack
- Bob Lurching Dead
- Bob Summer Breeze
- Bob the Blob Xavier
- Bot Floater
- Brick Racer
- B-Squared
- Bubble Frenzy
- Bubble Monkey Bros
- Bumber
- Caps and Rescue 1
- Caps and Rescue 2
- Caps and Rescue 3
- Castle Capers
- Catch a Hare
- Cattivik level1
- Cattivik level2
- Cattivik level3
- Cattivik never Dies
- Cherry68
- Chopperdrop
- Christmas Gift Hunt
- Chunk Zone
- Circuitry
- Code Zero
- Cousin Horace Chapter 3-Sl
- Cousin Horace Chapter 5-To
- Crazy Kong City-Episode1-S
- Crazy Kong City-Episode2-S
- Cronopios Y Famas
- Cyber Mania
- Dark Tricks
- Davey Dudds
- Dead Flesh Boy
- Deadzone
- Diamond Geezer
- Donkey Kong Jr
- Donkey Kong Reloaded Again
- Doodle Bug
- Doompit part1
- Doompit part2
- Doompit part3
- Double Bubble
- Droid Buster
- Dungeon Raiders
- Ferret Buster
- Find the Green Room
- Flappy the Ghost
- Flipping Horace
- Foggy's Quest (C)
- Foggy's Quest (M)
- Funky Fungus
- Funky Fungus part 2
- Funky Fungus part 3
- Funky Fungus part 4
- Generatio Digital
- Gerry Andersons UFO
- Grumpy Santa
- Hedgehog
- Heroes Rescue
- Higgy 2 The Wrath of McMania
- HopNFrog
- Hyperkill
- Ice Slider Z
- Impossabubble
- Indiana Jones and the Foun
- In the Walls of ERYX
- Jane Jelly Egg Diamond
- Jane Jelly Hot Marmelade
- Jane Jelly Treasure of Zedin
- Joey Jumpy
- Jump Collision
- Kanga
- Killerbees
- Knight Hero
- Knight Hero White
- Krappark
- Kyd Cadet
- Kyd Cadet 3 The Eyeburx Pl
- Kyd Cadet II The Rescue of
- LandOfMireMare Instructions
- Last Human
- Little Dragon 2
- Lost in my Spectrum
- Lost in Space
- Lost Little Spaceman
- Lupo Alberto
- Mark gets sucked in
- Meteromania
- Mike The Guitar
- Mini Explorer
- Mission on Mars
- Monkey J The Treasure of t
- Montys Honey Run
- Montys Last Strike
- Montys Last Strike Christmas Job
- Moritz
- Mouser
- Mysterious Dimensions part
- Mysterious Dimensions part
- Nadral
- Nemokay Island
- Night Stalker ZX
- Ninja Garden Simulator
- Nixy the glade Sprite
- Nixy The Seeds of Doom
- Oceano
- Octukitty
- OhLaLa
- Ooze
- Operation Labyrinth Fall
- pace Junk
- Page and the Curse of the Pharaoh
- Pages Castle Quest
- Parachute
- Pengo
- Percy Penguin in The Prese
- Pick Axe Pete
- Pink Pills Moritz Meds
- Platform Prodigy
- Popeye
- Prelude to chaos
- Prospector
- Pumpkin Poe
- Puzzle Boxes
- QBox
- Quahappy
- R2D2
- Randomator
- Rescue Lander
- Robo Probe
- Robot1 Ship of Doom
- Robots Rumble
- Robot The Impossible Missi
- Rocky Roads and Divots
- Rubicon
- Rudolph rescues Xmas
- Santos Christmas Adventure
- Sc0tb0t
- Seto Taisho to Kazan
- Seto Taiso to Kazan
- Sophia
- Sophia II Part 1
- Sophia II Part 2
- Sophia II Part 3
- Sorceress
- Sorceress2
- Space Disposal
- Space Escape
- Speccy Pong
- Steel Jeeg
- STW Theme Park
- Super 48k Box
- Tea and Sympathy
- Tea Leaf Ted
- Tea Leaf Ted Bear
- Terrahawks
- Terrapins
- That Sinking Feeling
- The Amethyst Dagger
- The Big Javi's Adventure
- The Dragon with the Wagon
- The Incredible Shrinking Professor
- The Malignant Core
- The Quest to become King
- The Treasure of Lumos
- The Vectornauts
- Tiki Temple
- Timothys Travels
- Toofy in Fan Land
- Toofys Winter Nuts
- Trick or Troll
- Vintik
- Zbylut Owrzodzien
- Zoes Adventure
- Zombo
- Zombo's Christmas Capers
- Zukinox
Chapter D (Non Commercial):
- Colour Test 1 (submitted by Hoglet)
- Deadstar (submitted by Wim)
- Gattack (submitted by Wim)
- Jackpot (submitted by Wim)
- Logger (submitted by Kees)
- Parachute (submitted by Wim)
- Shopper (submitted by Wim)
- Topografie (submitted by Wim)
- Worm (submitted by Kees)
Chapter E (Books and Magazines):
- UFO (PCW, submitted by John Ferguson)
Chapter F (Utility ROMs):
- FPGA Utils 0.28 (submitted by Hoglet)
- MC Monitor (Program Power, submitted by John Ferguson)
- programs marked with (R) in the Menu definitely require additional ROMs
- programs marked with (32K) in the Menu definitely require additional RAM beyond the standard 12K
- all games in the AGD Chapter definitely require additional RAM beyond the standard 12K
- if a ROM is soft-loaded, that ROM will be left in the locked state. If a subsequent program needs access to other ROMs, the user must manually issue UNLOCK (or shift-return)
- Chapter G (All Titles) will not be shown if there is insufficient RAM. Even on a 32K machine, this can happen if a ROM is soft-loaded.
Atom Software Archive V11 BETA 6
Additions since Beta 5 are...
- AGD Packs 29-41 Added
Atom Software Archive V11 BETA 5
Changes since Beta 4:
- Rationalised menu file structure to minimise differences between targets
This change should have no visible effects.
It simplifies the MENU program slightly, and possibly works around a bug in SoftMDFS where handling of Atom LOAD commands was not correctly dealing with paths that contained directory components.