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wxWebViewChromioum Instructions

Haojian Wu edited this page Aug 4, 2014 · 3 revisions


wxWebViewChromium is a Chromium backend for wxWebView using the Chromium Embedded Framework(CEF3).


Chromium Embedded Framework: 3.1750.1738

  • Windows: 3.1750.1738 or 3.1650.1562
  • Linux: 3.1750.1738 or 3.1650.1562
  • Mac OS X: 3.1750.1738(64bits)

On Windows platform, you will need to change the vistual stdio building properties of libcef_dll_wrapper to consistent with wxWidgets, see following steps:

  • C/C++ - General - Treat Warngings as Error - No
  • C/C++ - Code Generation - Runtime Library - Multithreaded [Debug] DLL
  • C/C++ - Code Generation - Enable C++ Exceptions - Yes
  • C/C++ - Language - Enable Run-Time Type Information - Yes

For more details, you can refer to wxWebViewChromium's wiki.

Building Instructions

wxWebViewChromium supports Windows/Linux/Mac OS X platforms. For developers who want to use webviewChromium feature, they need to link to webviewchromium library on Windows/Linux platforms(On Mac OS X, they need to do more, see below section).

###Common Steps

  1. Clone the repository by running git clone

  2. Copy the CEF3 directory to wxWidgets src directory(wxWidgets sets <wxWidgets_src>/src/cef as a default library).

###Windows Platform

By default, wxWidgets provides Visual Stdio 2010 project file to build wxWebViewChromium, and set Chromium Embedded Framework in <wxWidgets_src>/cef directory.

  1. Open build/msw/wc_vc10.sln project file in Visual Stdio 2010, and build wxWidgets library.

  2. Open samples/webview_chromium/webview_chromium_vc10.vcxproj file in Visual Stdio 2010, and build it.

  3. Copy CEF3 related resources(libcef.dll,, locales/*, cef.apk, devtools_resources.pak) to webview_chromium binary directory.

###Linux Platform

By default, wxWebviewChromium feature is disabled in makefile build, you should enable it through enable-webviewchromium option.

  1. Regenerate the building files by running bakefile_gen -f autoconf command under build/bakefiles directory.

  2. Run ./ under <wxWidgets_src>.

  3. Run ./configure --enable-webviewchromium and make commands.

  4. Copy CEF3 related resources as above step5 in windows Platform.

###Mac OS X Platform

wxWidgets supports xcode/makefile builds, requre OS X 10.8 or above.

  • Xcode builds: open samples/webview_chromium/webview_chromium.xcodeproj, and build webview_chromium sample target.

  • Makefile: the same as linux platform mentioned above.

Due to the application bundle structure on OS X, wxWebviewChromium is a little complicated than win/linux platfroms. We need an extra helper application for executing separate other chromim processes(renderer, plugin, etc), so they have separated app bundles and Info.plist.

For application using webviewChromium, below are details steps, you can retrieve it in webview_chromium.bkl(samples/webview_chromium/webview_chromium.bkl) files:

  1. Build webviewchromium library.

    • Use system tool install_name_tool -change to correct Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework location.
  2. Compiled/link/package the helper app:

    • Require process_helper_mac.cpp
    • Reuqire link frameworks: Chromium Embedded Framework.framework, AppKit.frameworks.
    • Reuqire app bundle configuration: Info.plist
    • Use system tool install_name_tool -change to correct Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework location.
  3. Compiled/link/package the webviewchromium app:

    • Require webview.cpp
    • Reuqire link frameworks: Chromium Embedded Framework.framework, AppKit.frameworks.
    • Reuqire app bundle configuration: Info.plist
    • Use system tool install_name_tool -change to correct Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework location.
  4. Create a Contents/Frameworks directory in bundle and copy, webviewchromium.dylib and Chromium Embedded Framework in it.

  5. Use samples/webview_chromium/mac/tools/ to make sub-process helper app bundles based on helper app.

Below is the wxWebviewChromium sample app bundle directory structure:
`-- Contents
    |-- Frameworks
    |   |-- Chromium Embedded Framework.framework       <= CEF framework
    |   |   |-- Chromium Embedded Framework
    |   |   |-- Libraries
    |   |   |   `--
    |   |   `-- Resources\
    |   |-- libwx_osx_cocoau_webviewchromium-3.1.dylib  <= wxWebviewChromium library supports webviewChromium backend.
    |   |-- webview_chromium Helper              <= helper app
    |   |   `-- Contents
    |   |       |-- Info.plist
    |   |       |-- MacOS
    |   |       |   `-- webview_chromium Helper EH
    |   |       |-- PkgInfo
    |   |       `-- Resources
    |   |           `-- wxmac.icns
    |   |-- webview_chromium Helper              <= helper app
    |   |   `-- Contents
    |   |       |-- Info.plist
    |   |       |-- MacOS
    |   |       |   `-- webview_chromium Helper NP
    |   |       |-- PkgInfo
    |   |       `-- Resources
    |   |           `-- wxmac.icns
    |   `-- webview_chromium                 <= helper app
    |       `-- Contents
    |           |-- Info.plist
    |           |-- MacOS
    |           |   `-- webview_chromium Helper
    |           |-- PkgInfo
    |           `-- Resources
    |               `-- wxmac.icns
    |-- Info.plist
    |-- MacOS
    |   `-- webview_chromium                            <= webviewchromium sample executable
    |-- PkgInfo
    `-- Resources
        `-- wxmac.icns                                  <= resources.


wxWidgets will set wxWidgets_src/src/cef directory as default CEF path. If you want to specify your custom CEF path, please follow the steps:

  1. Specify your CEF path to CEF_INCLUDE_DIR variable in build/bakefiles/config.bkl file.

  2. Regenerate the building files by running bakefile_gen -f <formats>.