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Move more towards using Pithub and take the root repo rather than forks.
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holdenk committed Sep 18, 2011
1 parent 3b92e73 commit d96a99d
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Showing 4 changed files with 180 additions and 35 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
A very simple github bot. Use an accout of the same name.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package blacklist;

sub ok_to_update {
my $user = shift @_;
my %none = {"lolerskates" => 1};
if ($none{$user}) {
print "Not updating for $user ... :( \n";
return 0;
} else {
return 1;

use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw{ok_to_update};

40 changes: 31 additions & 9 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
package errrorcheck;

use strict;
package errorcheck;

sub check_php {
my $rt = shift @_;
Expand All @@ -9,11 +7,20 @@ sub check_php {
return 0;
sub fix_php {
my $rt = shift @_;
return $rt;
sub fix_shell {
my $rt = shift @_;
return $rt;
sub check_shell {
my $rt = shift @_;
my @r = split(/\n/,$rt);
#Is it a shell script
if ($r[0] =~ /\#\!\/bin\/(ba|z|)sh/ || $r[0] =~ /\#\!\/bin\/env (ba|z|)sh/) {
print "yes!\n";
#Handle with [-e foo -e bar]
if ($rt =~ /\[\s*\-e\s*\w*?\s*\-e\w*?\s*\]/) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,12 +64,27 @@ sub check_py {
return 0;
sub fix_py {
my $rt = shift @_;
return 1;
sub check_go {
my $rt = shift @_;
#Check for = nil
if ($rt =~ /\w*\[\w*\]\s*\=\s*nil\s*$/) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
return 1;
sub fix_go {
my $filename = shift @_;
`gofix "$filename"`;
return 1;
sub check_cpp {
sub fix_cpp {
my $rt = shift @_;
return $rt;

use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = qw{check_php fix_php check_py fix_py check_go fix_go check_cpp fix_cpp check_shell fix_shell};

157 changes: 131 additions & 26 deletions
Expand Up @@ -5,18 +5,14 @@
use Pithub;
use Data::Dumper;

use wordlist qw{fix_text check_common};
use strict;
use wordlist qw{fix_text check_common};
use errorcheck qw{check_php fix_php check_py fix_py check_go fix_go check_cpp fix_cpp check_shell fix_shell};
use blacklist qw{ ok_to_update };

my $token ="";
my $user = "holdensmagicalunicorn";

my $p = Pithub->new;

my $consumer_key = "";
my $consumer_secret = "";

my $c = 0;
print "using ck $consumer_key / secret $consumer_secret\n";
my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,7 +41,7 @@
sub handle_url {
my $url = shift @_;
print "looking at $url\n";
if ($url =~ /http.*\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(raw\/|)(master|development)\/(.*)/) {
if ($url =~ /http.*\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(raw\/|)(master|development|\w+)\/(.*)/) {
my $ruser = $1;
my $repo = $2;
my $file = $4;
Expand All @@ -65,15 +61,21 @@ sub handle_url {
$result = $p->repos->get( user => $ruser , repo => $repo);
if (!ok_to_update($ruser)) {
#Fuck no love
return 0;
#Ok dokey lets try and fork this business
my $f = Pithub::Repos::Forks->new(user => $user ,token => $token);
print "trying to fork!\n";
my $f = Pithub::Repos::Forks->new(token => $token);
my $result = $f->create( user => $ruser, repo => $repo);
print "got back ".Dumper($result->content)."yay?";
my $clone_url = $result->content->{ssh_url};
my $upstream_url = $result->content->{parent}->{ssh_url};
my $master_branch = $result->content->{parent}->{master_branch};
my $master_branch = $result->content->{parent}->{master_branch} || "master";
print "using master branch: $master_branch\n";
#Oh hey lets merge the latest business to eh (just in case we have an old fork)
`rm -rf foo && mkdir -p foo && cd foo && git clone "$clone_url" && cd * && git remote add upstream "$upstream_url" && git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/$master_branch && git push`;
print "Did the sexy bit!\n";
#Get the files
my @all_files;
open (my $files,"find ./foo/|");
Expand All @@ -83,24 +85,127 @@ sub handle_url {
close ($files);
#Now we iterate through each of the processors so the git commit messages are grouped logically

print "handling the files\n";
my @changes = handle_files(@all_files);
#Did we change anything?
if ($#changes > 0) {
my $pull_msg = generate_pull_msg(@changes);
my $twitter_msg = generate_twitter_msg(@changes);
#Make pull
my $pu = Pithub::PullRequests->new(user => $user ,token => $token);
my $result = $pu->create(user => $user,
repo => $repo,
data => {
title => "Pull request to a fix things",
base => $master_branch,
head => $master_branch});
print "Dump".Dumper($result->content);
#Post to twitter
$twitter_msg =~ s/\[LINK\]$/$link/;
sub generate_pull_msg {
my @msgs = @_;
my $msg_txt = join(' ',@msgs);
my $pull_msg = "Fix ".$msg_txt." these changes are automagically generated by";
return $pull_msg;
sub generate_twitter_msg {
my ($pname,$link,@msgs) = @_;
my $msgs_txt = join(' ',@msgs);
my $message = "Fixing: ".$msgs_txt." in ".$pname." see pull request [LINK]";
if (length($message) > 120) {
$message = "Fixing: ".$msgs_txt." in ".$pname." see [LINK]";
if (length($message) > 120) {
$message = "Fixing ".$msgs_txt." in ".$pname." see [LINK]";
if (length($message) > 120) {
$message = "Update to ".$pname." see pull request [LINK]";
return $message;
sub fix_readme {
my $file = shift @_;
if ($file =~ /\/README(\.txt|\.rtf|\.md|\.m\w+)$/) {
print "Checking $file for readme changes";
open (my $in, "<", "$file") or die "Unable to open $file in $repo";
my $t = do { local $/ = <$in> };
#Is there a spelling mistake?
if (check_common($t)) {
open ($out, ">", "$file") or die "Unable to open $file in $repo";
print $out fix_text($t);
close ($out);
sub handle_files {
print "handle_files called\n";
my @files = @_;
my @handlers = (handle_group("Fixing typos in README",qr/\/README(\.txt|\.rtf|\.md|\.m\w+)$/,\&check_common,\&fix_text),
handle_group("Fixing old PHP calls",qr/\.php$/,\&check_php,\&fix_php),
handle_group("Updating shell scripts",qr/\/\w(\.sh|\.bash|)$/,\&check_shell,\&fix_shell),
handle_group("Fixing deprecated django",qr/\.py$/,\&check_py,\&fix_py),
handle_group_cmd("Fixing go formatting",qr/\.go$/,\&check_go,\&fix_go));
my @handler_names = ("typos","deprecated php","portable shell","deprecated django","go fix");
print "have ".$#files." and ".$#handlers." to use\n";
my $i = 0;
my $short_msg = "Fix ";
my @changes = ();
while ($i < $#handlers+1) {
print "running $i\n";
print "Running handler $i / ".$handler_names[$i]."\n";
my $r = $handlers[$i](@files);
if ($r) {
push @changes, $handler_names[$i];
} elsif ($file =~ /\/README\.pod$/) {
#Handle pod l8r
return @changes;
sub handle_group {
my $git_message = shift @_;
my $gate_regex = shift @_;
my $gate_function = shift @_;
my $fix_function = shift @_;
return sub {
my $changes = 0;
my @files = @_;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file !~ /\/\.git\// && $file =~ $gate_regex) {
open (my $in, "<", "$file") or die "Unable to open $file";
my $t = do { local $/ = <$in> };
#Is there a spelling mistake?
if ($gate_function->($t)) {
open (my $out, ">", "$file") or die "Unable to open $file";
print $out $fix_function->($t);
close ($out);
#Determine if we have made any difference
`cd foo/*;git diff --exit-code`;
if ($? != 0) {
`cd foo/*;git commit -a -m \"$git_message\";git push; sleep 1; git push`;
return 1;
#Nope no changes
return 0;

sub handle_group_cmd {
my $git_message = shift @_;
my $gate_regex = shift @_;
my $gate_function = shift @_;
my $fix_function = shift @_;
return sub {
my $changes = 0;
my @files = @_;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file !~ /\/\.git\// && $file =~ $gate_regex) {
#Determine if we have made any difference
`cd foo/*;git diff --exit-code`;
if ($? != 0) {
`cd foo/*;git commit -a -m \"$git_message\";git push; sleep 1; git push`;
return 1;
#Nope no changes
return 0;

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