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File metadata and controls

195 lines (139 loc) · 7.67 KB


The Buttons component provides a simple and flexible way to create interactive buttons in your web application. Buttons are essential elements that allow users to perform actions and interact with your website or web application.


To use the Buttons component, you can include it in your HTML code using the following syntax:


import '@holejs/wc/button/button.js'


<!-- Regular button -->
<hwc-button>Click me!</hwc-button>


This property allows you to modify the layout of the component. The possible values are: outlined, text, fab & icon

<!-- Regular -->
<hwc-button>Click me!</hwc-button>

<!-- Outlined -->
<hwc-button appearance="outlined">Click me!</hwc-button>

<!-- Text -->
<hwc-button appearance="text">Click me!</hwc-button>

<!-- Fab -->
<!-- Icon taken from -->
<hwc-button appearance="fab" color="orange-darken-2">
  <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-star-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
    <path d="M3.612 15.443c-.386.198-.824-.149-.746-.592l.83-4.73L.173 6.765c-.329-.314-.158-.888.283-.95l4.898-.696L7.538.792c.197-.39.73-.39.927 0l2.184 4.327 4.898.696c.441.062.612.636.282.95l-3.522 3.356.83 4.73c.078.443-.36.79-.746.592L8 13.187l-4.389 2.256z"/>

<!-- Icon -->
<hwc-button appearance="icon" color="orange-darken-2">
  <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-star-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
    <path d="M3.612 15.443c-.386.198-.824-.149-.746-.592l.83-4.73L.173 6.765c-.329-.314-.158-.888.283-.95l4.898-.696L7.538.792c.197-.39.73-.39.927 0l2.184 4.327 4.898.696c.441.062.612.636.282.95l-3.522 3.356.83 4.73c.078.443-.36.79-.746.592L8 13.187l-4.389 2.256z"/>


This property allows you to disable the component.

<hwc-button disabled>Click me!</hwc-button>


The color property allows you to modify the color of the component.

<hwc-button color="green-darken-2">Click me!</hwc-button>

<hwc-button color="purple-darken-2" appearance="outlined">Click me!</hwc-button>

<hwc-button color="#674A9C" appearance="text">Click me!</hwc-button>

NOTE: You can see the color palette in the following link Color palette

Color gradient

You can set gradient colors using a simple css class. Let's see the following example:

  /* Step 1: Define your class. */
  /* Gradient taken from */
  .electric-violet__bg {
    --hwc-button-background: #4776E6;
    --hwc-button-background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #8E54E9, #4776E6);
    --hwc-button-background: linear-gradient(to right, #8E54E9, #4776E6);

<!-- Step 2: Adding class. -->
<hwc-button class="electric-violet__bg">Gradient button!</hwc-button>

Uppercase, Lowercase & Capitalize

These options allow you to make simple transformations to the button text.

<hwc-button uppercase color="red-darken-2">Click me!</hwc-button>

<hwc-button lowercase appearance="outlined">CLICK ME!</hwc-button>

<hwc-button capitalize appearance="text" color="pink-darken-2">click me!</hwc-button>


This property adds pronounced borders to the side of the component.

<hwc-button rounded uppercase color="red-darken-2">Click me!</hwc-button>


Is an attribute that makes the button stretch to the full width of its parent container.

<hwc-button fullwidth rounded color="orange-darken-2">Click me!</hwc-button>


This property allows you to apply a visual lift effect to the component, creating a sense of depth and making the button appear to be raised or floating above the surface.

<hwc-button elevation="1" color="teal-darken-2">Click me!</hwc-button>

<hwc-button elevation="2" appearance="text" color="green-darken-2">Click me!</hwc-button>

<hwc-button elevation="3" color="yellow-darken-2">Click me!</hwc-button>

<hwc-button elevation="4" appearance="outlined" color="blue-darken-2">Click me!</hwc-button>

<hwc-button elevation="5" color="teal-darken-2">Click me!</hwc-button>

Create your custom elevations

  .custom__elevation {
    --hwc-button-box-shadow: 3px 7px 15px rgba(103, 74, 156 , 0.65);

<hwc-button class="custom__elevation" color="purple-darken-2">Custom elevation button!</hwc-button>


The ripple effect simulates waves that propagate from the point where the interaction was made, spreading across the button area, and then gradually fading out.

<hwc-button elevation="1">
  <!-- Adding ripple effect -->
  Button + Ripple!

Href, Target & Rel

These properties allow you to turn the button into a link.

  rel="noopener noreferrer"

CSS Custom Properties

Name Description
--hwc-button-font-family Font family for the button text. Default: Nunito Sans, sans-serif.
--hwc-button-font-size Font size for the button text. Default: 1rem.
--hwc-button-font-weight This property determines the font weight of the button text. Default: normal.
--hwc-button-letter-spacing This property controls the spacing between characters in the button text. Default: 0.
--hwc-button-height This property sets the height of the button. Default: 43px.
--hwc-button-width This property defines the width of the button. Default: auto.
--hwc-button-padding Padding for the button content. Default: 10px 20px.
--hwc-button-border-radius Border radius for the button.
--hwc-button-border-width Border width for the button. Default: 0.
--hwc-button-border-color Border color for the button. Default: transparent.
--hwc-button-border-style Border style for the button. Default: solid.
--hwc-button-background Background color for the button. Default: var(--hwc-button-color).
--hwc-button-color Color for the button. Default: var(--hwc-blue-darken-2).
--hwc-button-font-color Text color for the button. Default: white.
--hwc-button-cursor Cursor style when hovering over the button. Default: pointer.
--hwc-button-hover-background Background color when hovering over the button.
--hwc-button-box-shadow Allow to set shadows to the component.
--hwc-button-hover-opacity Set opacity to the hover background component.
--hwc-button-z-index Set z-index to the component. Default: 0.