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Passport spec

AJ LaMarc edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 6 revisions

passport will be an access and identity system:

Goals being:

  1. Identity & Access
  2. Friend discovery
  3. Content discovery
  4. Reputation

v1: optional global discovery and contact import (friend discovery) - emphasis for on-boarding

Desktop Setup

  • Set username, description, twitter handle as a passport screen part of on-boarding
  • There should be an "import from Twitter" option here.
  • Choose whether this information is publicly available or not.
    • Simply evolve the %friends agent to support this metadata/data. If publicly available, it's mirrored to our database (supabase?) and queryable by us.
  • Next page: QR code for mobile app on-boarding, preferably automatically authenticating them. Here they can link their phone number to import contacts and enable mobile notifications. Then it says "you're all set! Return to desktop to complete signup." (We want users set up on both platforms as part of on-boarding to reduce friction / + enable mobile notifications.)
  • on Desktop these can all be changed later with simple settings modals equivalent to the current Change Email modal for v1.


  • Mobile app has a "friends" tab that shows with who you're associated with - prefer contact names and twitter names over patp's. Stretch for importing twitter / contact photos over sigils. Mirror this in the desktop friends tray.

v2: link NFTs + token ownership

  • by NFT
  • by token ownership minimum
  • limited hosted accounts other future access strategies can be developed

identity in v2

  • NFT avatar
  • basic metadata

friend discovery

  • opt in phone contact import and matching
  • opt in twitter handle to find followers and following?

<@p> a public page for others to see a public passport

  • @ajlamarc This is cool but a lot of work for minimal benefit IMO, should be delayed.


  • setting wallet addr per space (for NFTs not Realm wallet)
  • endorser for invites (will be used later in reputation system)
  • badges & achievements
  • reputation