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Replication code and data for "The Gift of a Lifetime: The Hospital, Modern Medicine, and Mortality"


  • Alex Hollingsworth
  • Chris Karbownik
  • Melissa A. Thomasson
  • Anthony Wray



The code in this replication package constructs the analysis datasets used to reproduce the figures and tables in the following article:

Hollingsworth, Alex, Krzysztof Karbownik, Melissa A. Thomasson, and Anthony Wray. "The Gift of a Lifetime: The Hospital, Modern Medicine, and Mortality." Forthcoming at the American Economic Review.

Some public-use datasets from IPUMS USA cannot be included in the repository. These must first be downloaded using the IPUMS data extraction system before running our code. Instructions for accessing data from IPUMS USA are provided below.

In addition the NUMIDENT data must be downloaded from Instructions for where to place the data are provided below.

The code is executed using Stata version 18 and R version 4.3.1. To recreate our paper, navigate to the home directory duke-replication and open the stata project duke-replication.stpr, then run the do file This will run all of the code to create the figures and tables in the manuscript, including the online appendix. The replicator should expect the code to run for about 2 hours.

Data Availability and Provenance Statements

Statement about Rights

  • I certify that the author(s) of the manuscript have legitimate access to and permission to use the data used in this manuscript.
  • I certify that the author(s) of the manuscript have documented permission to redistribute/publish the data contained within this replication package. Appropriate permission are documented in the LICENSE.txt file.

License for Data

The data are licensed under a MIT License license. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Summary of Availability

  • All data are publicly available.

Details on each Data Source

The data used to support the findings of this study have been deposited in the replication package hosted at OpenICPSR (openicpsr-197844). Data hand-collected by the authors, and made available under a MIT license, include:

  1. Capital expenditures and investment return data from The Duke Endowment.
  2. Hospital data from the annual reports "Hospital Service in the United States" and the dates when hospitals were approved to offer internships, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
  3. Hospital, medical school, and physician data from the American Medical Directory (AMD).
  4. Mortality and population data by race from the Annual Report of the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the North Carolina State Board of Health

Here we provide further details on the sources for all datasets used in the study:

Data on The Duke Endowment's capital expenditures were hand-entered from printed volumes of the Annual Report of the Hospital Section from 1925 to 1962 (The Duke Endowment, 1925a).

  • In most volumes, details on the Endowment's capital appropriations and payments appear in tables titled "Construction and Equipment Appropriations" (1928 to 1931) or "Construction, Equipment and Purchase Appropriations and Payments" (1939 to 1962). In other years, the relevant information is found in the text of the report.

  • Further information on the name and location of Duke funded hospitals was obtained from a table titled "Location, Auspices, Beds, and Days of Care" in the annual reports.

  • The print volumes of the Annual Report of the Hospital Section can be found in many library collections.

  • Capital expenditures are adjusted for inflation using the All Urban Consumers (Current Series) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Sahr 2018). Data on The Duke Endowment's statement of income, including the annual return of the Endowment were hand-entered from printed volumes of the Yearbook of The Duke Endowment (The Duke Endowment, 1925b).

  • The yearbooks and other archival records of The Duke Endowment are located in The Duke Endowment Archives and are accessible by visiting the Rubenstein Library at Duke University in Durham, NC.

Data from "Hospital Service in the United States" -- the annual presentation of hospital data by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association -- were hand-entered from issues of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) which are available online. The paper uses issues from 1921, 1926, and 1928 to 1951, each of which contain statistics on the previous year.

  • The paper also uses datasets derived from the annual reports JAMA that were collected by one of the study's co-authors for another publication (Esteves et al. 2022).

The paper uses hand-collected data on hospitals, medical schools, and physicians in North Carolina from the American Medical Directory, published by the American Medical Association. Data were extracted from PDF scans, obtained from HathiTrust, for the folowing volumes: 1906, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1916, 1918, 1921, 1923, 1927, 1931, 1936, 1940, and 1942. Hard copies of the following volumes were consulted in various library: 1918, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1934, 1936, 1938, 1940, and 1942.

Annual data on the number of births by race, infant mortality, maternal mortality, and pneumonia mortality for the state of North Carolina were hand-entered from digital copies of the Annual Report of the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the North Carolina State Board of Health (NC-BVS, 1922). The reports are available online from North Carolina Digital Collections -- the digital collections of the State Archives of North Carolina and the State Library of North Carolina.

Data on county health departments were hand-collected from Ferrell and Mead (1933), available online from HathiTrust. For further information about county health departments, see Hoehn-Velasco (2018; 2021).

Data on the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) were downloaded from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS, 2019) on 1 March 2019. This data product was last updated on 25 August 2021 and is archived by the USGS here. The current version of GNIS data is available for download via the U.S. Board on Geographic Names website. A copy of the data file is provided as part of this archive. The data are in the public domain.

The paper uses the "U.S. County-Level Natality and Mortality Data, 1915-2007" (ICPSR 36603) distributed by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (Bailey et al. 2018). Data is subject to a redistribution restriction, but can be freely downloaded from ICPSR. Users will first need to create an account by filling out a registration form and agree to the conditions of use. Save the data file 36603-0001-Data.dta to the raw/icpsr/ folder.

The paper uses IPUMS NHGIS data (Manson et al. 2019; 2022). IPUMS NHGIS does not allow for redistribution without permission, but their terms of use makes an exception for users to "publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication." A copy of the data files are provided as part of this archive.

The paper uses IPUMS USA full count U.S. Census microdata. IPUMS USA does not allow users to redistribute IPUMS-USA Full-Count data, but these data can be freely downloaded from the IPUMS-USA extract system. Users must first fill out the registration form, including a brief description of the project, and agree to the conditions of use. In lieu of providing a copy of the data files as part of this archive, we include codebook files for each of the four full count extracts used, which provide information on the variables and observations to be selected. For convenience, below we provide extract-specific instructions for downloading the data and adding them to this archive:

A. 1910-1940 U.S. Census Full-Count data for North Carolina. The folder raw/ipums/ includes the codebook files in plain text (usa_00086.cbk), xml (usa_00086.xml) and PDF (usa_00086.pdf) formats.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click on the blue box "SELECT SAMPLES" on the left-hand side
  3. Deselect all datasets under the tab "USA SAMPLES"
  4. Click on the tab "USA FULL COUNT"
  5. Select the 1910, 1920, 1930, and 1940 100% options and click on "SUBMIT SAMPLE SELECTIONS"
  6. Select the exact variables listed in usa_00086.cbk (some variables are preselected)
  8. Apply a sample restriction of only residents of North Carolina (STATEFIP code 37): Under "OPTIONS" click on "SELECT CASES," then on the next page select "STATEFIP" and click "SUBMIT," then on the next page select "37 NORTH CAROLINA" and click again on "SUBMIT"
  9. On the "EXTRACT REQUEST" page, if "DATA FORMAT" has not defaulted to ".dta (Stata)" click on "Change" to the right of "DATA FORMAT"
  10. On the "DATA FORMAT AND STRUCTURE" page, ensure that "Stata (.dta)" is selected under "Data Format" and "Rectangular - person (default)" is selected under "Data Structure"
  11. Provide a brief description of the extract and click on "SUBMIT EXTRACT." Instructions for retrieving the data will be sent to the email address registered to the account.
  12. Download the .dta file to the raw/ipums/ folder. If the user has not previously submitted an extract, the file will be called usa_00001.dta.
  13. On line 17 of the program change usa_00086 to the name of the file downloaded in step 12.

B. 1940 U.S. Census Full-Count data for North Carolina. The folder raw/ipums/ includes the codebook files in plain text (usa_00087.cbk), xml (usa_00087.xml) and PDF (usa_00087.pdf) formats.

  1. Follow steps 1 to 4 under extract A
  2. Select the 1940 100% option and click on "SUBMIT SAMPLE SELECTIONS"
  3. Select the exact variables listed in usa_00087.cbk (some variables are preselected)
  4. Follow steps 7 to 11 under extract A
  5. On line 24 of the program change usa_00087 to the name of the file downloaded in step 4.

C. 1920 and 1930 U.S. Census Full-Count data

  1. Follow steps 1 to 4 under extract A
  2. Select the 1920 and 1930 100% options and click on "SUBMIT SAMPLE SELECTIONS"
  3. Select the exact variables listed in User Extract usa_00004.pdf (some variables are preselected)
  5. Follow steps 9 and 10 under extract A
  6. Download the .dta file to the raw/ipums/us/ folder. If the user has not previously submitted an extract, the file will be called usa_00001.dta.
  7. On line 18 of the program change usa_00004 to the name of the file downloaded in step 6.

D. 1920 and 1930 U.S. Census Full-Count data

  1. Follow steps 1 to 4 under extract A
  2. Select the 1920 and 1930 100% options and click on "SUBMIT SAMPLE SELECTIONS"
  3. Select the exact variables listed in User Extract usa_00005.pdf (some variables are preselected)
  5. Follow steps 9 and 10 under extract A
  6. Download the .dta file to the raw/ipums/us/ folder. If the user has not previously submitted an extract, the file will be called usa_00001.dta.
  7. On line 48 of the program change usa_00005 to the name of the file downloaded in step 6.

The paper also uses other data from IPUMS USA. In such cases, IPUMS USA does not allow for redistribution without permission, but their terms of use makes an exception for users to "publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication." A copy of the following IPUMS-USA data files are provided as part of this archive:

  • Data on ICPSR county codes were downloaded from IPUMS USA.
  • A code list for the IPUMS variable PLACENHG was downloaded from IPUMS USA.

The North Carolina death certificate data used in this paper were obtained from Cook et al. (2014; 2016) via a request to the authors. A copy of the data file is provided as part of this archive. Please contact John Parman for more information about the data in Cook et al. (2014; 2016).

The paper uses data from the public-use NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) and Death Files (Wray et al., 2007). The data were purchased from the Electronic Records Division of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Further information about the data files included in the Public-Use NUMIDENT can be found here or by contacting the Electronic Records Division at There are no access or use restrictions on the Public Use NUMIDENT data files. As such, we have posted the data to a separate repository where interested users can access the data with no restrictions on redistribution beyond attribution to this paper. This repository can be found here: To place this data in the appropriate spot for the project follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Download the numident/death directory and all of its contents
  3. Copy the contents of this directory (two files, and into the analysis/raw/numident/death directory of this project
  4. Download the numident/ss5 directory and all of its contents
  5. Copy the contents of this directory (four files,,,, and into the analysis/raw/numident/ss5 directory of this project

Single year of age population estimates by county were downloaded from the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program (SEER, 2022). Data can be downloaded from here, under "County-Level Population Files - Single-year Age Groups." A copy of the data files are provided as part of this archive. The data are in the public domain.

Supplementary analysis was performed using data from:

  • Fishback, Haines, and Kantor (2007) (city-level infant mortality data, 1921-1940)
  • Haines (2008), Arias (2010), and Arias et al. (2021) (life expectancy)
  • IPUMS USA (2015) (ICPSR county codes)
  • Pollitt (2017) (African American hospitals)

Many of the sources for these datasets are available online. This is the case for Haines (2008), Arias (2010), Arias et al. (2021), and IPUMS USA (2015). Please contact Price V. Fishback for access to the Fishback, Haines, and Kantor (2007) city-level infant mortality data. Pollitt (2017) is available for loan in many library collections.

Dataset list

The following table provides a list of all datasets included in this replication package (stored within the analysis/raw directory) and their provenance.

Data file and subdirectory Source Notes Provided
ama/aha_data_all_states.dta Esteves et al. (2022) "Hospital Service in the US," 1920-1942 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1921.xlsx JAMA (1921) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1920 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1926.xlsx JAMA (1926) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1925 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1928.xlsx JAMA (1928) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1927 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1929.xlsx JAMA (1929) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1928 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1930.xlsx JAMA (1930) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1929 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1931.xlsx JAMA (1931) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1930 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1932.xlsx JAMA (1932) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1931 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1933.xlsx JAMA (1933) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1932 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1934.xlsx JAMA (1934) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1933 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1935.xlsx JAMA (1935) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1934 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1936.xlsx JAMA (1936) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1935 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1937.xlsx JAMA (1937) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1936 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1938.xlsx JAMA (1938) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1937 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1939.xlsx JAMA (1939) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1938 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1940.xlsx JAMA (1940) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1939 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1941.xlsx JAMA (1941) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1940 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1942.xlsx JAMA (1942) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1941 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1943.xlsx JAMA (1943) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1942 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1944.xlsx JAMA (1944) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1943 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1945.xlsx JAMA (1945) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1944 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1946.xlsx JAMA (1946) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1945 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1947.xlsx JAMA (1947) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1946 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1948.xlsx JAMA (1948) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1947 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1949.xlsx JAMA (1949) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1948 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1950.xlsx JAMA (1950) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1949 Yes
ama/Final_AMA_Hospitals_1951.xlsx JAMA (1951) "Hospital Service in the US," Data for 1950 Yes
ama/Internships.xlsx JAMA, various years Year of approval for hospitals to offer medical internships Yes
amd_hospitals/amd_state_and_federal_institutions.xlsx AMD, various years State and federal institutions Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_1925-North Carolina.xlsx AMD (1925) List of hospitals in NC in 1925 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_1927-North Carolina.xlsx AMD (1927) List of hospitals in NC in 1927 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_1929-North Carolina.xlsx AMD (1929) List of hospitals in NC in 1929 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_1931-North Carolina.xlsx AMD (1931) List of hospitals in NC in 1931 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_1934-North Carolina.xlsx AMD (1934) List of hospitals in NC in 1934 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_1936-North Carolina.xlsx AMD (1936) List of hospitals in NC in 1936 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_1938-North Carolina.xlsx AMD (1938) List of hospitals in NC in 1938 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_1940-North Carolina.xlsx AMD (1940) List of hospitals in NC in 1940 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_1942-North Carolina.xlsx AMD (1942) List of hospitals in NC in 1942 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_AMD_1906.xlsx AMD (1906) List of hospitals in NC in 1906 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_AMD_1909.xlsx AMD (1909) List of hospitals in NC in 1909 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_AMD_1912.xlsx AMD (1912) List of hospitals in NC in 1912 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_AMD_1916.xlsx AMD (1916) List of hospitals in NC in 1916 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_AMD_1918.xlsx AMD (1918) List of hospitals in NC in 1918 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_AMD_1921.xlsx AMD (1921) List of hospitals in NC in 1921 Yes
amd_hospitals/Final_AMD_1923.xlsx AMD (1923) List of hospitals in NC in 1923 Yes
amd_med_schools/history-medical-schools-1942.xlsx AMD (1942) "History of Medical Schools" Yes
amd_med_schools/med_school_college_requirements.xlsx JAMA, various years Pre-requisites for medical schools Yes
amd_med_schools/med_school_ratings.xlsx JAMA, various years AMA ratings Yes
amd_med_schools/medical_schools_list_(1923 AMD).dta AMD (1923) List of medical schools in 1923 Yes
amd_med_schools/us-medical-schools-alphabetical-1942.xlsx AMD (1942) "Medical Schools - Alphabetical List" Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1912.dta AMD (1912) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1914.dta AMD (1914) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1918.dta AMD (1918) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1921.dta AMD (1921) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1923.dta AMD (1923) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1925.dta AMD (1925) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1927.dta AMD (1927) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1929.dta AMD (1929) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1931.dta AMD (1931) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1934.dta AMD (1934) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1936.dta AMD (1936) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1938.dta AMD (1938) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1940.dta AMD (1940) Physicians of NC Yes
amd_physicians/amd_physicians_nc_1942.dta AMD (1942) Physicians of NC Yes
cdc-wonder/imr-and-life-expectancy-by-year.xlsx Haines (2008), Arias (2010), Arias et al. (2021) Life expectancy Yes
chd_operation_dates.xlsx Ferrell and Mead (1933) County health departments Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1928_1931/Final_CE-1928.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1928) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1928_1931/Final_CE-1929.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1929) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1928_1931/Final_CE-1930.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1930) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1928_1931/Final_CE-1931.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1931) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/Final_CE-1932-1938.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1932-1938) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1939.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1939) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1940.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1940) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1941.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1941) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1942.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1942) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1943.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1943) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1944.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1944) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1945.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1945) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1946.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1946) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1947.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1947) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1948.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1948) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1949.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1949) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1950.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1950) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1951.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1951) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1952.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1952) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1953.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1953) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1954.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1954) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1955.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1955) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1956.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1956) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1957.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1957) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1958.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1958) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1959.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1959) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1960.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1960) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1961.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1961) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/capital_expenditures/by_year_1939_1962/Final_CE-1962.xlsx The Duke Endowment (1962) Capital expenditures Yes
duke/ce_locations_1927_1938.xslsx Annual Report of the Hospital Section Locations of Duke funded hospitals Yes
duke/ce_locations_1927_1938_entry_2.xslsx Annual Report of the Hospital Section Locations of Duke funded hospitals Yes
duke/inflation_factors.xslsx Sahr (2018) Consumer Price Index (CPI) Conversion Factors Yes
duke/labc_locations_1925_1962.xslsx Annual Report of the Hospital Section Locations of Duke funded hospitals Yes
duke/returns_by_year.xslsx Yearbook of The Duke Endowment Annual return of Endowment Yes
gnis/NationalFile_20190301.txt USGS (2019) GNIS National File Yes
gnis/stateabb.dta Authors Crosswalk of state names and abbreviations Yes
hospitals/all_hosp.xlsx Esteves et al. (2022) AMA hospital data Yes
hospitals/pollitt-nc-african-american-hospitals.xslx Pollitt (2017) African American hospitals Yes
icpsr/36603-0001-Data.dta Bailey et al. (2018) U.S. county-level natality and mortality data Yes
icpsr/icpsrcnt.xls IPUMS USA (2015) ICPSR county codes Yes
ipums/us/usa_00004.dta Ruggles et al. (2023b) 1920 and 1930 U.S. Census Full Counts No
ipums/us/usa_00005.dta Ruggles et al. (2023b) 1920 and 1930 U.S. Census Full Counts No
ipums/ipums_placenhg_code_list.xlsx IPUMS USA (2021) PLACENHG code list Yes
ipums/usa_00086.dta Ruggles et al. (2023a) 1910-1940 US Full-Count Censuses (residents of North Carolina subsamples) No
ipums/usa_00087.dta Ruggles et al. (2023a) 1940 US Full-Count Census (residents of North Carolina subsample) No
nc_deaths/nc_deaths_raw.dta Cook et al. (2014; 2016) NC death certificates Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1922.xlsx NC-BVS (1922) Births by race in 1922 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1923.xlsx NC-BVS (1923) Births by race in 1923 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1924.xlsx NC-BVS (1924) Births by race in 1924 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1925.xlsx NC-BVS (1925) Births by race in 1925 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1926.xlsx NC-BVS (1926) Births by race in 1926 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1927.xlsx NC-BVS (1927) Births by race in 1927 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1928.xlsx NC-BVS (1928) Births by race in 1928 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1929.xlsx NC-BVS (1929) Births by race in 1929 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1930.xlsx NC-BVS (1930) Births by race in 1930 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1931.xlsx NC-BVS (1931) Births by race in 1931 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1932.xlsx NC-BVS (1932) Births by race in 1932 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1933.xlsx NC-BVS (1933) Births by race in 1933 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1934.xlsx NC-BVS (1934) Births by race in 1934 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1935.xlsx NC-BVS (1935) Births by race in 1935 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1936.xlsx NC-BVS (1936) Births by race in 1936 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1937.xlsx NC-BVS (1937) Births by race in 1937 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1938.xlsx NC-BVS (1938) Births by race in 1938 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1939.xlsx NC-BVS (1939) Births by race in 1939 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1940.xlsx NC-BVS (1940) Births by race in 1940 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1941.xlsx NC-BVS (1941) Births by race in 1941 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1942.xlsx NC-BVS (1942) Births by race in 1942 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1943.xlsx NC-BVS (1943) Births by race in 1943 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1944.xlsx NC-BVS (1944) Births by race in 1944 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1945.xlsx NC-BVS (1945) Births by race in 1945 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1946.xlsx NC-BVS (1946) Births by race in 1946 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1947.xlsx NC-BVS (1947) Births by race in 1947 Yes
nc_vital_stats/births_by_race/1948.xlsx NC-BVS (1948) Births by race in 1948 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1918-1922-infant-mortality-rate-only.xlsx NC-BVS (1922) Infant mortality, 1918-1922 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1923.xlsx NC-BVS (1923) Infant and maternal mortality in 1923 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1924.xlsx NC-BVS (1924) Infant and maternal mortality in 1924 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1925.xlsx NC-BVS (1925) Infant and maternal mortality in 1925 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1926.xlsx NC-BVS (1926) Infant and maternal mortality in 1926 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1927.xlsx NC-BVS (1927) Infant and maternal mortality in 1927 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1928.xlsx NC-BVS (1928) Infant and maternal mortality in 1928 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1929.xlsx NC-BVS (1929) Infant and maternal mortality in 1929 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1930.xlsx NC-BVS (1930) Infant and maternal mortality in 1930 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1931.xlsx NC-BVS (1931) Infant and maternal mortality in 1931 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1932.xlsx NC-BVS (1932) Infant and maternal mortality in 1932 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1933.xlsx NC-BVS (1933) Infant and maternal mortality in 1933 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1934.xlsx NC-BVS (1934) Infant and maternal mortality in 1934 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1935.xlsx NC-BVS (1935) Infant and maternal mortality in 1935 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1936.xlsx NC-BVS (1936) Infant and maternal mortality in 1936 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1937.xlsx NC-BVS (1937) Infant and maternal mortality in 1937 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1938.xlsx NC-BVS (1938) Infant and maternal mortality in 1938 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1939.xlsx NC-BVS (1939) Infant and maternal mortality in 1939 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1940.xlsx NC-BVS (1940) Infant and maternal mortality in 1940 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1941.xlsx NC-BVS (1941) Infant and maternal mortality in 1941 Yes
nc_vital_stats/infant_maternal_mortality/1942.xlsx NC-BVS (1942) Infant and maternal mortality in 1942 Yes
nc_vital_stats/pneumonia_mortality/Final_transcription-1922.xlsx NC-BVS (1922) Pneumonia mortality in 1922 Yes
nc_vital_stats/pneumonia_mortality/Final_transcription-1923.xlsx NC-BVS (1923) Pneumonia mortality in 1923 Yes
nc_vital_stats/pneumonia_mortality/Final_transcription-1924.xlsx NC-BVS (1924) Pneumonia mortality in 1924 Yes
nc_vital_stats/pneumonia_mortality/Final_transcription-1925.xlsx NC-BVS (1925) Pneumonia mortality in 1925 Yes
nc_vital_stats/pneumonia_mortality/Final_transcription-1926.xlsx NC-BVS (1926) Pneumonia mortality in 1926 Yes
nhgis/nhgis0033_shapefile_tl2000_us_county_1900/US_county_1900.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US county boundaries (1900) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0033_shapefile_tl2000_us_county_1910/US_county_1910.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US county boundaries (1910) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0033_shapefile_tl2000_us_county_1920/US_county_1920.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US county boundaries (1920) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0033_shapefile_tl2000_us_county_1930/US_county_1930.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US county boundaries (1930) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0033_shapefile_tl2000_us_county_1940/US_county_1940.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US county boundaries (1940) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0033_shapefile_tl2000_us_county_1950/US_county_1950.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US county boundaries (1950) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0033_shapefile_tl2000_us_county_1960/US_county_1960.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US county boundaries (1960) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0034_shapefile_tlgnis_us_place_point_1940/US_place_point_1940.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US Place Points (1940) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0035_shapefile_tlgnis_us_place_point_1940/US_place_point_1920.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US Place Points (1920) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0035_shapefile_tlgnis_us_place_point_1940/US_place_point_1930.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US Place Points (1930) Yes
nhgis/nhgis0036_shapefile_tlgnis_us_place_point_1940/US_place_point_1910.* Manson et al. (2022) NHGIS US Place Points (1910) Yes
nhgis/tables/nhgis0029_ds31_1900_county.dat Manson et al. (2019) NHGIS County-level data (1900) Yes
nhgis/tables/nhgis0029_ds37_1910_county.dat Manson et al. (2019) NHGIS County-level data (1910) Yes
nhgis/tables/nhgis0029_ds43_1920_county.dat Manson et al. (2019) NHGIS County-level data (1920) Yes
nhgis/tables/nhgis0029_ds54_1930_county.dat Manson et al. (2019) NHGIS County-level data (1930) Yes
nhgis/tables/nhgis0029_ds78_1940_county.dat Manson et al. (2019) NHGIS County-level data (1940) Yes
nhgis/tables/nhgis0029_ds84_1950_county.dat Manson et al. (2019) NHGIS County-level data (1950) Yes
nhgis/tables/nhgis0029_ds91_1960_county.dat Manson et al. (2019) NHGIS County-level data (1960) Yes
numident/ferrie_crosswalk.dta Black et al. (2015) NUMIDENT place of birth text string to GNIS Feature ID crosswalk Yes
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH01_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH02_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH03_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH04_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH05_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH06_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH07_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH08_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH09_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH01-10_PU/NUMDEATH10_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH11_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH12_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH13_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH14_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH15_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH16_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH17_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH18_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH19_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/death/NUMDEATH11-20_PU/NUMDEATH20_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Death Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_01-05_PU/NUMSS5_01_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_01-05_PU/NUMSS5_02_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_01-05_PU/NUMSS5_03_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_01-05_PU/NUMSS5_04_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_01-05_PU/NUMSS5_05_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_06-10_PU/NUMSS5_06_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_06-10_PU/NUMSS5_07_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_06-10_PU/NUMSS5_08_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_06-10_PU/NUMSS5_09_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_06-10_PU/NUMSS5_10_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_11-15_PU/NUMSS5_11_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_11-15_PU/NUMSS5_12_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_11-15_PU/NUMSS5_13_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_11-15_PU/NUMSS5_14_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_11-15_PU/NUMSS5_15_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_16-20_PU/NUMSS5_16_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_16-20_PU/NUMSS5_17_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_16-20_PU/NUMSS5_18_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_16-20_PU/NUMSS5_19_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
numident/ss5/NUMSS5_16-20_PU/NUMSS5_20_PU.txt Wray et al. (2007) NUMIDENT Application (SS-5) Files No
pvf/bdct2140.xls Fishback, Haines, and Kantor (2007) City-level data, 1921-1940 Yes
seer/al.1969_2020.singleages.adjusted.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/ar.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/fl.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/ga.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/ky.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/la.1969_2020.singleages.adjusted.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/md.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/ms.1969_2020.singleages.adjusted.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/nc.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/ok.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/sc.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/tn.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/tx.1969_2020.singleages.adjusted.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/va.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes
seer/wv.1969_2020.singleages.txt SEER (2022) Single year of age population estimates Yes

Computational requirements

Software Requirements

  • The replication package contains all programs used for computation in the analysis/scripts/libraries/stata-18 and analysis/scripts/libraries/R directories.

All software used for stata is contained within the analysis/scripts/libraries/stata-18 directory. If you'd like to use updated versions of this code (which may be different than the versions we used) you may install stata packages using the analysis/scripts/code/ file. Note that you may need to delete and then reinstall all the packages in analysis/scripts/libraries/stata-18/g related to gtools since gtools will install machine specific libraries.

Packages and version control related to R should be in analysis/scripts/libraries/R and are controlled using renv package. Please see the file analysis/scripts/code/_install_R_packages.R.

  • Stata (Version 18)
  • R 4.3.1

Portions of the code use shell commands, which may require unix.

Controlled Randomness

  • Whenever a random seed is used we use 12345. These are set on the following lines, in the following scripts.

    • Line 33 of analysis/scripts/code/
    • Line 32 of analysis/scripts/code/
    • Line 516 of analysis/scripts/code/
    • Line 32 of analysis/scripts/code/

Memory, Runtime, Storage Requirements


Approximate time needed to reproduce the analyses on a standard (2024) desktop machine:

  • 1-3 hours

Approximate storage space needed:

  • 25 GB - 250 GB


The code was last run on a 10-core Mac Studio with an Apple M2 Ultra chip, running MacOS version 14.2.1 with 192 GB of RAM and 3TB of free space. Computation took 81 minutes 28.2 seconds to run.

Each section of the code took the following time to run

  • Build data: 52 minutes
  • Main figures and tables: 2 minutes
  • Online appendix, specification chart, and sample chart: 27 minutes
  • In-text citations: < 1 minute

Description of programs/code

  • The program will run all programs in the sequence listed below. If running in any order other than the one outlined above, your results may differ.
    • Custom ado files have been stored in the analysis/scripts/programs directory and ado packages have been included in the analysis/scripts/libraries directory. The file sets the .ado directories appropriately.
  • The program analysis/scripts/code/ will extract and reformat all datasets referenced above, with the exception of IPUMS full count data that are subject to restrictions on redistribution and are not included in the public repository.
    • The program analysis/scripts/code/ separately cleans IPUMS USA Full-Count data.
  • The program analysis/scripts/code/ cleans all datasets provided in the public repository.
    • The program analysis/scripts/code/_gnis_nhgis_overlay.R is called by analysis/scripts/code/ to create an overlay of county boundaries from GNIS and NHGIS.
  • The program analysis/scripts/code/ processes IPUMS-USA Full-Count data used in preparation for running analysis/scripts/code/
    • The program analysis/scripts/code/_placenhg_nhgis_overlay.R is called by analysis/scripts/code/ to overlay NHGIS place point coordinates on NHGIS county boundaries.
  • The program analysis/scripts/code/ maps place of birth text strings in the North Carolina death certificates to birth counties.
    • The programs in analysis/scripts/code/3_geocode_nc_deaths/ are called by analysis/scripts/code/ in the process of coding the birth county.
  • The program analysis/ scripts/code/ compiles all the datasets generated from public datasets to create the analysis datasets.
    • The program analysis/scripts/code/ constructs analysis datasets that use IPUMS data as inputs.
  • The program analysis/scripts/code/ generates all tables in the main body of the article.
  • The programs analysis/scripts/code/ generates Figures 1 to 4 in the main body of the article.
    • The program analysis/scripts/code/5_maps.R is called by analysis/scripts/code/ to generate the maps in Figure 1
  • The names of output files begin with an appropriate prefix (e.g. table_5_*.tex, figure_2b2_*.pdf) and should be easy to correlate with the manuscript. In figures with multiple sub-elements, the prefix of the file name includes, in order, the figure number, the panel (as displayed in the manuscript), and the row number (not shown in the manuscript).
  • Separate programs generate all tables and figures in each online appendix. The correspondence between appendices and programs goes as follows (Appendix A and H do not include any analysis):
    • Appendix B: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix C: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix D: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix E: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix G: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix J: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix F: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix I: analysis/scripts/code/
      • The program analysis/scripts/code/6.08.1_bacon_decomp.R is called by analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix K: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix L: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix M: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix N: analysis/scripts/code/
    • Appendix J: analysis/scripts/code/
  • The programs analysis/scripts/code/7_combined_spec_chart.R and analysis/scripts/code/7_sample_chart.R create Figures 5a and 5b respectively.
  • The program analysis/scripts/code/ computes various statistics described in the manuscript that are not derived from any of the exhibits.

License for Code

The code is licensed under a MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Instructions to Replicators

To perform a clean run

  1. Be sure to have downloaded the publicly available IPUMS and ICPSR data that we are not allowed to redistribute
  2. Be sure to download the NUMIDENT data from
  3. Delete the following two directories:
  • /processed
  • /output
  1. Open the stata project duke-replication.stpr or make the working directory of Stata is the same directory duke-replication.stpr is located in
  2. Run this file,

List of tables and programs

The provided code reproduces:

  • All numbers provided in text in the paper
  • All tables and figures in the paper
Figure/Table # Program Line Numbers Output File Note
Table 1 analysis/scripts/code/ 255-292 table_1_county_level_hospitals.tex
Table 2 analysis/scripts/code/ 517-577 table_2_county_level_doctors_2yr_as_quality.tex
Table 3 analysis/scripts/code/ 689-712 table_3_infant_mortality_poisson_extensive.tex
Table 4 analysis/scripts/code/ 767-889 table_4_infant_mortality_poisson_intensive.tex
Table 5 analysis/scripts/code/ 1066 table_5_continuous_sulfa_interaction.tex
Table 6 analysis/scripts/code/ 1195-1218 table_6_long_run_mortality_poisson.tex
Figure 1a analysis/scripts/code/ 79 figure_1a_share_counties_treated.pdf
Figure 1b analysis/scripts/code/5_maps.R 76 figure_1b_duke_map.pdf
Figure 1c analysis/scripts/code/ 134 figure_1c_infant_morality_by_race_over_time.pdf
Figure 1d analysis/scripts/code/5_maps.R 91 figure_1d_imr_map.pdf
Figure 2a1 analysis/scripts/code/ 289 figure_2a1_total_beds_by_year.pdf
Figure 2b1 analysis/scripts/code/ 289 figure_2b1_likely_beds_by_year.pdf
Figure 2c1 analysis/scripts/code/ 289 figure_2c1_private_beds_by_year.pdf
Figure 2a2 analysis/scripts/code/ 379 figure_2a2_total_beds_by_event_time.pdf
Figure 2b2 analysis/scripts/code/ 379 figure_2b2_likely_beds_by_event_time.pdf
Figure 2c2 analysis/scripts/code/ 379 figure_2c2_private_beds_by_event_time.pdf
Figure 2a3 analysis/scripts/code/ 816 figure_2a3_total_beds_first_stage.pdf
Figure 2b3 analysis/scripts/code/ 816 figure_2b3_likely_beds_first_stage.pdf
Figure 2c3 analysis/scripts/code/ 816 figure_2c3_private_beds_first_stage.pdf
Figure 3a1 analysis/scripts/code/ 860 figure_3a1_pooled_rMD_by_treat_status.pdf
Figure 3b1 analysis/scripts/code/ 880 figure_3b1_pooled_rMD_good_by_treat_status.pdf
Figure 3c1 analysis/scripts/code/ 899 figure_3c1_pooled_rMD_bad_by_treat_status.pdf
Figure 3a2 analysis/scripts/code/ 959 figure_3a2_pooled_rMD_by_event_time.pdf
Figure 3b2 analysis/scripts/code/ 978 figure_3b2_pooled_rMD_good_by_event_time.pdf
Figure 3c2 analysis/scripts/code/ 997 figure_3c2_pooled_rMD_bad_by_event_time.pdf
Figure 3a3 analysis/scripts/code/ 1436 figure_3a3_pooled_rMD_first_stage.pdf
Figure 3b3 analysis/scripts/code/ 1436 figure_3b3_pooled_rMD_good_first_stage.pdf
Figure 3c3 analysis/scripts/code/ 1436 figure_3c3_pooled_rMD_bad_first_stage.pdf
Figure 4a1 analysis/scripts/code/ 1497 figure_4a1_imr_by_treatment_status_pooled.pdf
Figure 4b1 analysis/scripts/code/ 1515 figure_4b1_imr_by_treatment_status_black.pdf
Figure 4c1 analysis/scripts/code/ 1533 figure_4c1_imr_by_treatment_status_white.pdf
Figure 4a2 analysis/scripts/code/ 1597 figure_4a2_imr_by_event_time_pooled.pdf
Figure 4b2 analysis/scripts/code/ 1615 figure_4b2_imr_by_event_time_black.pdf
Figure 4c2 analysis/scripts/code/ 1633 figure_4c2_imr_by_event_time_white.pdf
Figure 4a3 analysis/scripts/code/ 2126 figure_4a3_imr_event_study_pooled.pdf
Figure 4b3 analysis/scripts/code/ 2126 figure_4b3_imr_event_study_black.pdf
Figure 4c3 analysis/scripts/code/ 2126 figure_4c3_imr_event_study_white.pdf
Figure 5a analysis/scripts/code/7_combined_spec_chart.R 420 figure_5a_spec_chart_combined.pdf
Figure 5b analysis/scripts/code/7_sample_chart.R 198 figure_5b_sample_chart.pdf
Table B1 analysis/scripts/code/ 175-197 table_b1_county_level_hospitals_robustness.tex
Figure B1a1 analysis/scripts/code/ 314 figure_b1a1_total_hospitals_by_year.pdf
Figure B1a2 analysis/scripts/code/ 314 figure_b1a2_likely_hospitals_by_year.pdf
Figure B1a3 analysis/scripts/code/ 314 figure_b1a3_private_hospitals_by_year.pdf
Figure B1b1 analysis/scripts/code/ 755 figure_b1b1_total_hospitals_first_stage.pdf
Figure B1b2 analysis/scripts/code/ 755 figure_b1b2_likely_hospitals_first_stage.pdf
Figure B1b3 analysis/scripts/code/ 755 figure_b1b3_private_hospitals_first_stage.pdf
Table C1 analysis/scripts/code/ 237-269 table_c1_county_level_doctors_robustness.tex
Table C2 analysis/scripts/code/ 416-479 table_c2_county_level_doctors_alt_qual_high.tex
Table C3 analysis/scripts/code/ 493-555 table_c3_county_level_doctors_alt_qual_low.tex
Table C4 analysis/scripts/code/ 685-741 table_c4_county_level_doctors_other_metrics.tex
Figure C1a1 analysis/scripts/code/ 792 figure_c1a1_black_rMD_by_treatment_status.pdf
Figure C1a2 analysis/scripts/code/ 812 figure_c1a2_black_rMD_good_by_treatment_status.pdf
Figure C1a3 analysis/scripts/code/ 832 figure_c1a3_black_rMD_bad_by_treatment_status.pdf
Figure C1b1 analysis/scripts/code/ 792 figure_c1b1_all_black_doctors_first_stage.pdf
Figure C1b2 analysis/scripts/code/ 812 figure_c1b2_good_black_doctors_first_stage.pdf
Figure C1b3 analysis/scripts/code/ 832 figure_c1b3_bad_black_doctors_first_stage.pdf
Figure C2a1 analysis/scripts/code/ 866 figure_c2a1_white_rMD_by_treatment_status.pdf
Figure C2a2 analysis/scripts/code/ 886 figure_c2a2_white_rMD_good_by_treatment_status.pdf
Figure C2a3 analysis/scripts/code/ 906 figure_c2a3_white_rMD_bad_by_treatment_status.pdf
Figure C2b1 analysis/scripts/code/ 866 figure_c2b1_all_white_doctors_first_stage.pdf
Figure C2b2 analysis/scripts/code/ 886 figure_c2b2_good_white_doctors_first_stage.pdf
Figure C2b3 analysis/scripts/code/ 906 figure_c2b3_bad_white_doctors_first_stage.pdf
Figure C3a1 analysis/scripts/code/ 1416 figure_c3a1_med_profs_by_treatment_status_nurse.pdf
Figure C3a2 analysis/scripts/code/ 1416 figure_c3a2_med_profs_by_treatment_status_hosp_attendant.pdf
Figure C3a3 analysis/scripts/code/ 1416 figure_c3a3_med_profs_by_treatment_status_hosp_clerical.pdf
Figure C3b1 analysis/scripts/code/ 1504 figure_c3b1_event_study_hosp_staff_nurse.pdf
Figure C3b2 analysis/scripts/code/ 1504 figure_c3b2_event_study_hosp_staff_hosp_attendant.pdf
Figure C3b3 analysis/scripts/code/ 1504 figure_c3b3_event_study_hosp_staff_hosp_clerical.pdf
Table D1 analysis/scripts/code/ 214-236 table_d1_infant_mortality_robustness.tex
Table D2 analysis/scripts/code/ 392-414 table_d2_infant_mortality_log_specs.tex
Figure D1a analysis/scripts/code/ 662 figure_d1a_event_study_pooled_imr_stacked_poisson_kappa_*_controls_no.pdf
Figure D1b analysis/scripts/code/ 662 figure_d1b_event_study_pooled_imr_stacked_poisson_kappa_*_controls_yes.pdf
Table E1 analysis/scripts/code/ 69-283 table_e1_het_summary.tex
Figure E1 analysis/scripts/code/ 349 figure_e1_share_rec_pay_by_years_since_app.pdf
Figure E2a analysis/scripts/code/ 490 figure_e2a_bin_pooled.pdf
Figure E2b analysis/scripts/code/ 510 figure_e2b_app_pooled.pdf
Figure E2c analysis/scripts/code/ 530 figure_e2c_pay_pooled.pdf
Table F1 analysis/scripts/code/ 191-214 table_F1_later_life_mortality_with_rates.tex
Table F2 analysis/scripts/code/ 412-435 table_F2_later_life_mortality_collapsed.tex
Table F3 analysis/scripts/code/ 600-623 table_F3_combined_mortality_clean_controls
Table F4 analysis/scripts/code/ 832-855 table_F4_later_life_mortality_add_south_carolina
Figure F1 analysis/scripts/code/ 924 figure_F1_life_exp_at_birth_with_numident_restrictions.pdf
Figure F2 analysis/scripts/code/ 1196 figure_F2_long_run_unbalanced_event_study.pdf
Figure F3 analysis/scripts/code/ 1004 figure_F3_unbalanced_event_time_long_run.pdf
Figure F4 analysis/scripts/code/ 1439 figure_F4_long_run_unbalanced_event_study_extended.pdf
Figure F5 (top) analysis/scripts/code/ 1737 figure_F5_balanced_event_study.pdf
Figure F5 (bottom) analysis/scripts/code/ 1549 figure_F5_bot_balanced_event_time_long_run
Table G1 analysis/scripts/code/ 264 table_g1_covariance_balance_test.tex
Table G2 analysis/scripts/code/ 362-370 table_g2_maternal_mortality_diff_specs.tex
Table G3 analysis/scripts/code/ 593-615 table_g3_short_run_fertility_diff_specs.tex
Table G4 analysis/scripts/code/ 711-733 table_g4_infant_mortality_poisson_by_timing.tex
Table G5 analysis/scripts/code/ 1032-1054 table_g5_stillborn_unnamed_infants.tex
Table G6 analysis/scripts/code/ 1143-1235 table_g6_sulfa_dd_poisson.tex
Table I1 analysis/scripts/code/ 171 table_i1_bacon_summary.tex
Figure I1a analysis/scripts/code/ 120 figure_i1a_bacon_decomp_diagnostic.pdf
Figure I1b analysis/scripts/code/ 120 figure_i1b_bacon_decomp_diagnostic_bk.pdf
Figure I1c analysis/scripts/code/ 120 figure_i1c_bacon_decomp_diagnostic_wt.pdf
Figure I2 analysis/scripts/code/ 222 figure_i2_event_study_n_treated_units.pdf
Table J1 analysis/scripts/code/ 465-637 table_j1_iv_pooled_imr_intensive.tex
Figure J1a analysis/scripts/code/ 181 figure_j1a_imr_treated_vs_southern_bk.pdf
Figure J1b analysis/scripts/code/ 211 figure_j1b_imr_treated_vs_southern_wt.pdf
Figure J2a analysis/scripts/code/ 468 figure_j2a_es_other_southern_states_imr_pooled.pdf
Figure J2b analysis/scripts/code/ 468 figure_j2b_es_other_southern_states_imr_black.pdf
Figure J2c analysis/scripts/code/ 468 figure_j2c_es_other_southern_states_imr_white.pdf
Figure K1 analysis/scripts/code/ 221 figure_k1_ri_all_cty_b.pdf
Table L1 analysis/scripts/code/ 424-461 table_l1_county_level_hospitals_1922_1950.tex
Table L2 analysis/scripts/code/ 1207 table_l2_combined_mortality_poisson_clean_controls_1962.tex
Figure L1a analysis/scripts/code/ 723 figure_l1a_total_beds_first_stage_1922_1950.pdf
Figure L1b analysis/scripts/code/ 723 figure_l1b_likely_beds_first_stage_1922_1950.pdf
Figure L1c analysis/scripts/code/ 723 figure_l1c_private_beds_first_stage_1922_1950.pdf
Figure L2a analysis/scripts/code/ 872 figure_l2a_imr_bailey_treated_vs_bailey_south_1962.pdf
Figure L2b analysis/scripts/code/ 872 figure_l2b_pooled_other_southern_states_event_study_bailey.pdf
Table M1 analysis/scripts/code/ 444-460 table_m1_imr_poisson_clean_cntrls_psm.tex
Table M2 analysis/scripts/code/ 946-969 table_m2_combined_mortality_poisson_clean_controls_psm_900.tex
Table M3 analysis/scripts/code/ 946-969 table_m3_combined_mortality_poisson_clean_controls_psm_750.tex
Table M4 analysis/scripts/code/ 946-969 table_m4_combined_mortality_poisson_clean_controls_psm_500.tex
Figure M1a1 analysis/scripts/code/ 384-414 figure_m1a1_psm_top100pct_fake_treat_clean_cntrls_pooled_by_treatment_over_time.pdf
Figure M1a2 analysis/scripts/code/ 384-414 figure_m1a2_psm_top100pct_fake_treat_clean_cntrls_black_by_treatment_over_time.pdf
Figure M1a3 analysis/scripts/code/ 384-414 figure_m1a3_psm_top100pct_fake_treat_clean_cntrls_white_by_treatment_over_time.pdf
Figure M1b1 analysis/scripts/code/ 384-414 figure_m1b1_psm_top250pct_fake_treat_clean_cntrls_pooled_by_treatment_over_time.pdf
Figure M1b2 analysis/scripts/code/ 384-414 figure_m1b2_psm_top250pct_fake_treat_clean_cntrls_black_by_treatment_over_time.pdf
Figure M1b3 analysis/scripts/code/ 384-414 figure_m1b3_psm_top250pct_fake_treat_clean_cntrls_white_by_treatment_over_time.pdf
Figure M1c1 analysis/scripts/code/ 384-414 figure_m1c1_psm_top500pct_fake_treat_clean_cntrls_pooled_by_treatment_over_time.pdf
Figure M1c2 analysis/scripts/code/ 384-414 figure_m1c2_psm_top500pct_fake_treat_clean_cntrls_black_by_treatment_over_time.pdf
Figure M1c3 analysis/scripts/code/ 384-414 figure_m1c3_psm_top500pct_fake_treat_clean_cntrls_white_by_treatment_over_time.pdf
Table N1 analysis/scripts/code/ 78-259 table_n1_summary_treatment_mortality.tex
Table N2 analysis/scripts/code/ 287-393 table_n2_summary_first_stage.tex

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Tony Brady, 1998. "UNIQUE: Stata module to report number of unique values in variable(s)," Statistical Software Components S354201, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 18 Jun 2020.

Mauricio Caceres Bravo, 2018. "GTOOLS: Stata module to provide a fast implementation of common group commands," Statistical Software Components S458514, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 05 Dec 2022.

Sergio Correia, 2016. "FTOOLS: Stata module to provide alternatives to common Stata commands optimized for large datasets," Statistical Software Components S458213, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 21 Aug 2023.

Sergio Correia, 2018. "IVREGHDFE: Stata module for extended instrumental variable regressions with multiple levels of fixed effects," Statistical Software Components S458530, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 7 Jul 2018.

Sergio Correia, 2014. "REGHDFE: Stata module to perform linear or instrumental-variable regression absorbing any number of high-dimensional fixed effects," Statistical Software Components S457874, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 21 Aug 2023.

Sergio Correia & Paulo Guimaraes & Thomas Zylkin, 2019. "PPMLHDFE: Stata module for Poisson pseudo-likelihood regression with multiple levels of fixed effects," Statistical Software Components S458622, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 25 Feb 2021.

Kevin Crow, 2006. "SHP2DTA: Stata module to converts shape boundary files to Stata datasets," Statistical Software Components S456718, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 17 Jul 2015.

Clément de Chaisemartin & Xavier D'Haultfoeuille & Yannick Guyonvarch, 2019. "DID_MULTIPLEGT: Stata module to estimate sharp Difference-in-Difference designs with multiple groups and periods," Statistical Software Components S458643, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 17 Dec 2023.

James Feigenbaum, 2014. "JAROWINKLER: Stata module to calculate the Jaro-Winkler distance between strings," Statistical Software Components S457850, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 5 Oct 2016.

Keith Finlay & Leandro Magnusson & Mark E Schaffer, 2013. "WEAKIV: Stata module to perform weak-instrument-robust tests and confidence intervals for instrumental-variable (IV) estimation of linear, probit and tobit models," Statistical Software Components S457684, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 18 Oct 2016.

Matthieu Gomez, 2015. "SUMUP: Stata module to compute summary statistics by group," Statistical Software Components S458129, Boston College Department of Economics.

Andrew Goodman-Bacon & Thomas Goldring & Austin Nichols, 2019. "BACONDECOMP: Stata module to perform a Bacon decomposition of difference-in-differences estimation," Statistical Software Components S458676, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 21 Sep 2022.

Ben Jann, 2004 "ESTOUT: Stata module to make regression tables," Statistical Software Components S439301, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 12 Feb 2023.

David Kantor, 2004. "CARRYFORWARD: Stata module to carry forward previous observations," Statistical Software Components S444902, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 15 Jan 2016.

Frank Kleibergen & Mark E Schaffer & Frank Windmeijer, 2007. "RANKTEST: Stata module to test the rank of a matrix," Statistical Software Components S456865, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 29 Sep 2020.

David S.Lee & Justin McCrary & Marcelo J. Moreira & Jack Porter, 2022. "TF: An additional option for ivreg2: tF critical values and standard error adjustments," Accessed 30 Aug 2023.

Gary Longton & Nicholas J. Cox, 2002. "DISTINCT: Stata module to display distinct values of variables," Statistical Software Components S424201, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 21 Mar 2012.

David Molitor & Julian Reif, 2019. "RSCRIPT: Stata module to call an R script from Stata," Statistical Software Components S458644, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 03 Jun 2023.

Julian Reif, 2008. "REGSAVE: Stata module to save regression results to a Stata-formatted dataset," Statistical Software Components S456964, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 03 Dec 2023.

Julian Reif, 2010. "STRGROUP: Stata module to match strings based on their Levenshtein edit distance," Statistical Software Components S457151, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 22 Aug 2023.

Julian Reif, 2008. "TEXSAVE: Stata module to save a dataset in LaTeX format," Statistical Software Components S456974, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 28 May 2023.

Fernando Rios-Avila, 2022. "JWDID: Stata module to estimate Difference-in-Difference models using Mundlak approach," Statistical Software Components S459114, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 17 Nov 2023.

Fernando Rios-Avila & Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna & Brantly Callaway, 2021. "CSDID: Stata module for the estimation of Difference-in-Difference models with multiple time periods," Statistical Software Components S458976, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 25 Feb 2023.

Fernando Rios-Avila & Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna & Asjad Naqvi, 2021. "DRDID: Stata module for the estimation of Doubly Robust Difference-in-Difference models," Statistical Software Components S458977, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 18 Oct 2022.

Liyang Sun, 2021. "EVENTSTUDYINTERACT: Stata module to implement the interaction weighted estimator for an event study," Statistical Software Components S458978, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 11 Sep 2022.

Liyang Sun, 2020. "EVENTSTUDYWEIGHTS: Stata module to estimate the implied weights on the cohort-specific average treatment effects on the treated (CATTs) (event study specifications)," Statistical Software Components S458833, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 04 Aug 2021.

George G. Vega Yon & Brian Quistorff, 2019. "parallel: A command for parallel computing," Stata Journal, StataCorp LP, vol. 19(3), pages 667-684, September.

Ben Zipperer, 2018. "lincomestadd." GitHub. Accessed August 30, 2023.


Bache, Stefan Milton, and Hadley Wickham. Magrittr: A Forward-Pipe Operator for R, 2022.

Bergé, Laurent. "Efficient Estimation of Maximum Likelihood Models with Multiple Fixed-Effects: The R Package FENmlm." CREA Discussion Papers, no. 13 (2018).

Berge, Laurent. Fixest: Fast Fixed-Effects Estimations, 2023.

Callaway, Brantly, and Pedro H. C. Sant’Anna. Did: Treatment Effects with Multiple Periods and Groups, 2022.

———. "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, 2021.

Chang, Winston. Extrafont: Tools for Using Fonts, 2023.

Csárdi, Gábor, Jim Hester, Hadley Wickham, Winston Chang, Martin Morgan, and Dan Tenenbaum. Remotes: R Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including GitHub, 2023.

Dowle, Matt, and Arun Srinivasan. Data.Table: Extension of data.Frame, 2023.

Elbers, Benjamin. Tidylog: Logging for Dplyr and Tidyr Functions, 2020.

Garnier, Simon. Viridis: Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R, 2023.

Garnier, Simon, Ross, Noam, Rudis, Robert, Camargo, et al. Viridis(Lite) - Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R, 2023.

Gomez, Matthieu. Statar: Tools Inspired by Stata to Manipulate Tabular Data, 2023.

Grolemund, Garrett, and Hadley Wickham. "Dates and Times Made Easy with Lubridate." Journal of Statistical Software 40, no. 3 (2011): 1–25.

Lüdecke, Daniel. Sjlabelled: Labelled Data Utility Functions, 2022.

Pebesma, Edzer. Sf: Simple Features for R, 2023. ———. "Simple Features for R: Standardized Support for Spatial Vector Data." The R Journal 10, no. 1 (2018): 439–46.

Pebesma, Edzer, and Roger Bivand. Spatial Data Science: With Applications in R. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2023.

Pedersen, Thomas Lin. Patchwork: The Composer of Plots, 2023.

Rinker, Tyler, and Dason Kurkiewicz. Pacman: Package Management Tool, 2019.

Spinu, Vitalie, Garrett Grolemund, and Hadley Wickham. Lubridate: Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier, 2023.

Urbanek, Simon, and Jeffrey Horner. Cairo: R Graphics Device Using Cairo Graphics Library for Creating High-Quality Bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), Vector (PDF, SVG, PostScript) and Display (X11 and Win32) Output, 2023.

Ushey, Kevin, and Hadley Wickham. Renv: Project Environments, 2023.

Wickham, Hadley. Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York, 2016.

———. Tidyverse: Easily Install and Load the Tidyverse, 2023.

Wickham, Hadley, Mara Averick, Jennifer Bryan, Winston Chang, Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Romain François, Garrett Grolemund, et al. "Welcome to the Tidyverse." Journal of Open Source Software 4, no. 43 (2019): 1686.

Wickham, Hadley, Winston Chang, Lionel Henry, Thomas Lin Pedersen, Kohske Takahashi, Claus Wilke, Kara Woo, Hiroaki Yutani, and Dewey Dunnington. Ggplot2: Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics, 2023.

Wickham, Hadley, Evan Miller, and Danny Smith. Haven: Import and Export SPSS, Stata and SAS Files, 2023.

Wickham, Hadley, Davis Vaughan, and Maximilian Girlich. Tidyr: Tidy Messy Data, 2023.

Zhu, Hao. KableExtra: Construct Complex Table with Kable and Pipe Syntax, 2021.


Some content on this page was copied from Hindawi. Other content was adapted from Fort (2016), Supplementary data, with the author's permission.


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