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This project is "wot.js" Web of Things Application Framework

What is WoT.js framework

  • WoT.js is an open source Javascript framework for WoT(Web of Things) applications on OSHW(Open Soure Hardware) using Node.js ** Support Rasberry PI, Beaglebone Black, Intel Edison
  • It provides a simple, yet powerful way to create WoT application that incorporate multiple, different hardware devices at the same time.
  • It provides the RESTful architecture based sensor/actuator access interfaces and integrate with various IoT/WoT protocols(HTTP, MQTT, CoAP, WebSocket) easily.
  • You can get the tons of benefits from node.js application environment – easy & fast development, using many kinds of JS libraries and Web technologies.

Architecture of WoT.js


General application model

application model


  • OSHW based IoT/WoT applications(smart home, healthcare, smart industry, smart agriculture, wearable …) development and prototyping

Example application

Similar frameworks base on node.js

Useful links

IoT related links

Goals for v1

For the first version, we aim to standardize the following:

  • 0.1 : Initial internal version (Oct 2014)
  • 0.2 : First demo version (Mar 2015)
  • 0.5 : First public build version (Dec 2015)