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CQRS newsletter double opt-in

Example for a newsletter double opt-in implementation using CQRS

This example is runnable!

We provide a vagrant config and a database scheme to run this example. Just do the following:

User stories

  1. As user I can subscribe with my e-mail address so that I'll receive newsletters.
  2. As user I will receive an e-mail after subscription so that I can confirm my e-mail address.
  3. As user I can trigger a resend of the confirmation e-mail so that I can confirm my e-mail address.
  4. As user I can confirm my e-mail address so that I can complete the subscription.
  5. As user I will receive a welcome e-mail so that I am sure the subscription is completed.

User Interface

What the application needs to present to the user:

  1. Show a subscription form
  2. Depending on the validity and the existence/confirmation status of the e-mail address:
    1. E-mail address is valid and not subscribed:
      Send a confirmation e-mail to the user and show a "Subscription initialized" page.
    2. E-Mail address is invalid:
      Show the subscription form again with an error message.
    3. E-Mail address is subscribed, but not confirmed: Show a "Resend e-mail" form with a hint message and a button to resend the cofirmation e-mail.
    4. E-Mail address is subscribed and confirmed:
      Show the subscription form again with a hint message.
  3. Show a confirmation form.
  4. Show a "Subscription confirmed" page.

Domain actions (read and write)

Due to the cirumstances we will call the domain "newsletter". :)

Let's break the user interfaces down to GET and POST requests:

  1. GET: /newsletter/show-subscription-form
  2. POST: /newsletter/initialize-subscription
    1. GET: /newsletter/show-subscription-initialized
    2. GET: /newsletter/show-subscription-form
    3. GET: /newsletter/show-resend-confirmation-form
      (followed by a POST: /newsletter/resend-confirmation-mail and a GET: /newsletter/show-subscription-initialized)
    4. GET: /newsletter/show-subscription-form
  3. GET: /newsletter/show-confirmation-form
  4. POST: /newsletter/confirm-subscription
  5. GET: /newsletter/show-subscription-confirmed

So we have 3 unique write requests and 5 unique read requests.


There are 3 main concerns:

  1. Writing subscriptions (Init/Confirm or Insert/Update in CRUD language)
  2. Reading subscriptions (Find)
  3. Sending e-mails to the user

These concerns lead to 3 service classes. Their interfaces could be described as follows:



interface NewsletterWriteServiceInterface
     * @param string $email
     * @throws EmailAddressIsNotValid
     * @throws SubscriptionAlreadyInitialized
     * @throws SubscriptionAlreadyConfirmed
     * @throws AddingSubscriptionFailed
     * @return SubscriptionInterface
    public function initializeSubscription( $email );
     * @param SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
     * @throws SubscriptionNotFound
     * @throws SubscriptionAlreadyConfirmed
     * @return SubscriptionInterface
    public function confirmSubscription( SubscriptionId $subscriptionId );



interface NewsletterReadServiceInterface
     * @param SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
     * @throws SubscriptionNotFound
     * @return SubscriptionInterface
    public function findSubscriptionById( SubscriptionId $subscriptionId );
     * @param string $email
     * @throws SubscriptionNotFound
     * @return SubscriptionInterface
    public function findSubscriptionByEmail( $email );



interface NewsletterMailServiceInterface
     * @param SubscriptionInterface $subscription
     * @throws SendingConfirmationMailFailed
    public function sendConfirmationMail( SubscriptionInterface $subscription );
     * @param string $email
     * @throws SubscriptionNotFound
     * @throws SubscriptionAlreadyConfirmed
     * @throws SendingConfirmationMailFailed
     * @throws EmailAddressIsNotValid
     * @return SubscriptionInterface
    public function resendConfirmationMail( $email );
     * @param SubscriptionInterface $subscription
     * @throws SendingWelcomeMailFailed
    public function sendWelcomeMail( SubscriptionInterface $subscription );