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A library for bringing extensions back to minestom-ce.

This library is not quite a drop in replacement for Minestom extensions, but it is pretty close. For many extensions, it should work out of the box. If an extension references MinecraftServer.getExtensionManager() this will have to be updated, see Usage for more information.


minestom-ce-extensions is published on maven central, and can be imported like the following:

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation("dev.hollowcube:minestom-ce-extensions:<release version>")


Once installed, using the library is as simple as replacing MinestomServer with ExtensionBootstrap during initialization.

// Without minestom-ce-extensions
var server = MinecraftServer.init();
// do something
server.start("", 25565);

// With minestom-ce-extensions
var server = ExtensionBootstrap.init();
// do something
server.start("", 25565);

If you need to access the ExtensionManager from your code, it can be done using ExtensionBootstrap.getExtensionManager().


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.