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Automatization of Vagrant and Chef-solo environment.


This small kit gives you a nice ability to setup vagrant and chef-solo within one command! All you need to edit is located at ./repo directory.

Currently only OSX supported on host, and only centos65 guest in Vagrant. Will fix soon


  • Install Virtualbox
  • Install Vagrant


For Ubuntu

Don't install vagrant from apt-get, download deb package from here
We need Vagrant 1.4.x, in ubuntu and even rubygems only 1.0 available

deb -i vagrant_1.4.3_x86_64.deb


  • Install Vagrant with osx installer from
  • Install Virtualbox with osx installer (macports build out of date, doesn't work in maverics)
  • Install bash from Macports/Homebrew


Currently there's a bug which can be workarounded, although it's a bit annoying.

  • To use digital ocean provider, you need to have this line in your Vagrantfile node.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa' which is currently commented out. It's commented out because you local vm provisiong will fail. Currently I'm in search how to fix this. You'll have to comment in and out this line when you want to use local vm's instead of digital ocean and vice-versa

Preparation steps

Just launch make-install, it will do everything for you

make install

Local usage

./repo folder is designed to be your repository.

Just do git init . and add git origin with your github/bitbucket repo url

  • Edit your repo/boxes.rb, currently only "web" vm added.
  • Edit your repo/Berksfile to add cookbooks you'll use
  • Edit your repo/roles/ and add those roles to boxes.rb to your vm config.

Create VM

vagrant up web

Reload VM

vagrant reload web

Shutdown VM

vagrant halt web

Delete VM

vagrant destroy web


Ansible management

Edit .makerc and uncomment USE_ANSIBLE=1 variable. By default it's commented out.

Create a playbook directory in repo/myplaybook/main.yml, add this playbook path to your repo/boxes.rb vm configuration


vagrant provision web

Saltstack management

Edit .makerc and uncomment USE_SALT=1 variable. In repo/boxes.rb you need to add :salt=>1 to enable salt. Currently only one minion supported.


vagrant provision web

Chef management


vagrant provision web

Creating new cookbook

make cookbook

Berkshelf cookbook update

make update


This will destroy all your ./repo also as everything that's been generated with vagrant-starter repo

make destroy

Provisioning to DigitalOcean


  • You need to have private ssh key here: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  • You need to add api key for each droplet in repo/boxes.rb

Creating new droplet

In repo/boxes.rb you'll find commented out configuration template for digital ocean droplet. Here's how to create it

vagrant up --provider=digital_ocean

Acknowledge existing droplet

If you have existing droplet on Digital Ocean, you can tell vagrant to manage it. First of all don't forget to add droplet configuration to repo/boxes.rb. Then you need to perform some actions:

vagrant up --provider=digital_ocean


  • In case you have troubles with ssl, you need curl ssl certificates to be installed.
  • If you have troubles with ssh and ansible, check if you don't have user root set in your playbook