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{octicon}tools;2em;sd-mr-1 Build an app

At this point you should have set up your environment and installed Panel so you should be ready to get going.

On this page, we're going to be building a basic interactive application based on Numpy, Pandas and hvplot. If you want to implement this app yourself as you follow along, we recommend starting with a Jupyter notebook. You can also launch the Notebook with JupyterLite on the right.

Fetch the data

First let's load the UCI ML dataset that measured the environment in a meeting room:

:::{important} At first, this website renders code block outputs with limited interactivity, indicated by the golden border to the left of the output below. By clicking the play button ( ) you can activate full interactivity, indicated by a green left-border. :::

import panel as pn
import hvplot.pandas
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np


csv_file = ("")
data = pd.read_csv(csv_file, parse_dates=["date"], index_col="date")


Visualize a subset of the data

Before we utilize Panel, let's write a function that smooths one of our time series and finds the outliers. We will then plot the result using hvplot.

def transform_data(variable, window, sigma):
    ''' Calculates the rolling average and the outliers '''
    avg = data[variable].rolling(window=window).mean()
    residual = data[variable] - avg
    std = residual.rolling(window=window).std()
    outliers = np.abs(residual) > std * sigma
    return avg, avg[outliers]

def create_plot(variable="Temperature", window=30, sigma=10):
    ''' Plots the rolling average and the outliers '''
    avg, highlight = transform_data(variable, window, sigma)
    return avg.hvplot(height=300, width=400, legend=False) * highlight.hvplot.scatter(
        color="orange", padding=0.1, legend=False

We can now call our create_plot function with specific parameters to get a plot with a single set of parameters.

create_plot(variable='Temperature', window=20, sigma=10)

It works! But now we want explore how values for window and sigma affect the plot. We could reevaluate the above cell a lot of times, but that would be a slow and painful process. Instead, let's use Panel to quickly add some interactive controls and quickly determine how different parameter values impact the output.

Explore parameter space

Let's create some Panel slider widgets for the range of parameter values that we want to explore.

variable_widget = pn.widgets.Select(name="variable", value="Temperature", options=list(data.columns))
window_widget = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name="window", value=30, start=1, end=60)
sigma_widget = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name="sigma", value=10, start=0, end=20)

Now that we have a function and some widgets, let's link them together so that updates to the widgets rerun the function. One easy way to create this link in Panel is with pn.bind:

bound_plot = pn.bind(create_plot, variable=variable_widget, window=window_widget, sigma=sigma_widget)

Once you have bound the widgets to the function's arguments you can lay out the resulting bound_plot component along with the widget components using a Panel layout such as Column:

first_app = pn.Column(variable_widget, window_widget, sigma_widget, bound_plot)


As long as you have a live Python process running, dragging these widgets will trigger a call to the create_plot callback function, evaluating it for whatever combination of parameter values you select and displaying the results.

Next Steps

Now that we have given you a taste of how easy it is to build a little application in Panel, it's time to introduce you to some of the core concepts behind Panel.