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An important part of the greater Ghilbert project is Ghilbert Pax: the “portable axiomatization.”

Why are proofs so difficult to port from one formal proof system to another? Pax attempts to address this question. The core principle behind a “portable proof” is that it only imports the concepts it needs. Thus, basic number theory proofs shouldn’t need to import axiomatic set theory, much less the axiom of choice.

I’ve identified something of a lattice of theories of varying strengths, and plan to implement each major node in the lattice as a .ghi (Ghilbert interface) file. The spine of this lattice consists of (in order of increasing strength):

  • Peano arithmetic
  • Second order arithmetic (Z2)
  • Higher order logic (HOL)
  • ZFC set theory

Beneath all of these theories lie the propositional calculus and pure predicate calculus with equality. My axiomatization of the predicate calculus, unlike that of Metamath, is typed. This should help when porting pax proofs over to typed logic systems such as HOL.

There are other interesting points in the lattice besides the spine described above. HOL splits into variants with and without a choice (epsilon) function. Similarly, ZF set theory (without the axiom of choice) sits below ZFC and above HOL without choice. Steve Simpson describes a number of arithmetic systems below Z2 in his book, [ Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic].

I’m not sure how fine-grained to go, though, in representing this lattice. The main motivation is to make it easy to port proofs, so as long as I’m representing enough detail that proofs aren’t blocked when importing to other systems, that should be good enough.


The basis of all of Pax is “prop”, which just represents the classical propositional calculus, introducing -. (negation) and -> (implication) as standard operators, the modus ponens as an inference rule, and the usual \ \ <-> operators built as definitions. The axiomatization is taken directly from Metamath.


The axiomatization of predicate calculus with equality roughly follows Metamath’s, but with some significant differences.

First, quantifiers specify an explicit type. The main purpose of this change is to allow theorems written in the Pax framework to verify in other, typed systems such as HOL.

Pax also defines an explicit “nfi” (not free in) operator, defined similarly to Metamath’s “ph -> A. x ph”, but with biconditional instead of implication. This technical change allows more flexibility in eliminating type assumptions.

There are a few other differences. For example, pred defines substitution with values directly, while in Metamath this concept waits for class abstraction (the definition is similar to Metamath’s [ sbc5] but crafted to avoid a distinct variable constraint.

One significant feature of “pred” is the iota (definite description) operator. This operator adds no logical strength, but is very convenient notationally.

The pred-thms module defines a great many standard predicate calculus theorems, following both the Margaris 19.xx naming system and a number of additional names borrowed from Metamath. These theorems generally take an explicit “istype T” hypothesis, and, when variables appear free, generally have an additional “x : T” assumption.


The Pax axiomatization of numbers is fairly standard, using the Peano axioms defining 0 (zero), S (successor), + (addition), and * (multiplication), with an axiom introducing induction.

The peano-thms module proves the usual primitive properties of arithmetic, such as the commutativity and associativity of addition and multiplication. Future development in the peano-thms module will use iota to define more standard operations such as division and remainder, gcd, and other number-theoretic operators as needed.

higher order types

The heart of the Pax framework is a series of interfaces that build up higher order types from primitives such as peano arithmetic. The “pair” and “set” interfaces are currently in the repository (complete with a zfc construction of “pair”), and functions are to follow soon.

Because of the importance of Z2, here is the Ghilbert code needed to import a complete axiomatization:

import (PROP pax/prop () “”) import (PRED pax/pred (PROP) “”) import (PEANO pax/peano (PROP PRED) “”) export (N pax/basetype (PROP PRED) “N.”) import (PN pax/basetype (PROP PRED) “PN.”) import (N-SET pax/set (PROP PRED N PN) “”)

Quantification over numbers is then represented as (A. x (N.T) ph), and quantification over sets of numbers is (A. X (PN.T) ph).

(These interfaces may be refactored a bit, so that peano imports its basetype, rather than introducing the constant (N.T) which is then exported into a basetype.)

These higher order types correspond very closely to those of HOL. It should be straightforward to convert proofs written in this part of the Pax framework into HOL.

set theory

Pax does not yet have an axiomatization of set theory, although it should be fairly straightforward to just introduce a type corresponding to Metamath’s V, so that (A. x V ph) is equivalent to “A. x ph” in, and then introduce the ZFC axioms much as in

Note that the typed “set” interface is not suitable for set theory, because it contains an axiom of unrestricted comprehension. That’s valid when the universe is “small”, but would lead to inconsistencies when combined with other set-theoretic axioms such as powerset and regularity.

Above ZFC

Metamath’s recently adopted [ Grothendieck’s axiom], which states the existence of inaccessible cardinals. This axiom was borrowed from Mizar, and is useful for constructing category theory.

There are other standard set theories stronger than ZFC, including Morse-Kelley. MK may be notationally convenient in the Ghilbert Pax framework, because it allows unrestricted quantification over both set and class variables. Class abstraction is then represented as a standard “iota” (definite description) operator.

I don’t know the relative strength of ZFC+Grothendieck and MK, but I suspect that the former is stronger. [It is. –Bob Solovay]

An arithmetic question

My current axiomatization of Peano arithmetic includes addition and multiplication but not exponentiation. A standard construction of exponentiation in PA exists, but can the properties of this construction be proved in PA itself? I currently give more details on this question on the [ Ghilbert home page], and would love an expert to weigh in.

Comment. There is no trouble formalizing the treatment of exponentiation in Peano. Boolos discusses this at length in Chapter 2 of his book “The Logic of Provability”. The basic idea in avoiding the use of the factorial function is to prove the easy lemma that for every positive integer m there is a number n which is divisible by all the numbers less than m. (The proof is an easy induction on m.) –Bob Solovay