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swift extensions for iOS

This repo is a collection of swift extensions, often used in iOS development. Even better you can call the function with a namespace format like "tom@gmail".ex.isEmailFormat, this is more swiftly than "tom@gmail".ex_isEmailFormat.

Extension List

String Extensions

Function Description
urlEncoded() url encoded value of string
trim trim the white space and new lines
isMobile whether a string is a mobile phone number
isEmailFormat whether a string is email format
attributedString(withLineSpacing:) get the attributed string with specific linespacing
singleLineWidth(withFont:) get single line string width with specific font
singleLineTextSize(withFont:) get single line string size with specific font
textSize(withWidth:font:) get text size with limited width and specific font
textSize(withWidth:textAttributes:) get text size with limited width and text attributes
textSize(withLimitedSize:attributes:) get text size with limited size and text attributes

UIImage Extensions

Function Description
cropImage(inArea:) crop image in area
fixImageOrientation() fix image orientation to up
image(withColor:size:) generate image with specific color and size
tintedImage(withColor:) tint image with specific color
tintedImage(withColor:size:) tint image with specific color and size
qrCode(withSting:size:tintColor:backgroundColor:) generate qr code from string
averageColor() average color from and image

UIColor Extensions

Function Description
color(hex:alpha:) init color with hex string, like "0x111111", "#111111"
random random color
interpolate(to:fraction:) get the interpolated color from self to some color
components parse color components

UIButton Extensions

Function Description
setImageTintColor(_:for:) change button image tint color for state
moveImageToTheRightSide() flip the image horizontally

URL Extensions

Function Description
queryParams() parse query parameters in url string

UIDevice Extensions

Function Description

UITableView Extensions

Function Description
register(_:) register cell with cell class name
dequeueReuseableCell(for:) dequeue cell at indexpath, example: let cell = tableView.ex.dequeueReuseableCell(for: indexPath) as SomeCell
register(_:) register header or footer view
dequeueReuseableHeaderFooterView() dequeue header footer view at indexpath, example: let view = tableView.ex.dequeueReuseableHeaderFooterView() as SomeView

UICollectionView Extensions

Function Description
register(_:) register cell with cell class name
dequeueReusableCell(for:) dequeue cell at indexpath, example: let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath) as SomeCell
register(_:forSupplementaryViewOfKind:) register supplementary view with enum UICollectionElementKindSection
dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind:for:) dequeue supplementay view, example: let header = collectionView.ex.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind: .Header, for: IndexPath) as SomeView

UIScrollView Extensions

Function Description
scroll(to:animated:) scroll to position
setContentOffsetWithoutTriggerScroll(_:) set bounds, this will not trgger scroll view scroll

Timer Extensions

Function Description

Date Extensions

Function Description



add github "holysin/Extensions" ~> 1.0 to your Cartfile, and run Carthage update


There are so many useful extensions in our development progress, if you want to contribute, fork and make pull request. Thank you!


there is a gen_doc.rb file in the repo root, this is for generate the Extensions List docs with markdown format. if you contribute extension, please add standard comment for the functions, and run the gen_doc.rb script, and this will generate a file named paste the content in the into