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Docker swarm for Python SCOOP

The project shows how to run SCOOP program with Docker swarm mode

Architecture of the project

The project has only one Docker Swarm manager host and numerical Docker Swarm worker hosts. Docker Swarm manager host runs two containers: SCOOP broker and SCOOP root worker. Each of Docker Swarm worker hosts runs one SCOOP worker container. SCOOP broker connects to each worker (including root worker) and asks them to perform calculations. Root worker does one more thing: it runs simple web-server (based on bottle) on port 8000 and shows the result of computation there.


Architecture of the SCOOP project from its website

Architecture of the Docker Swarm from Docker website

Install Docker

You can install docker to each future docker swarm host manually or using docker-machine.

Docker-machine way (preferred)

Install Docker onto your computer using instructions on Remember that you need all staff: Docker Engine, Docker Machine and Docker Compose. Modern installation packages for Windows and Mac include all of them.

You need ssh access to each of your hosts without password. Generate pair of private and public ssh keys if you haven’t them yet (keep the default location):

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Copy them to each host. Here and further I use capitals to indicate words that you should replace.

ssh-copy-id USER@HOST_NAME

Be sure that you can execute sudo commands on each host without password. If you cannot then run visudo and add line USER ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:ALL (replace USER with your username).

Than install Docker on each host using docker-machine (in the terms of Docker create Docker machine):

docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ip-address=HOST_NAME --generic-ssh-key=/Users/hombit/.ssh/id_rsa --generic-ssh-user=USER DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME

Now if you want to perform some docker or docker-compose command on particular host you need to activate it and perform your command.

# Check status of the machine
docker-machine status DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME
# If it isn't running:
docker-machine start DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME
# Update environment
eval "$(docker-machine env DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME)"

Now do what you need, you don’t need to ssh to your host.

Manual way

Ssh to each your host and install Docker manually. Use instructions from When you need to perform some docker or docker-compose command on the host, you should ssh to it. Don’t forget to add your user to docker group or use sudo for every Docker command.

Create swarm

See Docker swarm mode tutorial

One of your Docker hosts will be a Leader. Ssh to this host or activate related Docker machine. Than initialise swarm:

docker swarm --advertise-addr LEADER_IP_VISIBLE_FOR_SWARM_NODES

Remember output and type it on every host that will be a member of the swarm:

docker swarm join --token TOKEN LEADER_IP_VISIBLE_FOR_SWARM_NODES:2377

Return to the leader and check your swarm:

docker node ls

Generate ssh keys

We need secret ssh keys to connect broker with workers. Generate pairs of ssh keys for SCOOP broker (ssh client) and workers (ssh hosts):

mkdir secrets
yes | ssh-keygen -f secrets/ssh_client_rsa_key -N '' -C '' -t rsa
yes | ssh-keygen -f secrets/ssh_host_rsa_key -N '' -C '' -t rsa

Build Docker services

On each host do:

docker-compose build

Deploy stack of services

Do on manager host:

# In the future versions of Docker command will be replaced with docker deploy
docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml scoop

scoop is the name of stack and it is hardcoded in the project, please don’t change it.

Now you can check that all services have started:

docker stack ps scoop


Go to http://YOUR_MANAGER_ADDRESS:8000 and check that it responds.

Limitations and what to do next

docker-compose.yml can be split into three parts: for building images, for running on one host for debug purposes and for Docker swarm mode.

It is bad idea to build images on each host. It is much better to use Docker registry for building and storing images.


Run Python SCOOP on docker swarm cluster







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