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robbiet480 committed Sep 27, 2018
1 parent 878f8ed commit 0eb429b
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Showing 4 changed files with 872 additions and 132 deletions.
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions HomeAssistant/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
Expand Up @@ -192,6 +192,154 @@ send notifications to your device.";
"siri_shortcuts.configurator.fields.section.footer" = "Suggested: %@";
"" = "Shortcut name";
"siri_shortcuts.configurator.settings.notify_on_run.title" = "Send notification when run";
"watch.labels.complication_group.circular_small.description" = "Use circular small complications to display content in the corners of the Color watch face.";
"" = "Circular Small";
"watch.labels.complication_group.extra_large.description" = "Use the extra large complications to display content on the X-Large watch faces.";
"" = "Extra Large";
"watch.labels.complication_group.graphic.description" = "Use graphic complications to display visually rich content in the Infograph and Infograph Modular clock faces.";
"" = "Graphic";
"watch.labels.complication_group.modular.description" = "Use modular small complications to display content in the Modular watch face.";
"" = "Modular";
"watch.labels.complication_group.utilitarian.description" = "Use the utilitarian complications to display content in the Utility, Motion, Mickey Mouse, and Minnie Mouse watch faces.";
"" = "Utilitarian";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.circular_small.description" = "A small circular area used in the Color clock face.";
"" = "Circular Small";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.circular_small.short_name" = "Circular Small";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.extra_large.description" = "A large square area used in the X-Large clock face.";
"" = "Extra Large";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.extra_large.short_name" = "Extra Large";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.graphic_bezel.description" = "A small square area used in the Modular clock face.";
"" = "Graphic Bezel";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.graphic_bezel.short_name" = "Bezel";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.graphic_circular.description" = "A large rectangular area used in the Modular clock face.";
"" = "Graphic Circular";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.graphic_circular.short_name" = "Circular";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.graphic_corner.description" = "A small square or rectangular area used in the Utility, Mickey, Chronograph, and Simple clock faces.";
"" = "Graphic Corner";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.graphic_corner.short_name" = "Corner";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.graphic_rectangular.description" = "A small rectangular area used in the in the Photos, Motion, and Timelapse clock faces.";
"" = "Graphic Rectangular";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.graphic_rectangular.short_name" = "Rectangular";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.modular_large.description" = "A large rectangular area that spans the width of the screen in the Utility and Mickey clock faces.";
"" = "Modular Large";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.modular_large.short_name" = "Large";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.modular_small.description" = "A curved area that fills the corners in the Infograph clock face.";
"" = "Modular Small";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.modular_small.short_name" = "Small";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.utilitarian_large.description" = "A circular area used in the Infograph and Infograph Modular clock faces.";
"" = "Utilitarian Large";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.utilitarian_large.short_name" = "Large";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.utilitarian_small.description" = "A circular area with optional curved text placed along the bezel of the Infograph clock face.";
"" = "Utilitarian Small";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.utilitarian_small.short_name" = "Small";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.utilitarian_small_flat.description" = "A large rectangular area used in the Infograph Modular clock face.";
"" = "Utilitarian Small Flat";
"watch.labels.complication_group_member.utilitarian_small_flat.short_name" = "Small Flat";
"watch.labels.complication_template.circular_small_ring_image.description" = "A template for displaying a single image surrounded by a configurable progress ring.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.circular_small_ring_text.description" = "A template for displaying a short text string encircled by a configurable progress ring.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.circular_small_simple_image.description" = "A template for displaying a single image.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.circular_small_simple_text.description" = "A template for displaying a short text string.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.circular_small_stack_image.description" = "A template for displaying an image with a line of text below it.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.circular_small_stack_text.description" = "A template for displaying two text strings stacked on top of each other.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.extra_large_columns_text.description" = "A template for displaying two rows and two columns of text.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.extra_large_ring_image.description" = "A template for displaying an image encircled by a configurable progress ring.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.extra_large_ring_text.description" = "A template for displaying text encircled by a configurable progress ring.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.extra_large_simple_image.description" = "A template for displaying an image.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.extra_large_simple_text.description" = "A template for displaying a small amount of text";
"watch.labels.complication_template.extra_large_stack_image.description" = "A template for displaying a single image with a short line of text below it.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.extra_large_stack_text.description" = "A template for displaying two strings stacked one on top of the other.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_bezel_circular_text.description" = "A template for displaying a circular complication with text along the bezel.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_circular_closed_gauge_image.description" = "A template for displaying a full-color circular image and a closed circular gauge.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_circular_closed_gauge_text.description" = "A template for displaying text inside a closed circular gauge.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_circular_image.description" = "A template for displaying a full-color circular image.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_circular_open_gauge_image.description" = "A template for displaying a full-color circular image, an open gauge, and text.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_circular_open_gauge_range_text.description" = "A template for displaying text inside an open gauge, with leading and trailing text for the gauge.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_circular_open_gauge_simple_text.description" = "A template for displaying text inside an open gauge, with a single piece of text for the gauge.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_corner_circular_image.description" = "A template for displaying an image in the clock face’s corner.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_corner_gauge_image.description" = "A template for displaying an image and a gauge in the clock face’s corner.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_corner_gauge_text.description" = "A template for displaying text and a gauge in the clock face’s corner.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_corner_stack_text.description" = "A template for displaying stacked text in the clock face’s corner.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_corner_text_image.description" = "A template for displaying an image and text in the clock face’s corner.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_rectangular_large_image.description" = "A template for displaying a large rectangle containing header text and an image.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_rectangular_standard_body.description" = "A template for displaying a large rectangle containing text.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.graphic_rectangular_text_gauge.description" = "A template for displaying a large rectangle containing text and a gauge.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_large_columns.description" = "A template for displaying multiple columns of data.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_large_standard_body.description" = "A template for displaying a header row and two lines of text";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_large_table.description" = "A template for displaying a header row and columns";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_large_tall_body.description" = "A template for displaying a header row and a tall row of body text.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_small_columns_text.description" = "A template for displaying two rows and two columns of text";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_small_ring_image.description" = "A template for displaying an image encircled by a configurable progress ring";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_small_ring_text.description" = "A template for displaying text encircled by a configurable progress ring";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_small_simple_image.description" = "A template for displaying an image.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_small_simple_text.description" = "A template for displaying a small amount of text.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_small_stack_image.description" = "A template for displaying a single image with a short line of text below it.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.modular_small_stack_text.description" = "A template for displaying two strings stacked one on top of the other.";
"" = "Circular Image";
"" = "Circular Text";
"" = "Closed Gauge Image";
"" = "Closed Gauge Text";
"" = "Columns";
"" = "Columns Text";
"" = "Flat";
"" = "Gauge Image";
"" = "Gauge Text";
"" = "Large Image";
"" = "Open Gauge Image";
"" = "Open Gauge Range Text";
"" = "Open Gauge Simple Text";
"" = "Ring Image";
"" = "Ring Text";
"" = "Simple Image";
"" = "Simple Text";
"" = "Square";
"" = "Stack Image";
"" = "Stack Text";
"" = "Standard Body";
"" = "Table";
"" = "Tall Body";
"" = "Text Gauge";
"" = "Text Image";
"watch.labels.complication_template.utilitarian_large_flat.description" = "A template for displaying an image and string in a single long line.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.utilitarian_small_flat.description" = "A template for displaying an image and text in a single line.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.utilitarian_small_ring_image.description" = "A template for displaying an image encircled by a configurable progress ring";
"watch.labels.complication_template.utilitarian_small_ring_text.description" = "A template for displaying text encircled by a configurable progress ring.";
"watch.labels.complication_template.utilitarian_small_square.description" = "A template for displaying a single square image.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.body1.description" = "The main body text to display in the complication.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.body1.label" = "Body 1";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.body2.description" = "The secondary body text to display in the complication.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.body2.label" = "Body 2";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.bottom.description" = "The text to display at the bottom of the gauge.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.bottom.label" = "Bottom";
"" = "The text to display in the complication.";
"" = "Center";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.header.description" = "The header text to display in the complication.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.header.label" = "Header";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.inner.description" = "The inner text to display in the complication.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.inner.label" = "Inner";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.inside_ring.description" = "The text to display in the ring of the complication.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.inside_ring.label" = "Inside Ring";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.leading.description" = "The text to display on the leading edge of the gague.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.leading.label" = "Leading";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.line1.description" = "The text to display on the top line of the complication.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.line1.label" = "Line 1";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.line2.description" = "The text to display on the bottom line of the complication.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.line2.label" = "Line 2";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.outer.description" = "The outer text to display in the complication.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.outer.label" = "Outer";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row1_column1.description" = "The text to display in the first column of the first row.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row1_column1.label" = "Row 1, Column 1";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row1_column2.description" = "The text to display in the second column of the first row.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row1_column2.label" = "Row 1, Column 2";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row2_column1.description" = "The text to display in the first column of the second row.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row2_column1.label" = "Row 2, Column 1";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row2_column2.description" = "The text to display in the second column of the second row.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row2_column2.label" = "Row 2, Column 2";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row3_column1.description" = "The text to display in the first column of the third row.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row3_column1.label" = "Row 3, Column 1";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row3_column2.description" = "The text to display in the second column of the third row.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.row3_column2.label" = "Row 3, Column 2";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.trailing.description" = "The text to display on the trailing edge of the gauge.";
"watch.labels.complication_text_areas.trailing.label" = "Trailing";
"url_handler.call_service.error.message" = "An error occurred while attempting to call service %@\
"url_handler.call_service.success.message" = "Successfully called %@";
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