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Home Assistant OS 11.0

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@agners agners released this 13 Oct 10:28
· 280 commits to dev since this release

Home Assistant OS 11.0 is built from Buildroot version 2023.02.05. With this release Home Assistant OS uses Docker 24.0.6 and containerd 1.7.6.

Most notable changes are:

  • ⚠️ Breaking Change: On Arm based boards network names are enumerated based on device tree. This means that the first Ethernet devices will no longer be named eth0 but end0. The network configuration is automatically applied to the new network interface.
  • Using Linux' Preemptible Kernel configuration across all boards (lower latencies even on busy systems)
  • Filesystem freeze is relayed to database engines on Proxmox/KVM based VMs (this makes VM snapshots always coherent)
  • Various Bluetooth improvements (newer BlueZ, better fix Bluetooth LE advertisement stalls, Bluetooth device cache management)
  • Improved Kernel configuration should improve Docker's overlayfs performance
  • Improved containerd build and configuration makes containerd use less memory and CPU resources
  • Adjusted development work-flow which allows more incremental changes

Changes between 11.0.rc2 and 11.0

Home Assistant Operating System

  • Bump buildroot to update libcurl to v8.4.0 (#2804) @sairon