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Releases: home-assistant/pi-gen

Minor summerbump - Pi4

12 Jul 10:37
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A minor bump to follow the Raspbian image and to make the image properly Raspberry Pi4 compatible.

Future is never close enough

14 Apr 19:29
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Future is never close enough

This image of Hassbian is based on Debian Buster instead of Stretch.
A Raspbian Release of Buster is currently not available so some things may be broken.

Issue tracking for this image until Raspbian releases an image based on Buster can be done here

Spring cleaning

22 Mar 18:02
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A quick spring cleaning release that follow the Raspbian base image and it's updates.
Some changes has gone into the Hassbian-scripts package and will now fail less often.

v.1.5.0 Autumn bump

28 Oct 07:13
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Another bump of the Hassbian image.

Some minor changes to the base image to enable the use of update-motd.d.

Late Pie - Pi 3B+ compatible.

16 Mar 18:35
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Some minor changes in this release to the image in this release.

  • Image is now Pi 3B+ compatible.
  • Image is updated to follow the Raspbian lite image.
  • hassbian-scripts has been updated to v0.8.0 and will auto-update on first install to follow the latest release of hassbian-scripts.

Testing of this image has not been as extensive as the previous images but has been running well on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ for a few hour, as of publishing this image.

Hassbian 1.4.0 - Spring Cleaning

09 Feb 20:37
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All the changes in this release was in Hassbian-config. For details have a look at the release of 0.7.0

This image is currently not compatible with the rPI 3+

Further enhancement of Hassbian-config

RPi-Distro#90 Combine install/upgrade scripts, and new arguments. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#89 Mosquitto: Workaround for stretch no longer needed. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#88 Documentation @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#87 LibCEC: Always use newest installed Python version. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#86 Added upgrade script for AppDaemon. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#85 Cleaner look of "usage" function. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#84 Added option to print installed version (-V). @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#83 AppDaemon: Added option to expose config to samba. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#82 Added line about appdaemon config folder to installer @jabelone

RPi-Distro#81 DuckDNS: Added option to generate SSL certificate. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#79 Added install script for Homebridge. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#78 Added log functionality and easy hastebin sharing. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#77 Mosquitto: Update dependencies in use by the workaround. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#71 Update @riemers

RPi-Distro#70 Home Assistant Dev install script @Landrash

RPi-Distro#68 Added "show installed" command to hassbian-config. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#67 Update @olskar

RPi-Distro#64 Remove cython from base package since it's installed as a pip package @Landrash

RPi-Distro#61 Changed method used by hassbian-scripts install-script. @ludeeus

RPi-Distro#60 Initial "tab autocomplete" @ludeeus

Hassbian 1.3.1 - A bit further

09 Oct 19:02
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This versions add quite a few things thanks to the help of @ludeeus once again.

New scripts:

Install scripts

  • RaZberry: Bluetooth for the use of a RaZberry with Hassbian
  • MariaDB: Installs MariaDB and it's dependencies for use with the recorder component in Home Assistant.
  • MySQL: Installs MySQL and it's dependencies for use with the recorder component in Home Assistant.
  • MS SQL: Installs the tools needed to connect to a MS SQL database and it's dependencies for use with the recorder component in Home Assistant.
  • PostgreSQL: Installs PostgreSQL and it's dependencies for use with the recorder component in Home Assistant.
  • AppDaemon: Installs Appdaemon and sets it up as a service.
  • DuckDNS: Adds an cron job to auto update the WAN IP address for your DuckDNS subdomain.
  • Webterminal: Installs shellinabox to access SSH terminal in an webbrowser.

Upgrade scripts

  • HASSbian-scripts dev: This will download and install the newest additions to the dev branch of HASSbian-Script.

Other changes

  • Tradfri install script is updated to work after Home Assistant version 0.55
  • Mosquitto install script is updated to work with Stretch (HASSbian 1.3 and newer)
  • The show function for hassbian-config is updated to be more descriptive

Hassbian v1.23 - The missing link

09 May 20:12
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In the previous release there was a minor change with the symlinks used for Open Z-Wave and OZWCP.
I updated the links but didn't test OZWCP properly and a new minor bug crept in.
This has since been fixed.

That's all for this minor release.

v.122 - Sins of last night

02 May 20:17
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Development is sometimes fast and joyful but mistakes are made at times.

With the release of 1.21 a small problem with the OpenZWave build script wasn't corrected even tough it was a known bug. Problem is simple as it's only a problem with the symlink created for to the config folder for Open Z-Wave.This has since been fixed and we bring some new things since they where ready anyway.


  • Install Open Z-Wave pip. Installs Python Open Z-Wave from a pip package. This is the quickest and recommended way of installing Z-Wave support but does not OZWCP pre-installed.
  • Install Open Z-Wave. Installs Python Open Z-Wave and OZWCP from git.
  • Install Tradfri. Installs dependencies for using IKEA Trådfri.

That's all for this small release.

Hassbian 1.21- HASSbian 1.21 It's about time isn't it?

30 Apr 11:40
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It's about time isn't it?

Since I the developer of HASSbian have been moving, started a new job and so on I've had few moments over for HASSbian development.
The 1.2 release has been in pre-release for a few months now and just not communicated out that well. Hopefully this release changes that and I'll do my best to release more often. There's no simple way to update from 1.1 to 1.21 but 95% of the changes can be done by installing the hassbian-config package. For more information have a look at the hassbian-config page.


To allow you to customize your installation further, we have included a tool called hassbian-config. This tool comes with a set of packages that can easily be installed for easier customization of your Home Assistant installation. This replaces the hassbian-scripts functionality from 1.1.

  • Install Samba. Allows anyone on your network to edit your configuration from any computer. This share is unsecured and it's usage is not recommended if you share your network with others.
  • Install Libcec. Adds local [HDMI CEC support][cec].
  • Install Mosquitto MQTT server. Installs the latest Mosquitto package and client tools from the Mosquitto projects offical repository. Now includes websocket support.
  • Install Open Z-Wave. Installs Open Z-Wave and prepares for using a USB or GPIO ZWave controller.
  • Install Hue. hue: Configures the Python executable to allow usage of low numbered ports for use with Emulated Hue component thats used with Amazon Echo, Google Home and
  • Install Tellstick. Installs the Tellstick package for controling and using a connected Tellstick.

Spring cleaning

With this image there also quite a bit of cleaning of the base system and the script that generates our Raspberry Pi image.

  • Replaced the hassbian-scripts folder with hassbian-config.
  • Update pi-gen. Our build script has been upgraded to follow the Raspbian image closer once again. Now you could build this image with Docker if your so inclined.
  • Added libtool & autoconf package. Dependencies for some of the pip packages.
  • Pi ZeroW should now work with the image.