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Elliot Jordan edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 8 revisions

Recipe Robot is the easiest way to create new AutoPkg recipes for simple Mac apps. It consists of two components:

  • A Python Script that takes various types of input and automatically outputs AutoPkg recipes.

  • A native Mac app that puts a friendly face on the Python script and makes it as simple as dragging and dropping.

This two-pronged approach allows AutoPkg novices to easily create recipes that follow community-accepted guidelines, and still provides a command-line tool for more advanced AutoPkg users. Also, using Python for program logic fosters community contribution to this project.

See the other pages in the wiki for more information, including installing Recipe Robot, using the Mac app, using the Python script, or troubleshooting.

For an introductory tutorial video, click below:

Introducing Recipe Robot