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Jumper's ranking algorithm

Jumper use both frecency (frequency+recency at which items have been visited) and match accuracy (how well the query matches the path stored in the database).


The frecency of a match measures the frequency and recency of the visits of the match. Assume that a match has been visited at times $T_0 > \cdots > T_n$, then at time $t$, we define

$$\text{frecency}(t) = \log\left(1 + 10 \, e^{- \alpha_1 (t - T_0)} + \sum_{i=0}^n e^{-\alpha_2 (t-T_i)} \right)$$

Here $\alpha_1 = 10^{-4}$, $\alpha_2 = 3 \times 10^{-7}$ and all times are expressed in seconds. These values are chosen so that $e^{-\alpha_1 {\rm \ 2 \ hours}} \simeq 1 / 2$ and $e^{-\alpha_2 {\rm \ 1\ month}} \simeq 1 / 2$.

Let us now motivate a bit the definition of frecency above. Let us first consider an item that has not been visited within the last 10 hours, so that we can neglect the term $10 e^{- \alpha_1 (t - T_0)}$. Let's set $t=0$ as the origin of times. Assume moreover that this item is typically visited every $T$ seconds, so that $T_i = - i T$ for $i=0,1,2, \dots$. Therefore

$$\text{frecency}(t) \simeq \log\left(1 + \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} e^{-\alpha_2 i T} \right) = \log\left(1 + \frac{1}{1 - e^{-\alpha_2 T}} \right)$$

We plot this function below:

alt text

In the case where the item has just been visited, the frecency above gets an increase of $+10$ inside of the $\log$, leading to the dashed curve. This allows directories that have been very recently visited but that do not have a long history of visits (think for instance at a newly created directory) to compete with older directories that have been visited for a very long time.

As we can see from the plot above, the frecency will typically be a number in the range $[0,5]$. Many other definitions for frecency are possible. We chose this one for the following reasons:

  • It does not diverge at time goes. z uses something like number-of-visits / time-since-last-visit, which may explode over time (and therefore require some "aging" mechanism).
  • It only requires to keep track of the "adjusted" number of visits $\sum_i e^{-\alpha_2 (t-T_i)}$ and the time of last visit to be computed.

Match accuracy

The match accuracy evaluate how well the query entered by the user matches the path stored in the database. Similarly to the fuzzy-finders fzf or fzy, this is done using the variant of the Needleman-Wunsch algorith.

This finds the match that maximizes

U(match) = 10 * len(query) - 9 * (number-of-splits - 1) - total-length-of-gaps + bonuses(match)

The bonuses above give additional points if matches happen at special places, such at the end of the path, or beginning of words. Then the accuracy is

$$\text{accuracy}(\text{query}, \text{path}) = \max_{match} U(\text{match}).$$

Final score

Based on these two values, the final score of the match is

$$\text{score}(\text{query}, \text{path}, t) = \text{frecency}(\text{path}, t) + \frac{\beta}{2} \, \text{accuracy}(\text{query}, \text{path}).$$

where $\beta = 1.0$ by default, and be updated with the flag -b <value>. These additive definition is motivated by the following.

Suppose that one is fuzzy-finding a path, adding one character to the query at a time. At first, when query has very few character (typically <=2), all the paths containing these two characters consecutive will have maximum accuracy. Hence the ranking will be mostly decided by the frecency. However, as more characters are added, the ranking will favors matches that are more accurate. The ranking will then be dominated by the accuracy of the matches.

Statistical interpretation

The definitions of scores above can be motivated by the following statistical model.

Assume that the visits of a given path is a self-exciting point process, with conditional intensity

$$\lambda(t, \text{path}) = 1 + 10 e^{-\alpha_1 (t - T_0)} + \sum_{T_k \leq t} e^{-\alpha_2 (t - T_k)}$$

independently from the visits to the other folders.

When the user queries the database at a time $t$, he knows already the next folder he would like to visit, which is the folder whose point process has a jump at time $t$. The user gave his query to the algorithm, which can be seen as a noisy observation of the path of the folder he would like to visit.

Let us model

$$P(\text{query}|\text{path}) = \frac{1}{Z} \exp\Big(\frac{\beta}{2} \, \text{accuracy}(\text{query},\text{path})\Big)$$

($Z$ being here the appropriate normalizing constant) meaning that the user is more likely make query that have a large accuracy.

The posterior probability is therefore proportional to

$$P(\text{path}|\text{query}) \propto \lambda(t, \text{path}) \exp\Big(\frac{\beta}{2} \, \text{accuracy}(\text{query},\text{path})\Big)$$

The ranking algorithm simply ranks the paths according to their $\log$-posterior probability.