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Advanced Topics

Junrou Nishida edited this page Jan 8, 2024 · 15 revisions


Getting output from stream

To receive output from a running graph, you need to setup OutputStreamPoller or NativePacketCallback before calling CalculatorGraph#StartRun.
There are two main ways to do this.

Now suppose we want to get results from HolisticLandmarkCpu.

node {
  calculator: "HolisticLandmarkCpu"
  input_stream: "IMAGE:input_video"
  input_side_packet: "MODEL_COMPLEXITY:model_complexity"
  input_side_packet: "REFINE_FACE_LANDMARKS:refine_face_landmarks"
  output_stream: "POSE_LANDMARKS:pose_landmarks"
  output_stream: "WORLD_LANDMARKS:pose_world_landmarks"
  output_stream: "POSE_ROI:pose_roi"
  output_stream: "POSE_DETECTION:pose_detection"
  output_stream: "FACE_LANDMARKS:face_landmarks"
  output_stream: "LEFT_HAND_LANDMARKS:left_hand_landmarks"
  output_stream: "RIGHT_HAND_LANDMARKS:right_hand_landmarks"

Synchronous API

You can get outputs synchronously with OutputStreamPoller.

Before running CalculatorGraph

You need to initialize OutputStreamPoller before running the graph.

// NOTE: `POSE_LANDMARKS` type is `NormalizedLandmarkList`.
var poseLandmarksStreamPoler = calculatorGraph.AddOutputStreamPoller<NormalizedLandmarkList>("pose_landmarks");

// You can poll multiple streams at the same time.
// NOTE: `POSE_ROI` type is `NormalizedRect`;
var poseRoiStreamPoller = calculatorGraph.AddOutputStreamPoller<NormalizedRect>("pose_roi");

If the output is empty (e.g. no person in the input image), MediaPipe does not send output packets to the stream by default. To get an empty packet when there's no output, specify observeTimestampBounds parameter (false by default).

🔔 Since there is no other way to determine if the output is empty, it is basically better to set it to true.

var poseLandmarksStreamPoler = calculatorGraph.AddOutputStreamPoller<NormalizedLandmarkList>("pose_landmarks", true);

After running CalculatorGraph

Once the graph is initialized, send input packets to the input stream, and wait for the output.

Packet inputPacket; // initialize it properly in the actual code
calculatorGraph.AddPacketToInputStream("input_video", inputPacket);

var poseLandmarksPacket = new Packet<NormalizedLandmarkList>();
if (poseLandmarksStreamPoller.Next(poseLandmarksPacket))
    if (poseLandmarksPacket.IsEmpty()) // when `observeTimestampBounds` is `true`, output packet can be empty
        var poseLandmarks = packet.Get(NormalizedLandmarkList.Parser);
        // Do something

🔔 OutputStreamPoller#Next will block the thread.
This means if you've not set observeOutputStream to true and the output stream becomes empty, the whole application will hang.

Asynchronous API

Using callbacks, You can also get outputs asynchronously.

To support platforms that require AOT compilation or IL2CPP (e.g. iOS), you need to use lower level APIs.

Callback Definitions

First, you need to define a callback (NativePacketCallback) that you want to be called by MediaPipe.

⚠️ The critical restrictions here are:

  1. that the callback must be a static method
  2. that it is called from a thread other than the "main thread" (you cannot call most Unity APIs).
private static IntPtr PoseLandmarksCallback(IntPtr graphPtr, IntPtr packetPtr)
        using (var packet = Packet<ValueType>.CreateForReference(packetPtr))
            if (!packet.IsEmpty()) // when `observeTimestampBounds` is `true`, output packet can be empty
                var output = packet.Get();
                // Do something
        // Return a pointer to the result status
        return Status.Ok().mpPtr;
    catch (Exception e)
        // Return a pointer to the result status
        return Status.FailedPrecondition(e.ToString()).mpPtr;

The callback will receive 2 IntPtrs, the first is the pointer to the running CalculatorGraph and the second is the pointer to the output packet.

To get the output, you need to initialize an output packet from the pointer.

🔔 The output packet is managed by C++ and you don't own it.

using (var packet = Packet<ValueType>.CreateForReference(packetPtr))

But what is the first argument for?
In fact, you can use it to access to the running CalculatorGraph instance.
Of course you can access it if it's static (in this case, you cannot still access to instance methods), but what if you wanted to save it to an instance variable?

Remember that those callback methods must be static. You usually cannot refer to instance variables or instance methods from static methods, but check out how the sample app circumvents this restriction.

Finally, let's look at the return value.

The callback returns a pointer to a Status that represents the result status.
Note that it must not throw exceptions because it is called from C++ code (so you may want to surround your code with try-catch block).

UnityEngine.UnityException: * can only be called from the main thread.

As mentioned above, the callback isn't called from the main thread, so you cannot call most Unity APIs.
One way to avoid this error is to simply set the output value to a variable in the callback, and access later in the event functions (e.g. Update, LateUpdate).

See sample code for more details.

Before running CalculatorGraph

You need to register callbacks before running the graph.

calculatorGraph.ObserveOutputStream("pose_landmarks", PoseLandmarksCallback);

If the output is empty (e.g. no person in the input image), MediaPipe does not send output packets to the stream by default. If you want the callback to be called even when there's no output, specify observeTimestampBounds parameter (false by default).

calculatorGraph.ObserveOutputStream("pose_landmarks", PoseLandmarksCallback, true);

After running CalculatorGraph

The registered callbacks will be called automatically.

Which method to use?

Adding Custom Calculators

Adding Custom APIs

Use Forked MediaPipe Repository