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HTTP Client in JavaScript using Fetch API

Why Alize.js?

  1. to avoid hard-coding urls when doing ajax.
  2. to assert the structure of the request parameter object.
  3. to assert the structure of the response JSON.


npm i --save alize


  • whatwg-fetch
    • to use Fetch API in browser environment (you can use another polyfill)


const alize = require('alize');

const alizeBuilder = alize.setup({
  urls: [
      url: '/foo',
      method: 'get',
      url: '/foo/:id',
      method: 'post',
      assert: {
        pre: {
            x: {
              require: true,
        post: {
            message: {
              require: true,
      url: '/bar',
      template: 'resources',
      only: ['show', 'new', 'destroy'],
  option: {
    logMode: 'error',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',

const client = alizeBuilder.getClient();; // GET /foo{ urlParam: { id: 1 }, data: { x: 'x' } }); // POST /foo/:id{ urlParam: { id: 1 } }); // DELETE /bar/:id

This example generate a object (Alize object), which has methods to fetch remote data, and validate the parameter object and the returned JSON.

You can also add such a method after initializing.

const alizeBuilder = alize.setup();

// You can now access .foo.get
alizeBuilder.add({ url: '/foo', method: 'get' });

const client = alizeBuilder.getClient();; // GET /foo


Alize's setup method receives an object which has properties below.

|name|type|description| |urls|Array(object)|Used to initialize UrlConfig object| |template|object|Used to generate template functions| |option|object|Set common options. You can set such values as the log level, headers, and so on|


Alize generates methods as specified in a UrlConfig object. You can initialize a UrlConfig object through alize.setup method or Alize.add method.

For example,

const param = {
  urls: [
    { url: '/foo', method: 'get' }, // This is used to initialize UrlConfig object.
const alizeBuilder = alize.setup(param);

// alize.setup returns Alize object. You can call add method to generate another method.
alizeBuilder.add({ url: '/foo:id', method: 'delete' });

The UrlConfig constructor receives such a object as specified below.


name type description required
url string Url path. If the url has dynamic values, then use colon. e.g. /foo/:id/bar true
method string The same parameter as the fetch API's method. e.g. get, post, delete, put... or template
template string Template method. You can generate multiple methods with this or method
only Array(string) When you use template, alize generates methods which is only specified here false
path string access path to the generated method false
headers object The same parameter as the fetch API's headers. e.g. { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } false
credentials string The same parameter as the fetch API's credentials. e.g. 'same-origin' false
assert object Used to validate post parameters and the returned JSON false
process object Used to process parameter object before fetching or the returned JSON after fetching false
logMode string Specify log level. the default value is 'silent' e.g. 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'log', 'debug' false


The access path to the method is determined as below.

  1. If the path is specified, then the value is that.
  • e.g. ''
  1. If the path is /, then the access path will be 'root'
  2. Thrashes in the path is replaced by dots, and the dynamic parameters and superfluous dots are removed
  • e.g. '/foo/:id/bar' -> ''
const alizeBuilder = alize.setup();
  .add({ url: 'foo', method: 'get' })
  .add({ url: 'foo/:id/bar', template: 'resources', only: ['index'] });

const client = alizeBuilder.getClient();; // When the method is specified, method name will be the value; // When the template is specified, methods' name will be the template methods' name


Alize has two default template methods.


Generates methods below. This crresponds to the Rails' resources.

method WebAPI url
index GET {path}
show GET {path}/:id
create POST {path}
edit GET {path}/:id/edit
update PUT {path}/:id
destroy DELETE {path}/:id


Generates methods below.

method WebAPI url
get GET {path}
put PUT {path}
post PUT {path}
patch PUT {path}
delete PUT {path}


const alizeBuilder = alize.setup({
  urls: [{ url: 'foo', template: 'resources' }],

const client = alizeBuilder.getClient();; // GET /foo

// You can call a template method directly.
alizeBuilder.resources('/bar');{ urlParam: { id: 1 } }); // GET /bar/1

You can also add your original template methods.

const alizeBuilder = alize.setup({
  template: {
    original: function (baseUrl) { // receives url path string
      'methodName': {
        url: `${baseUrl}/:id`,
        method: 'get',

// Now you can use 'original' template.

const client = alizeBuilder.getClient();{ urlParam: { id: 1 } }); // GET /foo/1


You can validate the parameters before fetching, and also the returned JSON (when content-type is 'application/json') after fetching.

Assert Property

name type description
pre object Used to validate the parameters before fetching
post object Used to validate the returned JSON

pre and post's object has such a structure as

const pre = {
  [property]: {
    type: [type value], // this is the returned value of typeof operator.
    checks: {
      'enum': { // Specified when the value is limited.
        array: [array of values],
      'require': { // If always required, then you can also set true.
        when: {
          present: [Array of property names],
          // When some of the specified properties are present in the object, then the object must have the property.
          absent: [Array of property names]
          // When some the specified properties are not present in the object, then the object must have the property.
      'forbid': {
        when: {
          present: [Array of property names],
          // When some of the specified properties are present in the object, then the object mustn't have the property.
          absent: [Array of property names]
          // When some the specified properties are not present in the object, then the object mustn't have the property.


const assert = {
  pre: {
    x: {
      type: 'string',  // x's type is string,
      checks: {
        require: true, // and post parameter must include 'x'.
    y: {
      type: 'number',
      checkes: {
        require: {
          when: {
            absent: ['z'], // y is required when the parameter doesn't have the property 'z',
        forbid: {
          when: {
            present: ['z'], // and y is forbidden when the parameter has the property 'z'.

const alizeBuilder = alize.setup({
  urls: [{ url: '/foo', method: 'get', option: { assert } }],


You can convert parameters or returned JSON before or after fetching.


name type description
pre function Used to process the parameters before fetching
post function Used to process the returned JSON


const process = {
  pre(param) {
    return param;
  post(json) {
    return json;

const alizeBuilder = alize.setup({
  urls: [{ url: '/foo', method: 'get', option: { process } }],


setup (object) => Alize

Please refer to the configuration details.

build (object) => AlizeClient

const alizeBuilder = alize.setup();
let alizeClient = alizeBuilder.getClient();

// This is the same as above.
alizeClient =;


getClient (void) => AlizeClient

const alizeBuilder = alize.setup();
const alizeClient = alizeBuilder.getClient();

add (object) => Alize(this)

const alizeBuilder = alize.setup();
alizeBuilder.add({ url: '/foo', method: 'get' })
  .add({ url: 'bar', method: 'post' });

template method (string, object) => Alize(this)

receives url path string and fetch option object, then generate methods to fetch.

const alizeBuilder = alize.setup();
  .get('foo', {
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'text/html'
    credentials: 'same-origin',
    process: {
      post(json) {
        return json.message;

const alizeClient = alizeBuilder.getClient();{ urlParam: { id : 1 }); // GET /bar/:id; // GET /foo

The default template methods are below. Please also refer to the template details

  • resources
  • rest
  • get
  • post
  • delete
  • put
  • patch
  • head
  • options


AlizeClient has the generated metods.

Generated method

receives post parameter and fetch remote data.

Parameter Property
name type description
urlParam object When the url has parameters, then the value is specified here
data object The same parameter as the fetch API's data
const client ={ urls: [{ url: 'foo/:id', method: 'get' }] });{ urlParam: { id: 1 }, data: { x: 2 } }); // GET /foo/1?x=2

You can't set other fetch options here. If you'd like to set options dynamically, then use the next Fetch API wrapper method.

Fetch API wrapper

AlizeClient has the methods which wrap fetch API, other than the generated methods. You can fetch data with calling such methods as get, post, and so on.

const client = alize.setup().getClient();

// GET /foo?id=1
client.get('/foo', { id: 1 }, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });


Fetch API based Http Client in JavaScript







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