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Kubeflow Infrastructure

This repository contains code that creates the cloud infrastructure to support our Kubeflow deployment. The files are organized by cloud provider and product/service (this might not be the best grouping so please feel free to reorganize).

Current usage is specific to argoflow-aws so the requirements are very closely tied to those specified in their readme.

For detailed input and output variable information see the core module readme.


This module assumes that you have a vanilla EKS cluster running in a VPC with private and/or public subnets. From that point on, this module:

  • Tags the VPC and subnets
  • Creates an RDS instance
  • Creates a Redis Elasticache instance
  • Creates IAM roles and policies and the required attachments
  • Creates AWS Secrets Manager Secrets


The EKS is build is handled by api-cloud-infrastructure. Some outputs from that set of Terraform Cloud workspaces match up to some required inputs of this repo/module.


An RDS instance is provisioned for various purposes. At the time of writing this doc, these are:


TECH DEBT/SECURITY VULNERABILITY Kubeflow uses classical username and password credentials for DB access. This module currently provisions a set of credentials as kubeflow/kubeflow. Since this is currently a POC, the credential strategy is left for future work (next sprint).


The RDS needs to be provisioned into the same VPC as the Kubeflow EKS instance. This requires the following input variables:

  • The VPC subnet IDs (at least 2 subnets)
  • The VPC Security Group IDs (to enable communication with the EKS nodes)


TODO: add variables for all application Kubernetes Service Account names (currently we make some assumptions like using cert-manager as the Service Account and Namespace for cert-manager).

argoflow-aws requires IAM roles for various component/supporting applications. These can be found in

Authentication (oauth2-proxy)

argoflow-aws uses oath2-proxy which requires setting up an OAuth Application. We currently use GCP for this. The settings required for Setting up OAuth 2.0 are:

  • Authorized JavaScript origins: FQDN/URL (eg.
  • Authorized Redirect URIs: